kitsune1989 Member


  • Check out They carry all the way up to N :) I wear a 30GG, and yes it does get easier
  • Well then it may just be you're used to the sugar buzz and your body is trying to adjust to not having it. If you really are hungry though eat that toast ; ) Night time cravings tend to not be real hunger though.
  • Are you trying low carb?
  • has some amazing recipes that really dont call for off the wall stuff. Alot of time if its like a special squash or something you can sub in a more readily available one. The only thing she cooks with I havent found is jackfruit.
  • As a dessert, because I mean who doesnt love dessert, I personally love the pumpkin "cheese"cake from Even my mom loves it. To put that into perspective she's a meat and potatoes kinda woman who declares anything vegetarian or vegan is fake food.
  • I love pandora :), but I also like to say "I'm strong, I'm fresh" meaning my legs are fresh and not tired. Its silly, but works.
  • I became vegan while pregnant. I was a cheese addict, and had tried before without success. Figured that I would go for a week and then go back to my vegetarian ways. Turns out that cooking made things infinitely easier. My one year is this month :)
  • I like seitan and green peppers. Pair it with some quinoa and I think it would be perfect ^_^. Tvp chili, black beans and brown rice, edamame and quinoa, chickpea and tofu curry, lentil soup, lentil tacos, hummus black bean wrap (way yummier than it sounds).
  • Start weight-136 Goal weight-116 Lbs to go- 18. ^_^ 9/5- 134
  • My favorite sweet potato dish isnt really a sweet potato dish lol. I make a nacho cheese dip out of it from It doesnt taste like nacho cheese, but it is very tasty.
  • Knitting is a favorite of mine. Some times I just need to do something with my hands.
  • Honestly I've gotten jeers, car horns, and odd stares. However it doesnt bother me as much as I thought it would when I first started. I also live in a neighborhood that would not be described as the pinnacle of high society though. Who really cares what they think? I am doing something I enjoy and its good for me.
  • I eat fortified foods and take a supplement once week to be on the safe side. My meat eating mother in law needs to get shots of b12. Some people just dont absorb it as readily as others.
  • Nsv= non-scale victory
  • I HATE victoria secrets for this reason. When I was in highschool my mom took me there for my birthday. Orginally they measured me as 36b. Turns out I was a 36 dd. -_- The whole time the woman was commenting on how odd I measured.
  • I actually prefer kale. Even have four plants in my garden this year. O_0 I pair it with all kinds of stuff. Tomorrow I'm trying sweet potato, lentil, kale pockets.
  • Lol I got to say this is making me feel especially not shallow today!
  • If he's still wanting sex why aren't you? What more can you do to make yourself feel attractive that you aren't already? I mean if he wants you jump on that! Figuratively and literally. Lol. Put on some sexy music, pamper yourself, and spend a day just to remember how sexy you are simply by being a woman!
  • Forearm stand. I really need to work on my shoulder strength for that. :)
  • Im logging everything, and exercising about an hour and a half a day. I alternate cardio between kickboxing and running. I just started doing the blogilates (pilates blog) calendar a week and half ago and its great! I highly recommend it. I also allow myself one day to pretty much eat whatever. Sundays are my calories dont…
  • Hi. :) My name is Leah. Im 24 and mom to two beautiful boys (one 3 in october, the other 7 months). I have quite a few fitness goals I have been putting off mostly because I just didnt feel I would be able to do them. At this point in my life I know i have to at least try! My first two major goals are a forearm stand and…
  • My one year being vegan is next month! I made the change for ethical reasons. I just couldnt wrap my mind around killing animals when I dont need to. Right now im working on creating a healthy lifestyle for myself on a budget. Lol. So I work around whats for sale with occasional splurge items.
  • So the real point of this post is that being American makes you fat! Lol
  • I just started the beginners calendar. This is so inspirational!!! You look stunning, and you can tell you have worked hard.
  • Vital wheat gluten Nutritional yeast Habanero Soy sauce Sesame oil Pasta Beans (of all kinds) Assorted veggies Tortillas Vodka!!!!
  • I went vegan while pregnant. So I was vegan for half of my last pregnancy. Have you tried making some of the cheese sauces? I know there are tons of different recipes for that.
  • It's not hard just time consuming. I use a recipe from post punk kitchen. All in all takes about an hour, but yields 4 days worth. I've actually never had store bought seitan. They don't sell it around here.
  • You could try stevia too. I plan on growing it this year. I'm a huge pasta fan, so I really have to limit myself. I think it is partially due to bf. Yummy easily converted food. Argh!!!!
  • I certainly understand wanting to lose all the weight right away! I just had my second February and and my first turned two last October. You do have to remember your kids are very close in age and it really hasn't been that long. Sometimes it will feel as if it will take forever, but any progress is progress. I am vegan,…
  • It takes some adjusting I think. I really love the blog fatfreevegan. The food is always delicious, and pretty filling too. I went vegan while I was pregnant and ate all the carbs without really worrying about how much I was eating. lol. Gained a tad too much. Part of it is learning what to cook that fills me up. This…