560lbs - LONG WAY TO GO - Who has my back?



  • sadyia15
    sadyia15 Posts: 76 Member
    That's amazing!!! :):)
    You got all our support, n abit of advice expect the dwn days we all hve them. But jus brush it off n keep goin. We believe in you!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member

    climbingup wrote: »
    On the way to work this morning I threw 1 pop tart out the car window. I wasn't hungry and new I was about to eat it, sad but true! so I threw it out. I promise the thing bounced off the window and landed in my lap! I said "You Dirty Devil get outta here!" And finally got it out!

    I got the Victory!!

    Hahaha! That is one determined pop tart! Glad you were more determined. Congrats on your victory!
  • MercyOxendine
    MercyOxendine Posts: 105 Member
    edited January 2016
    k8es wrote: »
    climbingup wrote: »
    On the way to work this morning I threw 1 pop tart out the car window. I wasn't hungry and new I was about to eat it, sad but true! so I threw it out. I promise the thing bounced off the window and landed in my lap! I said "You Dirty Devil get outta here!" And finally got it out!

    I got the Victory!!

    Way to go! Proud of you! We can do this, one good choice at a time! :):)
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    climbingup wrote: »
    I'm finishing up Day 5. Things are going good. My 8yr old girl has been making me some smoothies looking up recipes online. :-) This week has been about out with the old and in with the new. Old Habits out, New habits in. Old unhealthy groceries out, new veggies and healthy snacks in. Old me out... new me in! I'm determined to stay on track through the weekend. On the way to work this morning I threw 1 pop tart out the car window. I wasn't hungry and new I was about to eat it, sad but true! so I threw it out. I promise the thing bounced off the window and landed in my lap! I said "You Dirty Devil get outta here!" And finally got it out!

    I got the Victory!!

    Good for you for making the changes. I'm down 111 at the moment and have learned that changing one thing at a time is the best way. And remembering that it's okay not to be perfect.

    Love the Pop Tart story :smiley:

  • domaha28
    domaha28 Posts: 16 Member
    I've just started following this board and am overwhelmed by everyone's support. I just cancelled my membership with Weight Watchers due to the changes and the cost and going to follow with MFP. I have my fitbit ready to rock and did my profile. Mind you, I've been signed up on here but lapsed a little bit so now I'm back and I welcome any new friends to help me out and hopefully I can help everyone as well.
  • climbingup
    climbingup Posts: 20 Member
    domaha28 wrote: »
    I've just started following this board and am overwhelmed by everyone's support. I just cancelled my membership with Weight Watchers due to the changes and the cost and going to follow with MFP. I have my fitbit ready to rock and did my profile. Mind you, I've been signed up on here but lapsed a little bit so now I'm back and I welcome any new friends to help me out and hopefully I can help everyone as well.

    I too am OVERWHELMED by the support! It has made my 1st week of the new normal MUCH easier. As I finish out day 6 I know it's only 6 days, but it's went so quick! 1 Dat at a time.

    I'm ready too see my weight!... my scale goes up to 559lbs it ALMOST doesn't error out now. I honestly think I was 570lbs or more when I started. I know I've lost this week, I don't know how much and don't really care! I am excited for the first of many milestones... just to KNOW how much I weigh! Fired Up! It's GOING to be within the next few days....when the scale (which does speak) tells me a weight, ANY weight instead of that stupid "beeeeeeeeeeeep" "ERROR" that I currently get!

    550's look out I'm joining your club but don't get too attached I'm not sticking around! :smile: :smiley:
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    1st of all congrats on making the 1st step to be healthy .....I wish you nothing but success ....YOU CAN DO IT .... :)
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    domaha28 wrote: »
    I've just started following this board and am overwhelmed by everyone's support. I just cancelled my membership with Weight Watchers due to the changes and the cost and going to follow with MFP. I have my fitbit ready to rock and did my profile. Mind you, I've been signed up on here but lapsed a little bit so now I'm back and I welcome any new friends to help me out and hopefully I can help everyone as well.
    I'm a recent WW deserter too! I became lifetime back in '99 and struggled over the years getting back to goal. This last program change just didn't sit well with me and I realized that I was losing money every month, not weight :( I'm happy to say I've lost 4.5# since I started 30 days ago, and am eating most everything I was eating before. Love MFP's tracker and being able to follow my nutrients as well as calories; so much easier and motivating than points. Lots of great supporters here and more motivation than you can find at a WW meeting. I'm also a Fitbit wearer so I'll send a friend request for here and the Fitbit app. I love motivation!!

