June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey all,
    I just started the 30 day shred program yesterday , and today I feel so sore. I have done the exercise with an 8 lbs dumbbells and I'm guessing thats why. What dumbbells do you use?

    I use 3 lb dumbells. It sounds low compared to everyone else, but it still burns!

    Guess I am the weakling here, I use 2 lb weights. I have no upper arm strength so 2 lbs is a challenge to me. In level one on day 5 I started alternating between 2 lb and 5 lb, but on level 2 I am still using the 2 lb and I am on day 10. :sad: I will have to wait and see what level 3 brings.
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    L2D6 done.
    Taking everything I've got to write this as my arms are jelly.
    Had a rest day yesterday.
    Keep telling myself that its only 4 more days of this.
    Level 3 might be a new hell (dare not look, so not sure) but anything has to be better than this.

    Sorry for my moaning everyone, I know this is supposed to be an encouraging thread but I'm shocked at how much I'm not liking this level after enjoying level 1 and looking forward to it everyday.

    Maybe as I am doing it on my own now without a workout buddy?
    Also after putting on weight but being excited that it might be muscles weight, got home from work to discover my work trousers had left their mark on me, they didn't feel like they had been digging in but obviously they had :frown:

    I'm using approx 4lb weights. I only upped mine on the chest flies on L1 on the last day or so only.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    day 7 done for me, started using 5 lb weights, I was using 2lb and felt I was cheating, but 5 is definitely enough for the first squat exercise with the shoulder press and for the side lunge thing, my shoulders be dead,
    only thing giving me major problems now is static lunge since I tend to loose my balance all the time, probably just my legs quitting on me though, lol
    that and the jump rope because it does damage to my quads
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    these boardsare for motivation and venting, personally I don't mind it all, if you tell me how easy it is, I will probably quit, as I want a challenge, tell me it is hardm but that you complete it, even it you had to take breaks, and that will be my motivation
  • Started going through 30 day Shred on Saturday, Have completed 3 days of Level one so far! Man it is hard! I am so sore that every movement I make hurts from when I get up in the morning till I lay down at night. I hope it gets better soon! I love the workout though, painful yet quick and effective! I took my starting measurements and will take them again at day 30, can't wait to see how it all turns out!
  • I was supposed to do L1 Day 6 yesterday and I didn't because I accidentally walked 10 miles at the park. That's a decent excuse, right? Did it this morning, STILL can't do a real pushup and the pushups from the knee are brutal. When do pushups get easier?

    I'm with you there. I have never been able to do a real pushup. On my knees is hard enough. After the first set of push ups on level one we go to the arm raises with dumbells and then back to push-ups...I haven't been able to even do one because my arms feel like jelly. I really hope it gets easier!
  • I plan on starting it this evening.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    So I just realized that the last day of level 1 coincides with my Happy Hour on Thursday. I am going to do my workout in the morning and toast myself in the evening for getting through it. Happy that Level 2 starts on a Friday...I know I will be a mess on Saturday morning.

    I'm making myself do cardio at least three days during the week so I am going to jog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. I'm debating which is the lesser of two evils: waking up early to shred and jogging in the evening or doing both in the evening.

    It took me forever to get measuring tape. I couldn't find a cloth one but I ended up grabbing one from work: the regular kind by the strip is thin and it's very flexible. I'm going to measure myself tomorrow morning. It will be 7 days after I started the program but at least I will have an idea of my progress at the end.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I was supposed to do L1 Day 6 yesterday and I didn't because I accidentally walked 10 miles at the park. That's a decent excuse, right? Did it this morning, STILL can't do a real pushup and the pushups from the knee are brutal. When do pushups get easier?

    I'm with you there. I have never been able to do a real pushup. On my knees is hard enough. After the first set of push ups on level one we go to the arm raises with dumbells and then back to push-ups...I haven't been able to even do one because my arms feel like jelly. I really hope it gets easier!

    The first day, I could barely do one pushup (I do the "easy" version with my knees on the ground). Now I can get up to 7 the first time and I can eek out about 3-4 the second time. It didn't take very long for me to be able to do them after the soreness went away.
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    Did day one today. Am ready to sherd though my arms already feel like jello just from one day. I have a question though am I suppose to do this 30 days straight? or put rest days in between?
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Day 1 Level 2 tonight....not looking forward to it.

