sadyia15 Member


  • Ive tried that but then i get cravings real bad
  • Im actually focusing on my eating habits for now and once im able to maintain my new routine i want to start exercising again. Try it this way instead of exercising first. My thinking is a better diet will hopefully make me feel better and more energetic then i can use that energy to start working out.
  • I did have a an old pic of myself when i was big that use to be my motivation. N yh defo using this new experience to motivate me now lol
  • Jrulo16 - to be honest I really cnt sleep it's 5am here n I'm still up. Dr says meds should help but there not working for me :(
  • Thanks balboabilly that means a lot honestly. To be honest I have been comfort eating ALOT. think I'm just fed up of being ignored by the people who claim to care for children's needs. The every life matters principal definitely isn't being followed here.
  • His got Cerebral Palsy and I live in Birmingham England. Non what so ever I live in a first floor flat and he struggles up the stairs everyday. But they won't take notice and now my GP has referred me to social services. But with the way my local council have totally disregarded his needs I'm not holding out much hope.
  • If your feeling sluggish then yh take a time out until you start feeling a bit better. Personally I don't wrk out wen I'm on but I try to walk when I can. U have to listen to your body and not over do it. You need to relax and try and find a good distraction. Maybe soak ur feet and breathing exercises.
  • I'm waiting for the next series of Empire
  • Omg I did it. I forced myself off the sofa n did a mad wrkout. Face is red as a tomato
  • I dnt do it on weekends give myself a break from calorie counting but still try to eat healthy
  • I've been contemplating surgery for years and I guess if someone u dnt no compliments u then the last thing you'd do is say oh I had surgery. She's ur friend so u no n likewise her other close friends must but the reason y u hve surgery is to look n feel better n compliments show that. Also I no how it feels to hve the…
  • Tortilla chips
  • That's amazing!!! :) :) You got all our support, n abit of advice expect the dwn days we all hve them. But jus brush it off n keep goin. We believe in you!
  • Thing is I had one c section after the other had a baby every yr 2004,2005,2006. Nva dne natural all emergencies. But yh my kids are my life but wen they say I hve a belly like father Xmas I think u cheeky monkies. I am comfy with my body but u no wen u see that perfect top or dress and think I could wear that if I didn't…
  • There's nothing wrong with not doin the full workout. You do as much as your body can take cos u dnt want to over do it. I've lost weight n still can't keep up sometimes. I have a break n carry on till I no I've had enough. Something's better than nothing. You still burnt calories with what u did do.
  • @justinkeeton0013 well done for getting so close to ur goal. Cnt wait fr that to happen to me
  • :'( oh well the joys of motherhood. I've had 3 c sections but really regret nt doin anything sooner instead I let myself go n piled on the weight. N now I'm getting a flap where my big belly use to be. I guess as long as I can wear clothes n not see the saggyness I'll be happy. No one needs to no wts under there lol.…
  • I jus want to be flat in the right places( n by that I mean my tummy) but still hve curves. The only part I'd want to be skinny is my upper arms
  • Flat tummy strong back hips (cos right nw I'm jus straight dwn) n to feel healthy and full of energy
  • I'm doin sit ups n tried the plank omg. Jus dnt want to b left with loose skin once I reach my target weight.
  • It's tru initially I would wait for that miracle drop in weight. But instead I concentrate on the little things like wt I've eaten or hw active I've been. I recently did a 3 hr walk n felt amazing after.
  • It's jealousy ppl only chat s**t cs they haven't gt the confidence to do anything about there own life. But if its affecting you this much you really need to tell someone cos you dnt deserve to have to hear such rubbish from potty mouths.
  • Definetily report it asap. And do not give up on ur health for the sake of sickos. Your stronger then you no and as for your other half its easier said then done wen ur in shock. Stay strong keep looking after number one and do a martial arts class that way u gt the best of both ur stayin active n u can learn to k.o the…
  • Yup get rid. I've done that wore bigger clothes n instead of goin dwn in size went up cs they were loose n didn't realise I was slowly piling it bk on. N yh defo get a smaller top or jeans as ur one day they'll fit clothes. I hve but not fitting into them yet but one day hey
  • I think some people can but even if a persons not exercising. There using up energy jus doing day to day things but if ur immobile its defo hard. Try doing upper body exercises. Something's better than nothing. I have bad knees n wen there sore I try something else like small weights jus to add some tension to my arms or…
  • I measured my waist n I've lost 4cm in 9 days. oh happy days big boost to keep going B)
  • thanks and yh I should have known as short cuts haven't worked for me in the past but I was curious to know if it would wrk.
  • Actually that makes sense because ive felt really bad today and nt eaten much jus nt been hungry. (but then OH ordered pizza for kids n I couldn't help myself the smell jus gt to me, minor glitch tho I promise haven't had pizza in ages) im gna take everyone's advice n see how this week goes n post bak fingers crossed I…
  • oh pls dont say that I thought I was finally getting a handle on things. ive lost a stone so far