June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    Day 8 done.... really trying to push myself now to get ready for level 2... havent measured anything yet, not sue whether i will at the end of level 1 or wait until the very end of level 3... im not seeing much of a difference in the mirror and the scale has been going down and up and down and up lol
    Guess we'll see!
    Definitely stronger at the real push ups though.... my worst? i HATE the static lunges :)
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Day 19 complete. - And for anyone who isn't really seeing much of a difference, I'd advise to simply stick to your measurements. From my perspective looking at the mirror, I haven't ~seen~ anything, but after measuring, I can tell you that there have been some changes. :) And while my arms are still mostly jelly, I'm proud to say that little itsy bitsy teenie weenie muscles have started to make themselves known. Keep up the hard work, shredders. We can all get through this and be stronger in the end for it!
  • FitnessCharl
    FitnessCharl Posts: 166
    Day 4 level 1 done, and the aching has finally stopped! Plus I can finally walk like I haven't pooped myself - yey!

    On day 2 my fella thought it would be hilarious to grab both my legs...I swear its the closest I have ever been to punching him in the face.
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Day 1 of level 2........actually found this OK *ducks behind sofa to avoid things being thrown :blushing: * I tended to split between following Natalie for some exercises then following Anita for others
    My wrists hurt from all the plank positions and I pulled something in my stomach on the first walking push ups but felt ok to carry on.

    After 3 days of boyf moaning during level1 that he felt ready for level 2 he started level 2 with me and got to the lunges were you go forward and backwards on the same leg and gave up as........his toes hurt when he had his foot bent to do the backwards part! So I carried on on my own and when I'd finished he did level 1 and moaned all the way through that. Since I didn't do any yesterday I did the ab exercises with him as my stomach is a part I really want to get better.

    Hoping I don't feel too sore tomorrow since I am working and I can remember how sore I felt first few days of level 1.

    P.s one thing I did realy struggle with was the double jump rope, just when I thought I had it my co-ordination would go and I would look ridiculous :laugh: ended up just doing the same way as level 1.
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    rhinosfan - you really gave me nothing to look forward to lol
    joke! But your boyfriend whining cracked me up. Thank you for sharing your story ;)
  • sealy723
    sealy723 Posts: 9
    Im new at this, how do i get started, what is the 30 day Shred?
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS: Day 11 Complete...but it SUCKED! I am def not 100% and this workout was done purely out of obligation to myself and to you. I know I have 2 workouts to make up at some point which I will but it won't be today. Plank-a-rama sucked. This is why I always feel so grateful when I'm healthy. What happened to me on Sunday was crazy and a bit embarrassing but mostly scary. I'm getting past it now but boy oh boy...I am swimming in thoughts. HOW IS LEVEL 2 TREATING YOU if you are there? OR - how did your SHRED go today??
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    OMG! Went to day my last level 1 workout last night, and decided to try the level 2 instead as Level 1 was not challenging anymore.

    Level 2 was quite a step up - walk out planks were good - even managed a couple of press-ups too, but the planks with side steps, and the twisting planks killed me and I actually had to take a quick breather in both of these exercises. Only another 9 to go and then I have the joys of level 3 to look forward to.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Oh the horrors of level 2. Level 1 was easy to me, so yeah I started extra cocky. Arm crosses, jumping jacks? Please Jillian are you even trying to challenge me? Do you have anything worth my time? Omg planks dear god no more planks. I didn't mean anything I said earlier.
  • jblackjr
    jblackjr Posts: 89 Member
    My wife and I completed day 5 lastnight. Will do day 6 tonight.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Oh the horrors of level 2. Level 1 was easy to me, so yeah I started extra cocky. Arm crosses, jumping jacks? Please Jillian are you even trying to challenge me? Do you have anything worth my time? Omg planks dear god no more planks. I didn't mean anything I said earlier.

    Love the honesty! Thanks for keeping it real!!!
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi, I am just joining in the conversation. I am on level 2, day 5 and so far I have not taken any breaks. Those evil planks, I still can not do the plank squats, I have to do one leg at a time, but I now can do one set on the plank jumping jacks, the 2nd set I still have to do one leg at a time. While I dislike the planks it gives me a sense of accomplishment after completing them. Now let's talk about those *&%#*^% twist things, the ones where you jump and twist while your arms go the other way, OH EM GEE. Am I the only one who can not do these? I start off strong but half way I am dying, I can barely get my arms to the other side. I look like a rag doll being flung in slow motion . I will conquer you stupid twisty things!

