In need of emotional eating tips/tricks



  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I curbed the emotional eating a few years ago. I don't really remember what flipped the switch for me, but I just remember looking at myself, and thinking, what the heck am I doing? The food I was eating was NOT contributing to my goals and wasn't really contributing to my happiness. It was truly just an emotional crutch. I used to eat when I had some time away from the kids because I was so stressed out and exhausted all the time. I'd drop them off and then immediately head for an all-day breakfast type place. At some point I realized I was being totally ridiculous. Now I can recognize that pattern more and find some better way to cope.

    I'd say try to find alternative methods of dealing with emotions. You need a different habit. Go for a walk, go shopping, get your nails done, listen to music, take a nap (!), call a friend, take a shower, pet a cat ... anything that might help fill up the emotional void you're feeling.

    I've also added in a few food-related "treats". I keep a "mommy shelf" in the kitchen that no one else is allowed to touch. Sugar-free fat free chocolate pudding (60 cals), dark chocolate squares (60 cals), 100 cal popcorn packs, etc. Definitely good for when I feel like I "deserve" something but less harmful than a 800 calorie stack of pancakes, butter & syrup! I might still eat pancakes, but in a more appropriate quantity and at a more appropriate time (like at a fun weekend breakfast with the family, not by myself because I'm miserable).

    Logging helps, because you have to face up to your behaviors, and then you can figure out what caused them and how to change them.

    Feel free to friend me. You can do this.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Veil5577 wrote: »
    I have even found the weather can trigger me.. if it's suddenly gone cold after a warm streak I get into cozy mode and want to overeat while at home snuggled with my cats.. it's a comfort thing.

    You may be onto something here... I just recently worked through a very stressful period at work and stayed laser-focused on not falling into the usual stress eating trap. But the last week or so (since the weather turned nasty), the stress level is near zero, but I've been fighting off eating impulses left and right...
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I eat out of boredom more than anything but the same solutions apply. Chewing gum helps and so does brushing my teethe.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    edited November 2014
    First I ask myself 'am I hungry?' if the answer is no, then I know I'm choosing food for an emotional reason... and I stop myself. Knowing what you're doing is the first line of defence! Sometimes I'll have a rather nice fantasy about eating it and that satisfies the craving (that's the cheat way!). Sometimes I have to reason with myself: I'll look at a donut I want for emotional reasons and tell myself 'that's 350 calories, you could have LUNCH 350 calories, that makes no sense... Do you want to lose weight? How happy will you be to get on the scales tomorrow morning and see an actual loss? What will you feel like if you don't? What if you don't lose weight and in a year's time you're just where you are now, or even bigger? etc.' Occasionally I lose this battle. These are the days when I bargain: I don't have the entire donut, I have 3 bites, because that's enough to satisfy me. Then I know I've eaten some donut. The one thing I never do is eat while watching TV - that's when you eat a day's worth of calories without even realising it and then feel hungry afterwards!

    If I decide I'm hungry, but I'm a little way from my next mealtime I'll do some exercise, brush my teeth, distract myself with reading, or 'snack on' a bottle of water. If I'm a long way from my next meal I'll have a nutritious low calorie snack AND some water (this helps wash the food down, so your body realises that you've eaten). I get a Graze box once a week, filled with 'low cal' portion appropriate snacks - I keep one punnet in my handbag, one in my raincoat and two in my kitchen - so they're on hand when I need them. That way I don't find myself out of low cal options and buying something at a supermarket which doesn't fit the bill. These snacks always feel 'special' too - they're something a bit different, they feel like a reward not a punishment. Or, when I have the extra time, I make something low cal e.g. popcorn, a fruit salad etc. Hope this helps! Just remember, if you go over your calories it's not the end of the world and you can always do a bit of exercise to earn more calories!
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    1. Avoid stress. This seems like a no brainer, but it's really important to have a good life balance. Sometimes you can't avoid stress, but sometimes you can. Identify your stressors and eliminate or decrease where possible!
    2. Mindfulness. Just being aware that you're not really hungry, that you're stress eating is the most important part of overcoming it. You really have to stop and think before eating. Are you really hungry or are you stress eating? Or maybe you're thirsty?
    3. Distractions. Hobbies, cleaning, exercise, reading... but don't watch TV unless you have something to do with your hands (laundry, needlework, etc.)
    4. Avoidance. Keep the foods you go for out of the house! I didn't keep any baked goods in the house for a year or so because that's what I go for when stressed.
    5. Replacement. Take your go-to foods and replace them with healthier options. I keep a bag of Ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate squares. One square is 55 calories.
    6. Make deals. If you really want that cookie, like really really want it, make a deal with yourself. I tend to tell myself if I have a glass of water and piece of fruit, wait a bit, and I still want that cookie? I have the cookie. ONE cookie.

    Honestly I don't stress eat much at all anymore, though I still suffer from anxiety. Strangely enough when I get stressed out these days I read or exercise.

