Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've been in one hell of a rut the last 2 weeks. Not sure why. One bad week threw me off and I haven't managed to get back in the groove.

    Good apartment complex fixed the treadmill in the fitness center that was out of order so I can use that again, when it's available. Now I just have to fix my diet and I'll be good.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    I'M UNDER 200 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAY ME!!!!!!

    Awesome!! I can't wait to join you there. :smile: Keep up the great work!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    So, I did finally get out my jeans, I think my 7 month old must have been tired of seeing them, because, he spit up all over them. Went out to dinner last night and opted for water instead of wine, had a simple fish instead of curry, and saved all my calories for dessert. By not saying "screw it" to the whole meal, I didn't feel guilty this morning and the scale gods rewarded me too.
  • RachelHancock
    awwww man

    im rubbish at keeping up with this - ive gained weight again (but lost inches) this week... will set an alert so Im on time.

    Well donr to all the girls that have committed to their health :drinker:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member

    I think these are the three key steps for me on my journey. As long as I stay focused and have the discipline to prepare my meals and plan my exercise then all it takes is patience to see the results. It takes a little longer to make everything from scratch but the reward of feeding my body good food is very fulfilling.

    I posted this on my page and I wanted to share it with all of you.

    We all have off days or even weeks but as long as we never give up we are on the right track.

  • sassy_2280
    I think I actually have a NSV!!!! :happy:

    Today I had 3 different people (2 I see on a daily basis) tell me how skinny I am, how they notice my weight loss! I've had a smile pasted on my face all day!

    On a smaller scale I went to mcdonalds after work to get my son a happy meal and I didn't cave in and ruin my day and I haven't even taken one fry! Lol!

    Keep up the great work everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Big ol' NSV for me today!! Bought a WHITE skirt in a size 14 (been in 16s for a few months now) and it is the shortest skirt I have purchased in more than a decade!! It's too cold here in PA to actually wear it yet, but you can bet I have it on right now in my apartment!!

    Love reading all of your NSVs and goals! Such a great group - Keep up the great work Pin-Ups!!!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    11:13! New personal best for my mile time. (On treadmill not trails.)

  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    11:13! New personal best for my mile time. (On treadmill not trails.)


    Great job!!!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Big ol' NSV for me today!! Bought a WHITE skirt in a size 14 (been in 16s for a few months now) and it is the shortest skirt I have purchased in more than a decade!! It's too cold here in PA to actually wear it yet, but you can bet I have it on right now in my apartment!!

    Love reading all of your NSVs and goals! Such a great group - Keep up the great work Pin-Ups!!!!!

    That is awesome! I have two pair of size 14 jeans just waiting for me and you can bet I'm going to be doing the happy happy joy joy dance when I zip them up and don't have a muffin top adorning them.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Big ol' NSV for me today!! Bought a WHITE skirt in a size 14 (been in 16s for a few months now) and it is the shortest skirt I have purchased in more than a decade!! It's too cold here in PA to actually wear it yet, but you can bet I have it on right now in my apartment!!

    Love reading all of your NSVs and goals! Such a great group - Keep up the great work Pin-Ups!!!!!

    Woo hoo! Looking good Tobi!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    I've had a rough week and I continue to struggle with healthy ways to deal with stress. Right now, my job is very stressful and it is showing up on the scale and in how I feel. I have not made it a priority to exercise or eat well for the past week. My body is craving those healthy foods, and the exercise, but the rest of me wants the comfort of what I have always done...curled on a couch, napping, eating food that is not high in nutritional content, and lots of convenience foods and eating out. I am a firm believer in this not being a diet, but a lifestyle change and I feel like there has to be a place for eating out and convenience foods to make it work for me.

    That being said, the scale showed an increase of 3.1 pounds this morning. My official weigh-in is on Monday mornings, so I have some time to try to negate the damage as much as possible. My question to all of you is suggestions on how you deal with stress. I could use some encouragement and new ideas to try, and I am open to most anything!

    Thanks for listening!
  • valeriedent2

    I think these are the three key steps for me on my journey. As long as I stay focused and have the discipline to prepare my meals and plan my exercise then all it takes is patience to see the results. It takes a little longer to make everything from scratch but the reward of feeding my body good food is very fulfilling.

    I posted this on my page and I wanted to share it with all of you.

    We all have off days or even weeks but as long as we never give up we are on the right track.


    Karen, I couldn't have said this better!! This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today!!! Thank you!!!!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Sorry I've been MIA this week, my dear sweet Great-Grandfather passed away at 100 on Monday. Yep, a whole century young and he was still as fiesty as ever. He was absolutely the best man alive and I will fight to prove it. He was gentle, godly, and intensely giving man. In my mother's 47 years he never raised his voice or said a mean word and in my 23 I've never heard a bad or even so-so word said about him. He and my great-grandmother were married 64 years when she passed away in 2000 and they were as in love as ever. How often do you see people married that long still flirting, holding hands, and calling each other handsome and beautiful? They broke the mold with him and the poor men I try to date, I can't help but compare them!