    On another note, here are my stats from day 1 and day 10:

    Weight 185 ; 183.5 (-1.5)
    Chest 39 ; 39 (0)
    Stomach 39.5 ; 38 (-1.5)
    Hips 43 ; 42.5 (-.5)
    Thighs 26.5 ; 26 (-.5)
    Arms 11.8 ; 12 (+.2)

    So for Level 1 I lost 3.8 inches total. I can't wait to see what day 20 and day 30 bring!
  • taku240se
    taku240se Posts: 14
    Better late than never! I just got to the forums for the first time today and found this wonderful post. Thank you to the OP for making this a party :) Starting Day 1 level 1 in 5 minutes!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Oh the horrors of level 2. Level 1 was easy to me, so yeah I started extra cocky. Arm crosses, jumping jacks? Please Jillian are you even trying to challenge me? Do you have anything worth my time? Omg planks dear god no more planks. I didn't mean anything I said earlier.
    LOLLLLLLLLLL I loved this!!

    I start today. I gave myself a day off yesterday because I ate under 1,200 calories. I bought 5 lb dumbbells yesterday. I'm looking forward to it yet dreading at the same time.
  • Level 1 day 6 DONE! I am soooo happy to say that The things that were harder for me on day 1 are easier. Like the push ups. On day 1 when I started I couldnt even DO ONE "GIRL" PUSH UP. but now I can do pushups fr the whole time. Im proud of myself.
  • SamiMassey
    SamiMassey Posts: 19 Member
    I just did day 10, so today was my last day on level 1 - bring on level 2 tomorrow!!! Although judging by everyone else's comments about level 2, I might regret saying that...
  • Level 2, Day 11 completed!
    This was absolutely terrible.

    Jillian made a comment about how she wants us to "feel like were going to die."
    And honestly, my body was already complying x_x

    I did like the twisty planks though lol :P
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Oh the horrors of level 2. Level 1 was easy to me, so yeah I started extra cocky. Arm crosses, jumping jacks? Please Jillian are you even trying to challenge me? Do you have anything worth my time? Omg planks dear god no more planks. I didn't mean anything I said earlier.

    I'm hearing you!! I was soo cocky going into level 2 too ... will be day 2 today and my abs are sore just thinking about it!
  • Hi, I am just joining in the conversation. I am on level 2, day 5 and so far I have not taken any breaks. Those evil planks, I still can not do the plank squats, I have to do one leg at a time, but I now can do one set on the plank jumping jacks, the 2nd set I still have to do one leg at a time. While I dislike the planks it gives me a sense of accomplishment after completing them. Now let's talk about those *&%#*^% twist things, the ones where you jump and twist while your arms go the other way, OH EM GEE. Am I the only one who can not do these? I start off strong but half way I am dying, I can barely get my arms to the other side. I look like a rag doll being flung in slow motion . I will conquer you stupid twisty things!

    On another note, here are my stats from day 1 and day 10:

    Weight 185 ; 183.5 (-1.5)
    Chest 39 ; 39 (0)
    Stomach 39.5 ; 38 (-1.5)
    Hips 43 ; 42.5 (-.5)
    Thighs 26.5 ; 26 (-.5)
    Arms 11.8 ; 12 (+.2)

    So for Level 1 I lost 3.8 inches total. I can't wait to see what day 20 and day 30 bring!

    OMG I am laughing so hard from this: " I look like a rag doll being flung in slow motion . I will conquer you stupid twisty things!" That's exactly how I feel...especially the second set, I'm just praying to get to the skier thingies.

    The side ab twists I think I would be ok for if I had any strength left in my arms by the very end but my arms just collapse and I barely make it through a few twists before I collapse and just wait for the cool down! Day 3, Level 2 here in a few minutes...maybe it will be bette

    I must say I am really noticing differences in my body both looks and strength wise...even if the BF said to me last night "I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just saying I don't see any more muscles yet!" LOL
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    She does go heavy on planks and lunges.....my knees never seem to get under me the way theirs do in the oblique twists...sometimes I'll do another ab exercise instead or maybe I should keep doing it...it just doesn't feel like it's working, maybe I need to lose more weight or get more flexible?

    I was reading how she mostly runs and does yoga for exercise (and kickboxing/martial arts) I guess she leaves this stuff for us. lol She said in a recent interview, I tried to do one of my DVD's, I am tough, relentless and I don't shut up....I had to mute me. lol
    Maybe her next DVD will be kinder. : )