

  • I took 3 more skip days. >.>` Oops? I got back to L3 today and did L3D6... I've also been slacking nutritionally. I don't know why I've fallen off the wagon so in the last week. It's been rough. But I will finish it. It won't be perfect. It won't be uninterrupted. But it will be completed. Four more days - that's nothin'.…
  • L3D5 finis Seeya tomorrow, shredders! :P
  • Just finished L3D4. I skipped again yesterday. I don't know if it's simply that my motivation is lacking or if I'm just terrified of this workout. L2 kicked my butt and L3 is not really any better for me. While I definitely have seen improvement in arm strength, it doesn't necessarily make up for that which I need to…
  • :P Yep. Typos are fun! 30 ds here. I'm considering what to start next though... Nothing too much more difficult. Level 3's currently kicking my booty.
  • Props to you! In level 2, I could successfully manage the walk-out part.... just not the push-up part. :P
  • THANK YOU! I wouldn't have done it today, but thanks to your message, I just finished day 23. :) You are a fantastic human being! Rock it tonight (or whenever you next do the shred)!
  • Guys, I'm skipping out again today. It's supposed to be day 23 for me, but man, I'm making excuses all over the place this fine day. =/ It's awful and I feel slightly like a failure. I'm gonna try my darndest to get up early tomorrow and just do it. I'm not tired from it, I just have no energy today and I'm feeling…
  • I use 5 lbs. [With ~my~ wimpy upper-body strength, I cannot imagine using 8 lbs!] You will always work your butt off, but the super-soreness will probably subside after a few days. By day 4, most of my soreness was gone.
  • Day 22 - done. Wish I could say that it was noticeably easier today, but I'd be spouting falsehoods. Maybe tomorrow... :P *edit: I also find that my elbows are getting rubbed raw from some of the exercises. And I'm only day 2 for this level! Anybody else have this issue?* And yes, it seems like very few people have been…
  • When I skipped my two days, I started right back off where I left off. So in your case, I'd say Monday would be day 7. Hope day 6 went well and that if you don't get it in today, hope your rest day is at least enjoyable.
  • I haven't had the soreness since about L1D4, yet motivation. Yes, motivation I lack. I skipped for 2 days prior to today. My motivation is actually looking at people's success stories. :) I strive to work like they do in order to get results.
  • First day of level 3 complete! Not gonna lie, I finally hit my cursing point for Jillian. And my ladylike grunting point. That workout. Man. Doesn't help that I started this journey with very little arm strength and 5 lb weights. The weights on this level make it respectably miserable. Yet, after "finishing" it (with many…
  • I haven't had morning after burn since L1D4.... Do an extra workout on top of 30 ds? :P Maybe that'll make the burn come back. Though I must say, I don't miss it as much as you. :P I appreciate the feeling of being able to sit down without thinking my legs are on fire.
  • I took two days off - and had done 19 days without a break. Those 19 days were fine and I could have continued, but I made excuses. And I almost made another excuse today. Quite honestly, I almost just gave it up today. It wasn't that the shred was far too difficult (mind you, it does kick my butt to infinity and beyond).…
  • Day 19 complete. - And for anyone who isn't really seeing much of a difference, I'd advise to simply stick to your measurements. From my perspective looking at the mirror, I haven't ~seen~ anything, but after measuring, I can tell you that there have been some changes. :) And while my arms are still mostly jelly, I'm proud…
  • Day 18 - almost got through it all without taking any rests, but dang!, those plank poses annihilate my wimpy arms! Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my "get through level 2 without breaking" day. :) Hopefully.
  • You just need some weights. I use 5lbs, but that's because that's all I have. It's tough, but I manage to get through with very little arm strength. And if you want to supplement, go for it! I find it troublesome enough to make myself exercise once a day. :P Maybe once I get in the groove of normal exercise, I'll do more…
  • My motivation is sometimes difficult to find. But I look at what I perceive to be my trouble areas and think to myself "if not now, when?". I am a professional procrastinator, but I've decided I don't want to sit around and wait to become any less fit than I already am. Now is the time. And I believe it's the start of a…
  • Day 17 - complete. :)
  • I've been doing the same as you.
  • I don't know if it's normal, but I've had that happen a few times. - Not helpful, but sometimes it's nice to know you're not alone in the issue. Beyond that, I don't know how to prevent it or why it happens.
  • Day 16 - - - and for the first time in a whole week, I actually -wanted- to do it today. :P Finally it wasn't like pulling teeth to get me off my butt. Does that mean it was any easier? Nope, not in the least. Anyone else in level 2 have issues with all the plank-type moves? And the military presses? And the chair squats…
  • That's how I decided to go about it as well. I took the small victory of better endurance and a very very very very slight improvement in my girly, wimpy "pushups". It's the small things that keep me going. Congrats on finishing day 7. :)
  • Thanks for the congrats! :) I've been having to talk myself into doing this brief little workouts every day now for the past few days. My motivation has been lacking, but it's completely worth it. So.... I definitely know the feeling you're going through. You will rock this though - - - ALL 30 days of it! Even if results…
  • Yes! Half way finished with the 30 DS!! I've lost half an inch on each of my arms and thighs, an inch off my hips, and I have the personal satisfaction of knowing I'm doing good stuff for my body. This is the first regular exercise I've done in years, and I do hope to keep it up. Excited to finish the next 15 days! :) Keep…
  • Aw, man! I'm on the same day (15) and have been trying to talk myself into doing it this morning. :P I know I will.... eventually... especially after seeing how you've ~already~ finished it for today. (Great job!) Thanks for inadvertently motivating me to get off my butt and do some work. See ya on the flip side!
  • Most of the time, I end up doing the modifications. I find that I do not have the upper body strength to sustain me for much of the original movements (like in those plank plyometrics in level 2). I'll start of with the original and then go to modified in a few reps. :P I'm trying though...! What about you? Are you…
  • Nrsblc, I just joined MFP yesterday too and am only one day ahead of you in terms of 30 ds. Don't worry! I haven't seen a lot of improvement yet either. I think it affects people in different ways. Some people don't see many results until the end of the month while others notice to see changes right off the bat. Keep…
  • I finished day 12 today... and honestly, I cannot remember if I have ever sweated so much before. It's lovely, really. >.> But I am working out and my endurance is up a bit. Not sure what else has improved, but I'm convinced that I must be doing better now than I was 12 days ago. Less of a couch potato - - - and boy was I…
  • That's exciting (the upcoming BSN)! And congrats on what you've lost thus far. :) It'll be a tough road ahead, but you seem like you're plenty up for the challenge. Keep up the awesome work!
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