June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • I did Day 17 Level 2 today. I have lost 3 pounds and a little over 5 inches, mostly from my hips and waist. My waist has not been this thin in about 6 years. Keep going everyone. I like Level 2, but it is getting boring. I may switch to Level 3 after another day on Level 2. I hear people don't like Level 3 as much, but I will go all the way with it since it probably tones more and different parts of your body. I hope I can see some results in my after pictures.
  • One day I was crazy and did my 30 Day Shred, went swimming with my kids, and then I went to my Zumba class. Needless to say, I was not as energetic as I normally am. The most I usually do in a day is a 30 Day Shred and a Zumba 60 minute class. I love Zumba!
  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    Did day 6 today I took a rest day. No results for me. Except I seem hungrier!
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    D8 of L1-yuck.
    Not sure what was wrong today, didn't feel like doing it but pushed through and felt like it was really hard today. I'm not someone who has got sick of doing the same thing as its only 20 mins and I usually just talk along with Jillian to use that as a motivator so its not that I'm not bored, it was just hard, maybe from upping the weights my body was more tired that I realised.

    Weights wise I have been using 2kg but upped them during the chest flies and side lunges yesterday to 4.5kg(with less reps) and man did I feel it in my abs and arms this morning. Glad I upped them really as now I feel like it has done some good, especially since I haven't really felt anything in my abs since I started.

    Looking in the mirror afterwards today I do think I am starting to see my stomach pull in and my bottom seems firmer :smile:
  • Fiiddlestix
    Fiiddlestix Posts: 28 Member
    I'm doing this but haven't managed to do this every day, i have been leaving a couple of days in between as i'm fighting for the tv! On day 5 now and already feeling much stronger and feel ready to move onto level 2 soon. Good luck and i look forward to seeing your results!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS!!! Day 8 complete! It's 7:15am in Cali and let me tell you that serenity56 inspired me to get up and be the boss I am to complete this workout before I have to leave in an hour to go volunteer.

    People are going back and forth on REST days. Here's where I stand. Part of my reason for doing this is to stick to something for 30 days straight. At the same time, I could feel that my body needed a rest. Solution?! Day 8 deloaded. Yes, that's a thing. In strength training, you can deload or lighten the weight so that you can work your way back up even stronger. That's what I did today. I did the entire workout - at the crack of dawn I may add - but I used less weight to give my body a 'rest' especially since it was a Squat Challenge rest day. How's that for compromise?!

    Really busy day...Reading to Kids, then Improv Workshop, then a bday party. Today is the bday of the guy who broke my heart so I'm grateful to be busy!


    Have a great Saturday! I'll should be able to reply to posts tonight and will be shredding super early again tomorrow as well!

    GET IT DONE!!!! xoxo
  • JOYTI517
    JOYTI517 Posts: 8
    I'm in too. new to this site, so I'll take measurements and post also. I live alone so, can't take photo yet, but will Monday to keep true to what I need to accomplish and remind me to keep to my plan. Good luck everyone.

    PS: how do you add a friend on here? and those trackers? that's a great visual

    Day 1: 202.5

  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    Yep i shredded this morning! Day 5 complete... i managed 7 real push ups today as opposed to 4 yesterday so hopefully means im getting stronger, cant wait to see what im capable of in 25 days time :D
    Unfotunately went out to eat with friends last night to a restaurant that wasn't a chain so had to guess my calories but tried to be sensible anyway :D Back to my strict calorie counting diet today
  • shawmor
    shawmor Posts: 22 Member
    Day 1 complete! better late than never!
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I'm doing this too. I started May 31st, so day 9 for me. Maybe it's just the way I am seeing myself, but I think I'm starting to see some results. Tummy not quite as poochy and legs/arms looking a bit less jiggly. Yay! SW 153.6lbs, currently down 2.4 pounds. Trying to erase the weight having 5 kids in the past 12 years has added to my body. Hope to make a big dent by the end of the month!
  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    Day 7 complete
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Day 8 completed! The lunges finally have improved. I know alot of people don't like Jillian's talking she doesn't bother me except during the bicycle crunches when she says I know u feel that knot in your stomach. Duhhhh! your not making it better by pointing it out. Shut the hell up lol
  • loopylin32
    loopylin32 Posts: 63
    what bugs me ..... veeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyy niiiiiiiiice ...... beeeeyyyyyyyoooooooutifull!! arrrrgh!
  • Jinxed666
    Jinxed666 Posts: 2
    I'm in - better late than never so they say :)
    Just finished day 2 then headed of to the pool to relax after with the kids, hoping the water might help ease the muscles that def know they have been worked lol
    Good Luck to everyone doing this.
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    hi, I plan on starting this tonight or tomorrow if I can find the video to purchase. (im thinking walmart should have it?) Would love to take the challenge with all of you
  • RoBalance
    RoBalance Posts: 56 Member
    Hey, is the entire video 90 min long? I found one post on youtube and was thinking I could use that rather than buying the DVD. I just wanted to know whether it is the same. And also, when would I start level 2 and 3?
  • RoBalance
    RoBalance Posts: 56 Member
    oh and also, how heavy are the dumbells?
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Day 16 - - - and for the first time in a whole week, I actually -wanted- to do it today. :P Finally it wasn't like pulling teeth to get me off my butt. Does that mean it was any easier? Nope, not in the least. Anyone else in level 2 have issues with all the plank-type moves? And the military presses? And the chair squats with v-raises? Heck... the entire workout minus the flailing arms at the start of the warm-up? :P See you tomorrow, shredders. Keep up the great work!
  • NoreenF
    NoreenF Posts: 10 Member
    I am in! Just added you! Good luck to to us all!
  • StephF3692
    StephF3692 Posts: 27 Member
    i completed day 8 of level 1 today. i love shredding first thing in the morning before starting my day. i've also noticed that i am getting stronger and have much more stamina... i don't find jillian that annoying, but i almost have all of her cues memorized! lol. i am nervous for level 2! starting it on Monday morning!