  • climbingup
    climbingup Posts: 20 Member
    Monday! Here we go... PUMPED UP! about to Kill it this week! Let's Do this! its like a determination bomb just exploded! I could run through a wall. WHEW! :-) Oh Yeah! Fired Up!
  • Chaagy
    Chaagy Posts: 109 Member
    You are gonna crush this week dude! Keep it up.
  • climbingup
    climbingup Posts: 20 Member
    Days? - 10 Days Down
    Has it been perfect? NO
    Describe your "days" in 2 words - HUGE SUCCESS!
    Am I determined- YES
    Will I quit - NO
    Hardest Part - 1hr commute (each way) to work
    Easiest Part - Cutting out Pop, nothing to it for me.
    Do I feel better - ABSOLUTLY
    Support- My Wonderful Wife, Children, Parents, Church Family and Last but not least MFP Partners :smile:
    Where am I- I'm on the journey - Pumped Up - Hungry - Determined - Sick and tired of being fat and tired! :)
    Where am I going - Going to ride go carts with my kids - Going to ride Rollercoasters with my kids - Live Long!!
  • Remoth
    Remoth Posts: 117 Member
    Sounds great climbingup. You've definitely got the right attitude. just because you aren't perfect doesn't mean that every little change you make to the life that made you the way you are today isn't a step in the right direction! Even if you change one little thing a week, eventually all those little things add up to create a whole new you! Keep it up!
  • supersparklyk
    supersparklyk Posts: 84 Member
    Love reading your posts on here. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm excited for your success!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    How's it going climbing up?
  • climbingup
    climbingup Posts: 20 Member
    2 weeks in... This weekend was great! LOTS of walking on Saturday and a jam packed busy Friday. I've held strong.. Learning to adapt. I did eat my first red meat in 2 weeks but I'm still holding strong on the pop. I'm going to hit the scale in the morning and believe it will tell me my weight. I've had a person that did not know I've been eating healthy and excersicing ask me if I've lost weight, so that was GREAT! I'll post more tomorrow! Goodnight MFP!
  • Remoth
    Remoth Posts: 117 Member
    How's it going bud? Sounds like you had a great weekend! Always feels good when others notice the difference you've made in yourself!
  • climbingup
    climbingup Posts: 20 Member
    Going good. Working on expanding my foods. Picked up a bunch of Tuna, chicken and veggies. - I can handle salads, wraps and I'm really not picky so its just about breaking the old habits and starting new ones. Reading more labels when grocery shopping and planning meals ahead of time. I'm just learning and getting started but its going good - I'm actually enjoying it. I'm still a newbie - But this is for the long haul!! :smile: Oh yeah!
  • beccaawalsh
    beccaawalsh Posts: 45 Member
    Fair play!! Keep up the good work!
  • MercyOxendine
    MercyOxendine Posts: 105 Member
    climbingup wrote: »
    Going good. Working on expanding my foods. Picked up a bunch of Tuna, chicken and veggies. - I can handle salads, wraps and I'm really not picky so its just about breaking the old habits and starting new ones. Reading more labels when grocery shopping and planning meals ahead of time. I'm just learning and getting started but its going good - I'm actually enjoying it. I'm still a newbie - But this is for the long haul!! :smile: Oh yeah!

    You have an awesome plan, keep it up you are doing great!
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    You can do this!! Each small step gets you closer!!
  • nlkratzner
    nlkratzner Posts: 15 Member
    I am happy to see all the support on here. I have also started my very similar journey. We can do this!!
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Congratulations on your new journey.
    set weekly goals to eliminate some of the junk food and replace it with healthier choices.
    One of my favorites is greek yogurt with raspberries and 1 tsp of splenda/sugar. It has lots of protein and fiber plus it helps my sweet tooth. :)
    Do not get overwhelmed with changing everything at once. Take it step by step.
    sending you a friend request.
  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    You can do it. Baby steps, you will get and just think how much easier it will be to walk and to breathe
  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    I lost 275 pounds (410 to 135) using Weight Watchers... and went on to completely transform in other areas of my life (leaving a Mennonite group)- just sharing to let you know hard things CAN be done, I am living proof!

