lavendy17 Member


  • Thanks so much! A lot of good ideas! Probably changing the time would work for me since I can plan to feed myself before trying to take care of others for example. Meditation could help me too. I've been meaning to try it because I have too much on my mind.
  • False. not even close. TNP knows all the words to the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
  • mass murderer Look out of any window any morning, any evening, any day Maybe...
  • One more thing, I know this sounds weird, but if I eat something healthy and then go to the gym for strength training, by the time I get back I am really not that ravenous as much as I was when I got home from work. Not sure this is for everyone, but just tossing it in since it works for me.
  • I start by reminding myself that stress doesn't burn calories, which kind of helps me because first, it's kind of funny so that uplifts me a bit, second, it's true. Then, I ask myself, if there was no food around me right now, what would I do to de-stress? Sometimes all it takes is taking a few long breaths, sometimes it's…
  • I don't know you but if you were losing hair etc it is possible it occurred because of the composition of your diet and not specifically the number of calories. 1200 is low but not extreme. Maybe you cut out too many nutritious foods and only ate diet foods. Just a theory. Another question, have you not been losing at all…
  • 5"2 @ 1700 is almost maintaining. I am 5"2 and I try to average 1450, which is a modest deficit that I prefer so it can be a little easier, albeit slower. If you aim for under 1700 and have any kind of cheat meal or if you ever eat something you are unsure of, then it's cutting it close. If you lower your daily goal a…
  • Yeah I lost at most 28 lb but gained 10 of them back (and this week lost 2 of those yay). When you are fit and healthy, your motivation is gone because you've arrived. But remember that your new goal is to keep it there. If you let go, you will slide back to where you don't want to. The fear of having to deal with this…
  • You need to analyze your patterns. When you don't count, in which situations do you typically over-eat? What would be a suitable solution for you and how will you remember to activate that solution when you're not counting? For example, when I go to a restaurant and don't count, I have go-to dishes, like shell fish which…
  • Some foods are simply more filling than others. If you go to a party and all the food is delicious but lacks nutrition, you are sure to over-eat. It's the food. You can control yourself, sure, but that will power evaporates after some time. Some people can hold off for longer than others, but still, saying no to…
  • I only observe added sugar. There is a lot of natural sugar in things like fruit, some vegetables, milk, plain yogurt. The 25g a day that is recommended, I believe is about added sugar, so the flavoring of the yogurts, sodas, sugar in baked goods, candy, granola bars, flavored oatmeal packet, stuff like that. I myself know…
  • Can we start one for September?
  • I just want to add that I totally think we should be rewarding ourselves. It's more about tying it to weight loss milestones that we have no control over that is just a recipe for frustration from my experience. I would probably tie rewards to things like exercise achievements or having x good days in a row, or other NSV's…
  • THIS. I tried it once. I said I'd get a cool nail polish when I hit a certain goal, but then I was stuck in a plateau and became obsessed about how I can't get the nail polish. And I started resenting the whole idea, like why do I need to wait around so long for a flippin' $4 nail polish? If you feel the need to have…
  • I didn't read the entire thread, just the OP. I wanted to offer support and feel free to add me. I know what binging and compulsive eating looks like, and I can tell you with confidence that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I suffered from eating snack after snack, from raiding the cabinets, from secretly getting…
  • If you feel like you cannot trust that you'd stop eating even if you ate enough then it's something emotional. I say this because physical hunger is satisfied with nutritious food. Hunger that food doesn't fix comes from someplace else. I don't think that one meal a day is wrong, and I think big meals are good to help keep…
  • You should just go and buy some fruit. You can also get stuff for a salad and prepare for dinner. Drinking more water can help a bit with the sickness because you're missing hydration from the fresh food. If you think it would cause tension to tell them you're missing those foods that you're used to eating, if it's…
  • I weigh each morning after bathroom and before breakfast. I don't take it to heart. I log it and forget. After 2-3 weeks I look at the graph on MFP to see if the slope is downwards. But I have very little to lose plus I have a small deficit in my daily goal so it's hard to see progress now that it's slower. This way I can…
  • OP, I hate to be rude, but your post is so depressing. You eat so little, you work out a ton, you feel sick, you're insecure yet you are actually healthy and look great so why are you killing yourself??? Feeling guilty about a meal out once a week? you shouldn't feel guilty about that. That's so harsh. I know what envy is,…
  • I am pretty sure the obesity is more a product of industrialized food that is made with no nutritional value and addictive substances like MSG and refined sugar.
  • If you continuously snack you don't get that satisfying feeling that you get at the end of a good meal. To me that meant constantly looking for food, which is very distracting. I also feel like I'd rather take the 100-300 calories from a snack and add them to get a bigger meal because ultimately, snacks should help keep…
  • Eggplant Mango Lychee Watermelon Cauliflower And... Fennel Bulbs. Make thin slices and add lemon juice, salt+pepper. It's a very interesting vegetable.
  • 'Oh I'm over by 100 let's just give up and eat all the things???' 1. Grow up. 2. Set a calorie range, not a rigid number. 3. Set a reasonable ceiling. If I eat out - I try to stay under 2800 for that day.
  • I just stopped hoping I could buy real boots. Only ankle booties for me. *sigh. I think it's probably genetic. I'm 5'2 @133 lbs. Humongous calves. whachagonna do?
  • My WW leader told us he cannot have PB in the house but one day he really craved it so he went to a diner and ordered a pb&j. Starbucks has this protein bistro box that comes with a small honey pb with a little bun, an egg, cheese, grapes. That can be your fix. If you really want some get it from someplace outside your…
  • Dear OP- do yourself a favor and toss those nut butter jars to the nearest trash can. I myself have them around but at most have a tablespoon a day. You on the other hand, are eating them like it's nothing. They are NOT nothing. Downing a jar is ruining it for you. The problem they pose for you is that it's so easy to eat…
  • I understand how you feel. Our minds can really torment us and ruin everything. But we can change our own thinking. It is actually possible. 1. You need more happiness in your life. What would you do to be happy if food was not an option? 2. You need to untangle your emotions. One by one, identify solvable issues and work…
  • I don't know about the wheat but I too noticed that when I lose more weight I look deflated, like my face is more skeletal and lacks that youthful plump. The two things I do to fight that are eating a lot more fat (about 20-25% of my diet) and staying hydrated.
  • It looks better. Clothes fit better.