June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm on day 3 and I had SO much more endurance today than the past two days! I'm loving it so far and loving being sore. However I've started muting the TV and playing my own music instead. Tolerating Jillian saying the same things over and over wasn't helping me tone up any faster ;P
  • luv3babies
    luv3babies Posts: 23 Member
    I finished day 6 today no rest days finally able to do modified pushups and the soreness is gone
    I'm 5'9 started the shred at 209
  • LoveInNumbers
    Day 8 done! Is it weird I love the knot I get in my stomach when I'm doing the bicycle crunches lol?
    ...Probably is.
    It's gotten easier but I'm dying for a rest day I know I shouldnt take.
    I should do what TheMiddlePath said and "deload" ...sounds good! :smile:
    And RoBalance, the dumbbells are 5lbs, I believe. Nothing heavier or lighter.
  • mwilcox1
    mwilcox1 Posts: 10
    Finished day 8 of this today! Didn't realize there were posts. I just started Level 2 today, and I thought the "hard" option was pretty touch even though I had no problem with Level 1 for the first week.

    My stats:

    Started at 145
    Now 141 (4 lb lost on this video!! LOVE IT)
    Height 5'4
    Age 27

    I am trying really hard to lose the sweets this month too and go for fruits instead. I ate 1/4 a watermelon yesterday after the video...maybe not the best, but beats cookies any day.
  • mwilcox1
    mwilcox1 Posts: 10
    Oh and for the dumbbells I am using 5 lb. It's a little heavy for some of the exercises and not heavy enough for others... what are other people doing?
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    Day 5 done. I love JM her talking doesn't bother me, I hate over happy ppl like Denise or Leslie I have to press mute to do any of those work outs. I also climbed a mountain today called 303 (war history mountain). I'm not good with short work outs I personally don't find it enough. Fingers crossed for good results.
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    I am done with Day 16 today! (L2D6) I feel amazing and im very happy about my progress! I have already lost 3.5 lbs since i started and though it looks a small number, the difference is noticable enough, and the good thing is that i still have 2 weeks till the shred is over! Can't wait to start to ripped in 30 after the shred! Good luck everyone on their journey and keep up the good work!
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Oh and for the dumbbells I am using 5 lb. It's a little heavy for some of the exercises and not heavy enough for others... what are other people doing?

    I'm using 4.5 lbs dumbells for each arms and its tough. But it definitely gets you a lot more closer to your goal weight or shape!
  • Fiiddlestix
    Fiiddlestix Posts: 28 Member
    Day 6 done, definately finding i can last easier now but the stupid butt kicks and jumping jacks are killing my shin splints so i probably don't put as much effort as i should into these :S. Looking forward to starting level 2 soon :).
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    Day 6 done. In some ways. The hardest so far. It was very hard to motivate myself to do it today after a weigh in and measure moment went.. shall we say.. not as expected.
    The rant is here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/wolf_wench/view/tape-measures-are-stupid-anyway-541028
    But the determination is here. I did todays. Tomorrow I will do day 7.
    hope everyone else is having a better time of it than me.
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Day 9 done.

    Was definitely better today than yesterday. Must have just been an off day.
    Still only managed 10 of the proper push ups each time, but managed to get lower for like 2 of them! Although the sound effects of my shoulders clicking each time was off putting.
    The amount of side lunges I can manage is getting more each day, although its always lower on the 2nd set, it's still more than the previous day. (This is my least favourite part of level one and if I never had to do them again I would be happy)

    Really noticing a difference in our stamina and breathing, first load of days could hardly hear Jillian over our heavy breathing.

    Will be day 10 tomorrow and then think we are going to have a rest day before starting level 2.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Day 9 completed! One more day and this level is done! I'm ready for these 30 days to be over with so no rest days for me.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS: I am up to do my shred before I head to the Pride parade, BUT I have a headache on the left side of my head and next - where if I bend down or squat (did 10 of my 100 to test myself)...it's crazy painful. This Cancerian crab really came our of her hermit shell yesterday and ended up going to a party. I only had 2 drinks but I think I'm dehydrated but I had some sugar so the effects of it all are getting to me. I had today set as my 'free' day which is why I wanted to get shred out of the way. Now I know I'm going to eat carbs and drink and I really don't want to have to come home and shred and squat but it looks like that is exactly what I have to do. I made my choice to party twice - so I have to live with it :/ My legs are achy from wearing my wedge Nikes all day and I'm wearing them again. Today will be a lot of walking and thus exercising tonight will SUUUUUCK! How's your weekend coming along? Sorry I'm not around to motivate. Thinking of you and talking about you to people - I even told the story during improv class!!! xoxo
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS: I am up to do my shred before I head to the Pride parade, BUT I have a headache on the left side of my head and next - where if I bend down or squat (did 10 of my 100 to test myself)...it's crazy painful. This Cancerian crab really came our of her hermit shell yesterday and ended up going to a party. I only had 2 drinks but I think I'm dehydrated but I had some sugar so the effects of it all are getting to me. I had today set as my 'free' day which is why I wanted to get shred out of the way. Now I know I'm going to eat carbs and drink and I really don't want to have to come home and shred and squat but it looks like that is exactly what I have to do. I made my choice to party twice - so I have to live with it :/ My legs are achy from wearing my wedge Nikes all day and I'm wearing them again. Today will be a lot of walking and thus exercising tonight will SUUUUUCK! How's your weekend coming along? Sorry I'm not around to motivate. Thinking of you and talking about you to people - I even told the story during improv class!!! xoxo

    UGH - just did the 100 squats for Squat Challenge. Could NOT deal with having 2 workouts when I got home and this seemed less impactful on my head.
  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    Day 6 complete!
  • Jinxed666
    Jinxed666 Posts: 2
    Day 3 complete :)
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Day 9 complete ... and it felt good.

    Managed 31 knee press-ups. Compared to Day 1 when I think I managed about 10, before having to do box-press ups that's a huge improvement.

    Scales not so good though - I have gained 0.2kgs but trying not to let that distract me. I am building muscle, and I feel good.

    Can't wait to do the last level 1 workout so that I can try level 2. Might regret saying that when I find out what the level 2 involves
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Day 17 - complete. :)
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    Day 5 done -- joined the party late. Look forward to "catching" up with the rest of you!
  • buggybabe184
    buggybabe184 Posts: 9 Member
    Finished up day 4 today. Still feeling it but I feel myself getting stronger. Not as many breaks during the exercises or modified versions. My arms are my weakest part so there are times when I keep with the lunges but minimize the arm movements that go with it or use smaller weights. I'm sticking with it though and I have cut out as much is the junk food as possible but my coffee and creamer I just can't give that up. I'm not so worried about the number on the scale I really just want the toning and endurance more than how many pounds actually come off. I'm staying with this one even if it kills me!!