    Wow that is fantastic
  • climbingup
    climbingup Posts: 20 Member
    3 weeks in! - 15lbs down!! There have been ups and downs... I've only cheated a little (I ate a small piece of B-day cake on my daughters 8yr Bday... But I did not eat 2 or 3 pieces with Ice Cream :-) . I have only ate red meat 1 time in 3 weeks. I've ate only chicken and fish, no pork AND I LOVE PORK. I have only drank about 36 oz of pop in 3 weeks. Lots of salad, grilled chicken, baked chicken, roasted chicken, baked fish, Tuna, eggs, fresh bananas, nonfat Greek yogurt. Overall it hasn't been that hard. There have been VERY hard Moments, and a couple VERY hard Days. But I'm so ready to do this! My shirts are fitting looser and moved a notch in my belt, I feel better! My left ankle had TONS of swelling and it is almost down to the normal size of that my right ankle is. I'm not being tempted with unhealthy stuff as much as I was, I honestly think about things and quantity of items I have ate over the last 8+years and could really be hard on myself, almost sickening how we treat our bodies! I've never drank ANY alcohol or done ANY drugs but I've been hard on my body other ways. I've always been a happy person, I'm settled with who I am, I've never struggled with depression and don't worry about what other people think, but that all plays into the Fat and Happy lifestyle. I don't dwell on the past... make better decisions going forward, Live Long, Live Healthy, Live Happy!
  • JennAngel001
    JennAngel001 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome work! 15lbs is amazing! So glad you were able to enjoy a piece of birthday cake without over doing it and feeling guilty about it!
  • silverarcheress
    silverarcheress Posts: 125 Member
    This is sounding like such a positive thread. How are you going at the moment? :smile:
  • Bmoy87
    Bmoy87 Posts: 55 Member
    I am currently 313 pounds, down from 437 pounds in 1 year (124 total loss so far). Feel free to add me on here. I log my food 6 days a week and wear my fitbit religiously.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Another inspiring person (MFP moderator now) is Ed Davenport..also lost tremendous amount of weight on his own. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/CyberEd312/profile/CyberEd312?target=&redirected=true

    Good luck in your journey....hardest step was the first one. One day, one pound, one step at a time.

  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    climbingup wrote: »
    3 weeks in! - 15lbs down!! There have been ups and downs... I've only cheated a little (I ate a small piece of B-day cake on my daughters 8yr Bday... But I did not eat 2 or 3 pieces with Ice Cream :-) . I have only ate red meat 1 time in 3 weeks. I've ate only chicken and fish, no pork AND I LOVE PORK. I have only drank about 36 oz of pop in 3 weeks. Lots of salad, grilled chicken, baked chicken, roasted chicken, baked fish, Tuna, eggs, fresh bananas, nonfat Greek yogurt. Overall it hasn't been that hard. There have been VERY hard Moments, and a couple VERY hard Days. But I'm so ready to do this! My shirts are fitting looser and moved a notch in my belt, I feel better! My left ankle had TONS of swelling and it is almost down to the normal size of that my right ankle is. I'm not being tempted with unhealthy stuff as much as I was, I honestly think about things and quantity of items I have ate over the last 8+years and could really be hard on myself, almost sickening how we treat our bodies! I've never drank ANY alcohol or done ANY drugs but I've been hard on my body other ways. I've always been a happy person, I'm settled with who I am, I've never struggled with depression and don't worry about what other people think, but that all plays into the Fat and Happy lifestyle. I don't dwell on the past... make better decisions going forward, Live Long, Live Healthy, Live Happy!

    15lbs in 3 weeks?!!? I can't even lose 15oz in 3 months. Sounds like you're well on your way to a beach body competition by summer. Congrats.