June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • I had to take a rest day yesterday even though I didn't want to because my shins were hurting so bad! But I plan to workout when I get home from work and through the weekend. I'm just so mad at myself for letting myself go and looking like I do. It's disappointing :(

    Hey girl, we are always harder on ourselves than other people. You probably don't look anywhere half as bad as you THINK you do! And you're doing the right thing, you're working out and trying to eat right and get fit....that COUNTS! Jillian will help you and she will do it faster than you think....maybe not as fast as you want, but faster than you think! Keep at it, but please do take rest days as needed...I think it helps and girl my shins are painful the past two days from the jumps on the hardwood floor etc so I am taking two rest days in a row to help them....there's no point in overdoing it and injuring yourself because then you're not taking a rest DAY but you're not able to work out for DAYS or WEEKS. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and all that jazz....so hang in there...celebrate your successes instead of focusing on what you still have to go. Everyone here is here for you!
  • I started the 30DS 3 days ago...and i've already lost 2 inches on my waist, belly button, and and 1 1\12 inches on my bicep!!! So I can't wait to see what day 30 brings!!! I'm soooo soar but surprisingly the pain isn't so bad when I'm doing it, it hurts more doing every day things lol.

    Wow those are awesome results for just 3 days....keep it up! Very motivating!
  • TinkTribe
    TinkTribe Posts: 24 Member
    I had to take a rest day yesterday even though I didn't want to because my shins were hurting so bad! But I plan to workout when I get home from work and through the weekend. I'm just so mad at myself for letting myself go and looking like I do. It's disappointing :(

    Hey girl, we are always harder on ourselves than other people. You probably don't look anywhere half as bad as you THINK you do! And you're doing the right thing, you're working out and trying to eat right and get fit....that COUNTS! Jillian will help you and she will do it faster than you think....maybe not as fast as you want, but faster than you think! Keep at it, but please do take rest days as needed...I think it helps and girl my shins are painful the past two days from the jumps on the hardwood floor etc so I am taking two rest days in a row to help them....there's no point in overdoing it and injuring yourself because then you're not taking a rest DAY but you're not able to work out for DAYS or WEEKS. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and all that jazz....so hang in there...celebrate your successes instead of focusing on what you still have to go. Everyone here is here for you!

    Thank you so much for the encouragement. I really needed to hear that this morning :) I recently just moved out so it's been easier for me to eat healthier because I control what food is in the house. Losing weight has been so hard for me since I was young but I know I can do it. I just have to stick with it. It's really hard. Thanks for the kind words :)
  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    I finished level 1 this morning! My ankles are still killing me so I think I'm gonna wait until I feel better to move on to level two. I hate putting it off but I know it'll only get worse if I don't rest it!
  • andijean31
    andijean31 Posts: 139 Member
    I started on May 31st, so I'm on level 1, day 8 today. Only 2 pounds lost, but I'm seeing a huge change in my endurance and how sore I was on day 2 compared to now.
  • hendrixj92
    hendrixj92 Posts: 2 Member
    I laughed when I first saw all the recommendations for this on the forums. I'm on day 3 and Jillian is kicking my butt. It is a great workout even for men, if you can get past the "if you've got it flaunt it" comment haha.
  • TinkTribe
    TinkTribe Posts: 24 Member
    I laughed when I first saw all the recommendations for this on the forums. I'm on day 3 and Jillian is kicking my butt. It is a great workout even for men, if you can get past the "if you've got it flaunt it" comment haha.

    Haha the things Jillian says drives me nuts. "If you've got it, flaunt it ladies, no shame"
    Ugh haha sometimes I put my headphones in and listen to music instead.
  • Skeleton_Keys
    Skeleton_Keys Posts: 107 Member
    Finished L1D4 today, yay me! Yesterday was the hardest so far, but I'm thinking it'll be smoother sailing from here on out! Let's keep the momentum rolling! :D
  • level 1 day 4 COMPLETE

    i pushed through man
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I totally mute jillian and play a playlist instead. Keeps me much more motivated. And let's be honest, she does go on a bit ????????????

    Day three level 2 done I don't consider this level to be as challenging as level one and did extra ab work today. The beginning walking push ups are way easier than the others. I'm walking, doing 5 proper push ups, getting up and repeating. I swapped the weights for 13lb ones on some moves. THAT made it tough

    She is right though, you have to push yourself. Otherwise no point.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS!!!! Day 7 Complete....THANKS TO YOU!!! The responses from the folks on on my friend's list to an earlier post I made stating I was sluggish made it possible for me not to judge myself if I didn't do it, but also motivated me to do my best. Kimbyfly said she didn't feel like it either but did and felt energized...her response was the trigger. I said to myself...maybe I'll feel energized too. And I do!!!

