June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • jacobievh
    jacobievh Posts: 10
    How do you record the level 1 exercise each time on the diary. I'm not sure what I put it under. Is it high or low impact?
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    I took two days off - and had done 19 days without a break. Those 19 days were fine and I could have continued, but I made excuses. And I almost made another excuse today. Quite honestly, I almost just gave it up today. It wasn't that the shred was far too difficult (mind you, it does kick my butt to infinity and beyond). It certainly wasn't too big of a time commitment. I was just making excuses: the a/c isn't keeping up with the heat, it's late in the day, I'll just do it tomorrow. Variations of the theme of excuses I've made for years as to why I never work out. I imagined the next 3 years of my life where I'd likely be eating whatever and doing nothing for exercise. And there's actually an odd comfort in that. I wouldn't have to fight anymore. Sure, I'd gain a few pounds here and there. I wouldn't be any more fit, but it wouldn't be that awful. It's easier to imagine the future like that. I know that life. I've lived that life. It's not terrible.

    Yet it's also not great. It's not fabulous. I've felt like a potato, weak and mushy. And I don't want that to be me for the rest of my existence. I'd already started doing something good with this program. How could I just let that go and fall by the wayside?

    So I pushed through day 20 earlier today. Sure, I'm 2 days off track from what I was, but if I have anything to say about it, I -will- finish this 30 day program. And hopefully I will start something new after that.

    I will not let life just pass by, and I will not watch myself fall into the traps that so many others have fallen into.

    This -will- be my start of a healthier lifestyle.

    "When you see how strong you are physically, it's going to transcend into every other facet of your life." - Jillian

    Watch out Level 3! I'm comin' for ya.
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    Is anyone else missing the afterburn? I did L2D4 yesterday. It almost killed me on day 1, but after only a cpl days it's already feeling breezy... and I don't have any morning after burn! :( ...

    I love that feeling and just want it to come baaacckk!!

  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Is anyone else missing the afterburn? I did L2D4 yesterday. It almost killed me on day 1, but after only a cpl days it's already feeling breezy... and I don't have any morning after burn! :( ...

    I love that feeling and just want it to come baaacckk!!


    I haven't had morning after burn since L1D4.... Do an extra workout on top of 30 ds? :P Maybe that'll make the burn come back. Though I must say, I don't miss it as much as you. :P I appreciate the feeling of being able to sit down without thinking my legs are on fire.
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Is anyone else missing the afterburn? I did L2D4 yesterday. It almost killed me on day 1, but after only a cpl days it's already feeling breezy... and I don't have any morning after burn! :( ...

    I love that feeling and just want it to come baaacckk!!


    I can't wait for it to not burn!! I'm dying today on L2D2 :noway:
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Is anyone else missing the afterburn? I did L2D4 yesterday. It almost killed me on day 1, but after only a cpl days it's already feeling breezy... and I don't have any morning after burn! :( ...

    I love that feeling and just want it to come baaacckk!!


    I haven't had morning after burn since L1D4.... Do an extra workout on top of 30 ds? :P Maybe that'll make the burn come back. Though I must say, I don't miss it as much as you. :P I appreciate the feeling of being able to sit down without thinking my legs are on fire.

    I do the 30DS in the morning and go to the gym in the afternoon so I'm always burning!! But I second the leg burning. Except on level two I feel like my shoulders and arms are going to fall off
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    not a big fan of the burn either, it has mainlybeen in my shoulders, and I enjoy being able to put on my deodorant withought the hassel, lol
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    as I posted elsewhere one of the reasons I am working so hard right now is I plan to go to vegas in September and one of my gaols is to get back to the weight I was when I went the last time, back then I was 220, when I started working out in april I was 261 and now down to 245, so ive made progress, still got a ways to go though, wish me luck guys
    and when I say I am working hard, right not I am doing the 30 days shred, plus burpie challenge and couch to 5k all at once, well atleast this week, it is easy now because I took a lot of time off, im waiting to see how this will all work out when I ebgain to work more hours next week, but Ill try to continue to get it all in
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    as I posted elsewhere one of the reasons I am working so hard right now is I plan to go to vegas in September and one of my gaols is to get back to the weight I was when I went the last time, back then I was 220, when I started working out in april I was 261 and now down to 245, so ive made progress, still got a ways to go though, wish me luck guys
    and when I say I am working hard, right not I am doing the 30 days shred, plus burpie challenge and couch to 5k all at once, well atleast this week, it is easy now because I took a lot of time off, im waiting to see how this will all work out when I ebgain to work more hours next week, but Ill try to continue to get it all in