    Slight rant, skip ahead:
    Back to work after the funeral (1000 mile round trip and close to zero sleep later)... and if I wasn't travelling for work all next week I sure as heck wouldn't be here today. I need to "say" it somewhere cause I really can't ***** at work about it.... Seems the guy I left in charge of my program, well didn't do anything. AT ALL. Zero. Nada. And its a slow week!! What the heck was he doing?? All he had to do was one thing and its not like it isn't his program too! GAHHHH. He's lucky he's on leave... Ima freak out.

    Yeahhhh... Eating My Emotions 101 with a seminar in Traveling wtih Family Kills P90X. Next week, still traveling but I should be able to reign the crazy in better...
  • lillie1201
    Sorry I've been MIA this week, my dear sweet Great-Grandfather passed away at 100 on Monday. Yep, a whole century young and he was still as fiesty as ever. He was absolutely the best man alive and I will fight to prove it. He was gentle, godly, and intensely giving man. In my mother's 47 years he never raised his voice or said a mean word and in my 23 I've never heard a bad or even so-so word said about him. He and my great-grandmother were married 64 years when she passed away in 2000 and they were as in love as ever. How often do you see people married that long still flirting, holding hands, and calling each other handsome and beautiful? They broke the mold with him and the poor men I try to date, I can't help but compare them!

    Slight rant, skip ahead:
    Back to work after the funeral (1000 mile round trip and close to zero sleep later)... and if I wasn't travelling for work all next week I sure as heck wouldn't be here today. I need to "say" it somewhere cause I really can't ***** at work about it.... Seems the guy I left in charge of my program, well didn't do anything. AT ALL. Zero. Nada. And its a slow week!! What the heck was he doing?? All he had to do was one thing and its not like it isn't his program too! GAHHHH. He's lucky he's on leave... Ima freak out.

    Yeahhhh... Eating My Emotions 101 with a seminar in Traveling wtih Family Kills P90X. Next week, still traveling but I should be able to reign the crazy in better...

    Frankie, what an exceptional man your great-grandfather was! He sounds like he had great integrity and compassion. My great grandfather also lived to be 100- born in 1876 and died in 1976- he got a letter on his 100th b-day from Jimmy Carter and said "Who's that bird?" lol and then dug his whole hand into his birthday cake, licking off every finger. How lucky we were to have had them for so long!

    Sorry about the work situation, but am sure you'll get it back on track. As for diet, these things happen in life and I'm sure you did the best that you could. You'll be back again and kicking butt, as always! Have a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • lillie1201
    OK, leaving to drive down to FL for the cruise first thing tomorrow am. Down .04 since Monday (yay!) and have tried to be good this week. I love to hear about everyone's NSV's- you're an awesome group of ladies and very inspirational!!! Have a great week ahead pin-ups! :wink:
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    I've been in one hell of a rut the last 2 weeks. Not sure why. One bad week threw me off and I haven't managed to get back in the groove.

    I know what you mean...I have been in one too so I don't know how I managed to lose last week...I'm hoping I lose come Monday, but not ate over my calorie count too many times this week without enough exercise :-(
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-Ups

    Frankie - my condolences to you and your family.

    lillie - enjoy your cruise - how fun!

    The weekend is upon us once again.

    I have a run date tomorrow morning with a woman whose daughter does gymnastics with mine. While the girls are doing gymnastics we are going to go for a run together. Usually I just sit and read or go and do errands.

    My other goal for the weekend is to keep tracking and get my water in.

    Have fun and enjoy the weekend, try to make healthy choices and stay active.

  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I've had a rough week and I continue to struggle with healthy ways to deal with stress. Right now, my job is very stressful and it is showing up on the scale and in how I feel. I have not made it a priority to exercise or eat well for the past week. My body is craving those healthy foods, and the exercise, but the rest of me wants the comfort of what I have always done...curled on a couch, napping, eating food that is not high in nutritional content, and lots of convenience foods and eating out. I am a firm believer in this not being a diet, but a lifestyle change and I feel like there has to be a place for eating out and convenience foods to make it work for me.

    That being said, the scale showed an increase of 3.1 pounds this morning. My official weigh-in is on Monday mornings, so I have some time to try to negate the damage as much as possible. My question to all of you is suggestions on how you deal with stress. I could use some encouragement and new ideas to try, and I am open to most anything!

    Thanks for listening!

    For me when life gets stressful I talk about it to my husband or mom. It helps so much not to keep things locked up inside of you but to get them out either by talking about them or on paper. Both help so much.

    Instead of taking your stress to food, get out there and walk/run/swim/etc it off. Working out your frustrations literally helps you feel so much better.

    I hope work gets better for you. Thinking of you
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Good morning, happy Friday! What does everyone have planned for the weekend? This weekend is my Grandpa's 90th bday party. Also, Sunday marks the end of Week 4 of Turbo Fire for me. Time to bust out the camera to take some results pictures. I'm not excited about that, but I hope to see some tiny changes at least.