June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    Finishes day 4
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    I finished day 12 today... and honestly, I cannot remember if I have ever sweated so much before. It's lovely, really. >.> But I am working out and my endurance is up a bit. Not sure what else has improved, but I'm convinced that I must be doing better now than I was 12 days ago. Less of a couch potato - - - and boy was I feeling like a potato. So glad I stumbled across the 30 ds!!! Keep it up, everyone. It's well worth it. :)
  • Finished day 2!
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    I'm in too! Day one was yesterday
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everybody! I just joined my fitness pal yesterday and im already loving it! Im on 30 ds like you guys (just started level 2 today) and i could not really lose any weight, but i can still see JUST A LITTLE toning around my body, but nothing else... I weigh about 155.5 lbs and my stomach is HUGE! All i want is a flatter and a smaller belly. Im seeing some awesome results from ppl doing it (and they weigh kinda the same as me) and even their half way results are way better than mine... :( im at day 11 and i still cant see any change around my belly! I never took rest days and my diet is between 1200- 1400 cals. What am i doing wrong?
  • luv3babies
    luv3babies Posts: 23 Member
    Finished day 2 legs are so sore and it hurts to sit LOL!!
    can't do sit ups. YET can't wait to start seeing results
  • Hello everybody! I just joined my fitness pal yesterday and im already loving it! Im on 30 ds like you guys (just started level 2 today) and i could not really lose any weight, but i can still see JUST A LITTLE toning around my body, but nothing else... I weigh about 155.5 lbs and my stomach is HUGE! All i want is a flatter and a smaller belly. Im seeing some awesome results from ppl doing it (and they weigh kinda the same as me) and even their half way results are way better than mine... :( im at day 11 and i still cant see any change around my belly! I never took rest days and my diet is between 1200- 1400 cals. What am i doing wrong?

    Try taking rest days so your muscles can build....muscles only build and at rest, not while working them....make sure you're getting plenty of sleep at night and I would suggest bumping up your calories. I eat 1800 a day while doing the Shred. 1200-1400 is probably not enough.
  • Didn't get to do it today, had to work at 7:30-4:50 and have my ladies Bible study after supper. My bottom half is a bit stiff today:ohwell: . The hardest part for me is the sit ups. My belly is so weak years after the 4 babies. Time to toughen it up! Pushups are hard, too. I can only go down a few inches.
  • Forgot to say this...I tolf my sister about the Shred and she did it today too:laugh:
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Nrsblc, I just joined MFP yesterday too and am only one day ahead of you in terms of 30 ds. Don't worry! I haven't seen a lot of improvement yet either. I think it affects people in different ways. Some people don't see many results until the end of the month while others notice to see changes right off the bat. Keep working on it! :) I will be too.
  • SamiMassey
    SamiMassey Posts: 19 Member
    Day 3 complete :) Feeling good
  • BohemianNerd
    BohemianNerd Posts: 23 Member
    Day 4 under my belt! 26 more to go :-)... We can do this!
  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    Day 8 - my ankles were still hurting me in the morning, but I still did the 30DS. I did it wearing gym shoes for the first time and it hardly hurt at all! Lesson learned. :)
  • Woke up earlier this morning with an off day and was not going to do my Day 4 at all. Well...I decided to do it anyway tonight and finished a few minutes ago. Ladies (and Gents), let me tell you that it relieves so much stress. Just sweating out all those frustrations...and accomplishing your workout...that's something to smile about. :bigsmile:
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS: Day 4 Complete! Those of you on my friend's list know I had a little mishap with pills that caused upset stomach and nausea today so I just now did my workout instead of this morning. Felt a moment of calm in my belly and took advantage of it. Did a good workout...I don't think I worked any less hard because of the nausea. FEELS SO GREAT to have accomplished this given how I bad I felt at one point! And I swear...I'm already seeing a difference. I try to do as much of it in the mirror and I think I was jiggling ever so slightly less!!!! HOW WAS YOUR SHRED TODAY??
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Woke up earlier this morning with an off day and was not going to do my Day 4 at all. Well...I decided to do it anyway tonight and finished a few minutes ago. Ladies (and Gents), let me tell you that it relieves so much stress. Just sweating out all those frustrations...and accomplishing your workout...that's something to smile about. :bigsmile:

    AMEN SISTER!!!! hahaha!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Day 4 under my belt! 26 more to go :-)... We can do this!

    Echo echo echo echo!!!!!
  • I am in!

    I have done it 4 times. It gets pretty easier every time you do it..
    First day.. I could barely do one push-up. Now I am able to kind of keep up while doing the easier ones.

    Pumped for day 5 tomorrow!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Hi everyone, Completed day 5 of level 1 today. Have to say as Jillian says on the DVD about people on day 5,6,7 noticing a real difference in their endurance, I definitely am!

    I actually looked forward to doing this today but then it is the first day that my calves haven't hurt me so much that it hurts to walk :smile:

    I can do more press ups (still do the easy ones on my knees) and don't get as tired on the cardio sections.

    Still struggle with the side lunges, especially the 2nd round as my arms just refuse to lift the weights any higher than my chest after the first go.

    After reading here decided that I'm going to take tomorrow as a rest day then since I'm half way through level one will try and follow Natalie when I start the next day. Hope I can manage this as even following Anita is hard enough.

    THANKS FOR SHARING! This is terrific!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    No way for me to respond to all posts on this thread and the 40+ ladies who are now on my friends list.

    All I can say is...I'm reading it all as are many others. Every time you share, you are helping someone. Be proud of yourselves for accomplishing and taking the time to share with others to motivate and inspire them!

    WE GOT THIS!!!!!

    SHRED IT!!!!
