June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • SamiMassey
    SamiMassey Posts: 19 Member
    Today is day 9 for me - I haven't had time to post during the weekend due to parents visiting but I kept doing the shred first thing in the morning. Now I'm back to normal and doing it in the evening which is much better for me...my muscles protest to working out in the morning.
    I agree that by the time it comes to the 3rd circuit, I feel a lot more energetic. The cardio section isn't as boring since it's a mixture of all the previous ones, and the side lunges are getting easier too :)
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I plan on trying to find the time to do it but I did the first day a week ago and couldn't hardly walk for 2 days....and considering I have a job that I am up and down and walking all day that makes it very hard for me at work!! Maybe I will try to start it again this evening before my son's tball game and MAKE my self do it everyday
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I just found it on youtube so I am starting tomorrow. Question: Do I need any equipment?

    Should I supplement the program with going to the gym as well? I plan on doing the shred in the morning and the gym in the evening.
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Yesterday was supposed to be day 10 for me, but after a 22km cycle ride and a 50min zumba class I ran out of time and energy to do Jillian as well.

    So, today will be my last Level 1 workout ... kinda excited and scared about starting level 2!!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    I just found it on youtube so I am starting tomorrow. Question: Do I need any equipment?

    Should I supplement the program with going to the gym as well? I plan on doing the shred in the morning and the gym in the evening.

    You just need some weights. I use 5lbs, but that's because that's all I have. It's tough, but I manage to get through with very little arm strength.

    And if you want to supplement, go for it! I find it troublesome enough to make myself exercise once a day. :P Maybe once I get in the groove of normal exercise, I'll do more than just the one routine at a time. Just make sure you listen to your body. :)
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    ive officially started today myself, got my own thread for it tho too
  • kristenonly
    kristenonly Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in! I bought the dvd recently but haven't been doing it every day...so I guess my day 1 begins today! Let's do this!
  • Jennms85
    Jennms85 Posts: 49 Member
    Am very anxious to hear everyone's results. Am currently doing Chalean Extreme but the 30Ds is my next move!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I started this a couple weeks ago, got to day 7, and then had houseguests so I took a little vacation and relaxed while they were here. I'm starting again today and I'll be walking/running with it. My knees hurt when I try to go straight through so I'll be taking rest days...maybe 3 days on 1 day off or something. I'll play it by ear.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm buying weights tonight and starting tomorrow.

    Question: What exactly makes the 30DS so effective? It's just 20 minutes of exercise and based on her calculations I will only burn about 200 calories doing it. Of course I plan to supplement that and jog in the evening 5 days a week.

    Well I'm optimistic anyway since it appears to have worked for everyone else.
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Day 18 - almost got through it all without taking any rests, but dang!, those plank poses annihilate my wimpy arms! Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my "get through level 2 without breaking" day. :) Hopefully.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS: I am OK but I just got home and I'm sick. I inadvertently ingested drugs at a Pride party (mark your cups!) I missed day 9 and day 10 is looking doubtful. Of course I'm upset but I am grateful to be getting better because it was really scary there for a bit. HOW ARE YOU GUYS?
  • skhan2013
    skhan2013 Posts: 1
    hey :) i am in too :) today was day three for me :)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm buying weights tonight and starting tomorrow.

    Question: What exactly makes the 30DS so effective? It's just 20 minutes of exercise and based on her calculations I will only burn about 200 calories doing it. Of course I plan to supplement that and jog in the evening 5 days a week.

    Well I'm optimistic anyway since it appears to have worked for everyone else.

    Honestly, I'm not sure what makes it so effective but I noticed a difference within the first week when I did it last, and I wasn't even really diligently watching my nutrition.
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Day 10 progress

    Here are my stats Day 0 Vs Day 10 .. not bad for 10 days I suppose, although I was hoping for a little more.

    Day 0: Day 10 stats

    Weight: 61kg : 61kgs = no change
    Left bicep: 29.5cm : 29cm = 0.5cm loss
    Right bicep: 29cm : 29cm = no change
    Chest: 89cm : 87cm = 2cm loss
    Waist: 78cm : 78cm = no change
    Hips: 104 : 103cm = 1cm loss
    Left thigh: 60: 58cm = 2cm loss
    Right thigh: 61: 60 = 1cm loss
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member

    I agree...the 1st circuit is the worst! But I know if I just push through it, it is all downhill after that. And I have never been so happy to do ab work :D

    Day 8 of Level 1 tonight. Even though I am alternating days with c25k instead of doing it every day - I still feel like I am about ready to move to Level 2. However I do think I should up my weights from 3 to 5 lbs, at least for some of the things. But at this point I think I am just going to wait and see what level 2 brings.

    (Quoting myself above)

    I got my first - "You look skinny today" complement! So I guess 30ds + c25k + MFP calorie logging is working. WooHoo!
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    SHREDDERS: I am OK but I just got home and I'm sick. I inadvertently ingested drugs at a Pride party (mark your cups!) I missed day 9 and day 10 is looking doubtful. Of course I'm upset but I am grateful to be getting better because it was really scary there for a bit. HOW ARE YOU GUYS?

    Hope you are feeling better soon. I totally used your situation to motivate myself thismorning. I had been looking for excuses not to do day 7. I missed a day yesterday feeling sorry for myself, and your situation reminded me. I should. Frankly. Because I can. My body is capable. A blessing I should not take for granted.
    I hope you dont mind :P
    .. oh and day 7..still hating the skipping. but can do the full sets of girl pushups now. Tomorrow. I will try to do a real one. mwahahahahaha. oh its going to hurt.
  • Level 1 day 5 COMPLETE

    I took a break for 2 days because I felt unmotivated AND my thighs were killing me from the squats
    but I got my groove back
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Day 10 completed! So far no skip days. Today was really hard though. I took my lsat today which is a 5 hr test of mental anguish, but I figured my mind not my body is what went through the torture. I'm excited and so so afraid of level 2.
  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    Day 7 done! 3 more days until level 2 Ahhhhhhh!