Christie23 Member


  • Oy! I know just what you mean. I've only had one C-section but it was an extra large incision due to my baby having Gastroschisis. And I am so over my apron!! It's been six years and it just seems to hang there, unaffected, no matter how much I lose.
  • I take several supplements daily (my mother beat it into me) BUT the one that I think is most invaluable is 5-HTP. I take one capsule in the morning and one at night. Food cravings are lower, I sleep (HUGE for a lifelong insomniac like myself) and I just feel better, overall. I can tell for SURE when I skip a day. I…
  • I have the exact same issue and always have. My daughter does, as well. Some helpful suggestions... drinking diluted apple cider vinegar helps me a lot on a day to day basis... (it also has a lot of other attributes that are great for you too). Also, making a habit of drinking green tea whenever possible has helped a lot…
  • Me too!! A bowl of cereal is always what I want most of all in the middle of the night. And I eat healthy cereal, but I always feel so guilty because I end up not logging it, since I closed out the day, and I worry about the carbs right before bed...
  • Thank you for saying that!! Agreed about Queen altogether. Also, Jim Morrisson. Since I am a big music fan, everyone assumes that these are two artists that I would love. Alas...
  • pickles... Beyonce... American Idol... I can't believe I said those three things in a row... let me go bathe...
  • Hi there!! Welcome!! I am originally from a tiny little town called Interlachen right outside of Gainesville (Go Gators!) and I know Orange Park very well. Welcome! If you need a buddy, feel free to add me! This is the best place to get yourself where you wanna be.
  • I love babybel light minis, greek yogurt, walnuts, turkey snack sticks, pistachios and hard boiled egg whites. Yum!
  • You did it right... I like to peruse for help with all my holistics, and they recommend putting it in a large quantity of water and slowly sipping it throughout the way. I usually hate it in large amounts because I don't like the taste of it too much, so I put it in about 8 oz. of water and chug it down as…
  • SUPER interesting!! Thank you for posting this! When I first started on MFP, I had absolutely NO idea how effective sodium was in making me feel like general poo (not to mention look like it too with the bloating).
  • That was amazing. Thank you so much for posting.
  • Oooh... me!! I want in! :bigsmile:
  • You're awesome!! :flowerforyou:
  • And, as far as Ava's info... she's gluten free and casein free. I have her on Brainchild Nutritionals Spectrum Support liquid vitamins and minerals three times per day (in juice). She also takes Cod Liver Oil, LiquiZinc, Colostrom, Probiotics, Enzymes and Q-10 twice daily and a spray of Methyl B-12 under the tongue every…
  • Genetically, the women in my family have always yo-yoed, but never SERIOIUSLY. I gained weight in college (due to an overly comfortable relationship and, ahem, some recreational eating, if you will), but I decided to lose it one day and I did just that. I guess this is what gave me an overly confident attitude on the…
  • and p.s. I'm just like you, but I don't mind stevia. What I refuse to budge on is the cream. I would rather not have coffee at all than have it with skim milk. Blech.
    in Coffee Comment by Christie23 May 2011
  • Have you tried Agave Nectar? It's much, much sweeter than honey but completely unrefined. Still somewhat caloric, but much less so than sugar. I make my daughter's cocoa and such with it and she LOVES it (and she, btw, is the Queen of Sweets).
    in Coffee Comment by Christie23 May 2011
  • Mmmm... that sounds lovely. But I have a brisket in the fridge that's been dry-marinating for two days. Will be braising that tomorrow with garlic and onions and serving with roasted asparagus and a fabulous PINOT.
  • Earth Fare! I am such a sweet potato nut that I just had to pick it up. I knew I'd figure out something. I might just eat it by itself! :bigsmile:
  • That sounds DELICIOUS! That might be the winner this evening...
  • Thank you so much, Jan, but I fear you overcredit me! :)
  • I'm so sorry to hear that. You must have a tough time too.
  • What a great dad you are. Really. As a divorced mom who sharecustody with my husband, he has never once said or done anything to wish me a happy Mother's day. I would think that anything you offer, she should be honored to receive. Hopefully, your ex will soon get her head out of (_!_) and realize what's important in…
  • Holy YUM!!!! I loooooooove zucchini so this one will soon be in my repertoire. Thank you so much! :flowerforyou:
  • Actually, probably 3 or 4 would probably do it. I tend to overload my zucchini pies with zucchini.
  • Oh man! Everything!! One of my favorites is reduced fat zucchini pie. (Adapted from my grandmother's full fat version that was soooooo yum... and could clog yoru arteries instantly). You will need 4-5 medium zucchinis, sliced or diced 1 small yellow onion 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced (unless you're a big garlic lover like…
  • Yeah, no worries. First of all, you're in a pretty crowded boat, I'm sure... I know I'm in that same boat with you, anyway. Secondly, it happens... just because you are on a weight loss journey doesn't mean you have to give up life. You are allowed to have holidays and celebrations too. What's important is that you just…
  • I'm so excited! My daughter is with my ex husband this year for Easter Morning, so I am putting some baby carrots in a little basket with a bow, placing it outside my door and then sending her a photo so she knows we made an offering for the Easter Bunny this year, even if she wasn't here!! And tonight, I will be putting…
  • Hmmm... curious! I have never been great at doing pushups. Is it a droid app as well or only iphone?