    I started c25k and 30ds at the same time - alternating days. For the first 4 weeks or so I looked forward to the 30ds and dreaded the c25k days. The sometime during week 4 I begin to look forward to the runs A LOT more....like I want to run everyday and just bag 30ds all together!

    BUT I am not going to quit. I know my body needs the rest days from the run...and the strength training of 30ds.

    I am hoping starting level 2 will change it up a bit and bring back some enthusiasm to do it.

    OH - and I never could do more that two real push ups during level 1. However I did increase the number of modified ones I can do.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Did day one today. Am ready to sherd though my arms already feel like jello just from one day. I have a question though am I suppose to do this 30 days straight? or put rest days in between?

    I think some people do it straight through, personally, I'm taking a rest day every 5 days to let my muscles recover.
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Guys, I'm skipping out again today. It's supposed to be day 23 for me, but man, I'm making excuses all over the place this fine day. =/ It's awful and I feel slightly like a failure. I'm gonna try my darndest to get up early tomorrow and just do it. I'm not tired from it, I just have no energy today and I'm feeling self-conscious about completing the exercise on the second floor. It's just a double-plus-un-good exercise day. Hmph. I will try to get back on track again tomorrow. This is ridiculous. Why have I seemingly hit a wall recently in my routine?
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Guys, I'm skipping out again today. It's supposed to be day 23 for me, but man, I'm making excuses all over the place this fine day. =/ It's awful and I feel slightly like a failure. I'm gonna try my darndest to get up early tomorrow and just do it. I'm not tired from it, I just have no energy today and I'm feeling self-conscious about completing the exercise on the second floor. It's just a double-plus-un-good exercise day. Hmph. I will try to get back on track again tomorrow. This is ridiculous. Why have I seemingly hit a wall recently in my routine?
    Stop it right now!! I know you have 25 minutes to spare today. You CAN do it. 23 days and you want to quit now?? Come on...I know you have it in you. It isn't your body giving up it's your mind. Look...if I have to come home late and do this at almost 10 pm I know you can make the time.
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Day 17: Did Day 3, L2 today .. still nearly killed me but felt fractionally easier that D2, L2
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Guys, I'm skipping out again today. It's supposed to be day 23 for me, but man, I'm making excuses all over the place this fine day. =/ It's awful and I feel slightly like a failure. I'm gonna try my darndest to get up early tomorrow and just do it. I'm not tired from it, I just have no energy today and I'm feeling self-conscious about completing the exercise on the second floor. It's just a double-plus-un-good exercise day. Hmph. I will try to get back on track again tomorrow. This is ridiculous. Why have I seemingly hit a wall recently in my routine?
    Stop it right now!! I know you have 25 minutes to spare today. You CAN do it. 23 days and you want to quit now?? Come on...I know you have it in you. It isn't your body giving up it's your mind. Look...if I have to come home late and do this at almost 10 pm I know you can make the time.

    THANK YOU! I wouldn't have done it today, but thanks to your message, I just finished day 23. :) You are a fantastic human being! Rock it tonight (or whenever you next do the shred)!
  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    Just did day 2 of level 2.... wow. Dont get me wrong level 2 was hard, but i really feel like ive accomplished something when i finish this one! The fact that even they are exhausted by the end (and they're professionals!) makes me feel even more awesome that i got to the end too :) And the fact that i can do the walk out push ups with no problem (except the fact that its exhausting) is amazing! Thank you for the preparation level 1 LOL
    Keep going everyone you're doing great!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Just did day 2 of level 2.... wow. Dont get me wrong level 2 was hard, but i really feel like ive accomplished something when i finish this one! The fact that even they are exhausted by the end (and they're professionals!) makes me feel even more awesome that i got to the end too :) And the fact that i can do the walk out push ups with no problem (except the fact that its exhausting) is amazing! Thank you for the preparation level 1 LOL
    Keep going everyone you're doing great!

    Props to you! In level 2, I could successfully manage the walk-out part.... just not the push-up part. :P
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Level 2 done! Start level 3 tomorrow. I kind of skipped through to see what I was in for, ruh roh :noway: :noway:
  • kfdowley
    kfdowley Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on Day 3 (Lvl 1) tonight! I found last night I did more of the cardio part than I did in Day 1. Can't believe that in just 2 days i've noticed my fitness increasing! Maybe it's just a Placebo lol