    Day 7 plus 80 squats and I did regular pushups the whole first set which amounted to 14.

    I think the tough part for me is that I've been meaning to go back to the gym a couple times a week to also do heavy lifting and I haven't done so - so I'm judging myself and it's bringing me down. But I'm letting go of that. If I do anything else?? Well..that will be a bonus.

    HOW ABOUT YOU? Did you SHRED today? How did you feel? If you're not taking a rest day from Shred...were you like me at all and had a twinge of desire to not do it? TALK TO ME!!!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Yes! Half way finished with the 30 DS!! I've lost half an inch on each of my arms and thighs, an inch off my hips, and I have the personal satisfaction of knowing I'm doing good stuff for my body. This is the first regular exercise I've done in years, and I do hope to keep it up. Excited to finish the next 15 days! :) Keep at it, shred-friends.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Just finished day 6 :)

    I am currently using 2kg weights, but I think when I move onto the level 2 exercises I might get some heavier weights to go along with it, as I don't feel any soreness in my upper body the next day with 2kg

    I never feel soreness but I don't think I can do heavier weights and keep up! Good luck!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Yes! Half way finished with the 30 DS!! I've lost half an inch on each of my arms and thighs, an inch off my hips, and I have the personal satisfaction of knowing I'm doing good stuff for my body. This is the first regular exercise I've done in years, and I do hope to keep it up. Excited to finish the next 15 days! :) Keep at it, shred-friends.

    I love hearing this! After day 7 - my lack of patience is like - WTF I don't see anything but then I remind myself I'm not even 1/3 of the way thru! Great to hear that you are seeing RESULTS!

    Thanks for the motivation and CONGRATS!!! Keep up the great work!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Yes! Half way finished with the 30 DS!! I've lost half an inch on each of my arms and thighs, an inch off my hips, and I have the personal satisfaction of knowing I'm doing good stuff for my body. This is the first regular exercise I've done in years, and I do hope to keep it up. Excited to finish the next 15 days! :) Keep at it, shred-friends.

    I love hearing this! After day 7 - my lack of patience is like - WTF I don't see anything but then I remind myself I'm not even 1/3 of the way thru! Great to hear that you are seeing RESULTS!

    Thanks for the motivation and CONGRATS!!! Keep up the great work!

    Thanks for the congrats! :) I've been having to talk myself into doing this brief little workouts every day now for the past few days. My motivation has been lacking, but it's completely worth it. So.... I definitely know the feeling you're going through. You will rock this though - - - ALL 30 days of it! Even if results are slow to show, you know as well as I that every one of us is better for having Jillian kick our butts day in and day out. :) We've got this.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Day 7 done! I definitely see the improvement in my endurance. No more heavy breathing. I do see what u mean by no progress but I'm not even looking for results til the 15th and then I will take my measurements. I refuse to give up though we will make it through these 30 days!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Day 7 done! I definitely see the improvement in my endurance. No more heavy breathing. I do see what u mean by no progress but I'm not even looking for results til the 15th and then I will take my measurements. I refuse to give up though we will make it through these 30 days!

    That's how I decided to go about it as well. I took the small victory of better endurance and a very very very very slight improvement in my girly, wimpy "pushups". It's the small things that keep me going. Congrats on finishing day 7. :)
  • loublou78
    loublou78 Posts: 12
    Day 4 level 1 done today, knees starting to hurt like last time so struggled with some of the jumping. I also started muting jillian, I can still understand what she's saying in my head tho!! :)
  • buggybabe184
    buggybabe184 Posts: 9 Member
    I started yesterday. I was nervous but after seeing all the awesome results I decided to go for it. My neighbor came by when I was working out and decided she had some she wanted to loose to. Its awesome having a work out buddy to help keep me motivated along with reading all of this today I'm really excited. I'm currently 26 years old and 158 pounds. My mom said it was part of being a woman that I put on so much weight in the past 1 1/2 years (30 pounds). I decided to fight becoming a woman I guess and want to slim back down. I am going to visit friends over the 4th of July weekend on the gulf coast and would like to not be embarrased to wear a swim suit and I also have my PT test for the AF reserves next month. I just hope to stick with something that works this time.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    D2 L1 done.. it was a struggle. Is anyone else working with a trainer as well? I see him 3x a week, did him yesterday D1 last night, scheduled with him again for tomorrow am, will I have the strength to do D3 tomorrow night?
    Today I went to the gym and did about 40 min on the treadmill and came home to do D2 - this evening was painful. Are you scheduling your personal training around Jillian?