    Congrats!!! You know you have our support and I think you will pass that goal easily!!
  • I just bought the DVD today, I haven't gotten to watch it yet so I don't know, but are there instructions on how to do this program? When you say L1D1 do you mean that you take one level and repeat it for the entire seven days of the week before moving on to level 2, etc? Are you supposed to take any days off? Thanks for the help, I am sure the DVD will probably explain but I am impatient!
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    Doing shred for 2nd time this year, done day 6 of level one, trying to run every 2-3 days too, have signed up for 10k next sat! shred was easier today, still hate side lunge with arm raise though!!!
    Will be strait onto Ripped in 30 after 30 DS!
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    I just bought the DVD today, I haven't gotten to watch it yet so I don't know, but are there instructions on how to do this program? When you say L1D1 do you mean that you take one level and repeat it for the entire seven days of the week before moving on to level 2, etc? Are you supposed to take any days off? Thanks for the help, I am sure the DVD will probably explain but I am impatient!

    There are 3 workouts on the DVD, the idea is that you do workout 1 everyday for 10 days, then workout 2 for 10 days and workout 3 for 10 days=30 day shred.
    Some people aim to do it every single day to keep up the momentum and get the best results, others plan rest days or 'weekends', personally I plan to do it every day, and if I do have a break never more that one day as I will just make excuses after that.

    Done it before and managed it without breaks, this time planning to do it followed by Ripped in 30.

    good luck
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    as I posted elsewhere one of the reasons I am working so hard right now is I plan to go to vegas in September and one of my gaols is to get back to the weight I was when I went the last time, back then I was 220, when I started working out in april I was 261 and now down to 245, so ive made progress, still got a ways to go though, wish me luck guys
    and when I say I am working hard, right not I am doing the 30 days shred, plus burpie challenge and couch to 5k all at once, well atleast this week, it is easy now because I took a lot of time off, im waiting to see how this will all work out when I ebgain to work more hours next week, but Ill try to continue to get it all in

    Good luck with C25k! i did it a couple of years ago and seriously struggled to run for the bus before. So impressed with how much you can change. Its not easy but I learnt that the hard or bad runs were just as important as the good ones in building strength and endurance. I signed myself up for a 5k charity run for motivation when I started C25k.

    No good at burpies, but I did get half way through onehundredpushups a few months ago, may try again soon, but was hard to do along with the shred.
  • Level 2, Day 14 completed!
    I have to remember to weigh in again. I had already
    lost a few inches and noticing my belly is bidding me farewell (let's not meet again...)

    That's such a great feeling.
    Has anyone else made some progress? :bigsmile:
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Day 5 of level 2 done.


    Think knowing tomorrow is my rest day made this seem doubly hard today.
    Either that or its just really really hard :grumble:

    Weirdly today I woke up feeling not toned at all anywhere on my body. I know that sounds ridiculous but it makes sense to me, my stomach seemed to stick out more today and despite eating really healthy the last two days I had put weight on when I got weighed. I am hoping it is muscle weight, especially since my clothes don't feel any tighter anywhere.

    Enough of my grumbling, hope everybody is doing OK and I'm looking forward to my rest day then starting day 6 following Natalie and getting to the end of this god forsaken level :bigsmile:
  • Level 2, Day 15 completed!
    I really love all the ab workouts, I can do them forever (or until I can't move ;P)
    But I can't stand circuit 3 lol. Anyway, so far, so good! :)
  • Level 2 day 1 COMPLETE.
    The worse move I think would be the plank (the one where you jump up to your chest) and the skater move
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    First day of level 3 complete!

    Not gonna lie, I finally hit my cursing point for Jillian. And my ladylike grunting point. That workout. Man. Doesn't help that I started this journey with very little arm strength and 5 lb weights. The weights on this level make it respectably miserable.

    Yet, after "finishing" it (with many severals of breaks throughout), I felt really good about myself.

    Here's hoping it's a wee bit better tomorrow! :)
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    I haven't done 30DS in 2 days. One reason lack of motivation and second reason is I am sore. Is anyone else having any of those issues? I am hoping to be able to get at it in the morning. So it would be L2 D4.
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    I haven't done 30DS in 2 days. One reason lack of motivation and second reason is I am sore. Is anyone else having any of those issues? I am hoping to be able to get at it in the morning. So it would be L2 D4.

    I haven't had the soreness since about L1D4, yet motivation. Yes, motivation I lack. I skipped for 2 days prior to today. My motivation is actually looking at people's success stories. :) I strive to work like they do in order to get results.