    PS - Brushing your teeth is a great one! I never thought of that!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I start by reminding myself that stress doesn't burn calories, which kind of helps me because first, it's kind of funny so that uplifts me a bit, second, it's true. Then, I ask myself, if there was no food around me right now, what would I do to de-stress? Sometimes all it takes is taking a few long breaths, sometimes it's talking to someone like friends and family. I personally opt for the obscure solution of singing, which is not only uplifting, but it also occupies your mouth so you can't eat.
    Above all, think about the stressful situation, and try to understand why it stresses you out and how you can deal with it? Solving the actual problem is the best best method.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Which reminds me! At a Weight Watchers meeting a few weeks back they suggested tucking the snack-y foods away in opaque jars, farther up or behind in the shelves. Put veggies and fruit in attractive clear containers, up-front and easy to find.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    One more thing, I know this sounds weird, but if I eat something healthy and then go to the gym for strength training, by the time I get back I am really not that ravenous as much as I was when I got home from work. Not sure this is for everyone, but just tossing it in since it works for me.
  • lapierrecyclist
    lapierrecyclist Posts: 153 Member
    Hot peppermint tea helps me, plus making sure to eat some protein at every meal (a hard-boiled egg white, for instance).
  • Ruzuki
    Ruzuki Posts: 136 Member
    edited November 2014
    I had this issue... and I used to eat whenever I was bored too. My advice is to just tell yourself that you'll feel even worse if you do, because whatever made you feel bad hasn't changed, and then you'll feel guilty on top of it. A strategy Ive used is if I am going to eat something, I come here and log it FIRST, and then look at the numbers and decide if I really want to eat it. Sometimes I do. But I make sure to adjust my calories elsewhere, if possible. I also had to get out of the 'rewarding with food' mindset... If I had a difficult day Id think "Oh I deserve to go eat at the buffet"... I had to stop that. Instead I reward myself with other things... like getting a game I wanted, or buying tickets to an event...
    Basically I just try to redirect the energy/thoughts away from food and eating... and I got obsessive about logging...
    And I go rid of all the food that I deemed 'bad' (too many calories for too small a serving)... I had a problem of wanting to eat stuff just because it was there, and I hate letting food go to waste... so I gave all the 'bad' food to a student who worked in my office. XD
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    I start with water. I'll drink a glass, and see if that helps the urge to eat pass. If not, I find another outlet for my energy. I paint, I run, I clean...anything to get my mind off food. If that doesn't work, then I sit down, look at my food diary, and say "Do I really want to see garbage food in here today?". Usually, that last one is what gets me. No, I don't want to go over my calories, and no, I don't want to see garbage. That's usually enough for me to walk away from the emotional eating.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    drink water or tea or coffee, and chew gum
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Join the club .. check out the login name, lol!

    Tricks, no .. coping mechanisms, absolutely! You need to find other things that can relieve stress for you. Some people use this build up to workout, which you've already expressed you don't have time for. However, if you take into consideration of driving, waiting in a line up for fast food, cooking or all the other obstacles you can avoid by not binging, you have time for a quick 20/30 minute video at home - How convenient!!

    And if you're really set on not working out try calling a friend, doing some reading, meditation (none of us do this enough).. Anything that would better yourself instead of digging into that bag of chips!!

    I know how hard this is .. I still have my days, but they are further and further apart. What they say is true, you CAN do this and if you replace bad habits with good ones, you can keep those for the rest of your life!! Best of luck to you xx
  • shrinkinginQualicum
    Absolutely fantastic advice here! Thanks everyone. I usually eat when bored, also I've become trained to do it in front of the tv, (I know, that's the worst one.) I tried veggies or fruit, but still wanted the snacks. I finally found that tea tends to shut me up. I'll have an herbal tea, with a bit of sugar (15 - 30 calories) and that generally makes me happy. It takes a while to drink, and the slight sweetness takes care of the cravings.
  • AmbreMichel
    AmbreMichel Posts: 4 Member
    uhm so I get rid of food craving/emotional eating the way I stopped smoking: "you lasted this long today, wait 'till tomorrow and then eat it" by then the craving is gone, I haven t eaten just to feel better (and I still haven t smoked in 13 years).
    But then I'm a huge procrastinator so it might not work for anyone else lol
  • thefitcouchpotato
    I'm an emotional eater as well, and one thing that has worked for me is cleaning as well but I try not to buy super duper junky foods that could lead to a super duper big binge (whichis the case for me normally.) SO, if I do end up eating I'll do something like carrots or celery, which are better than chips.

    Also learn to recoginze if you're actually hungry or if you're just emotional. Ask yourself "Am I hungry?" I tend to eat large amounts of food when I'm really upset, so that's helped me, because most of the time, I'm not hungry and just eating to eat and then I get an upset stomach. Tea and water are also a good idea.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Tea. Learn to love all the different kinds of herbal teas! No sugar, no caffeine. Fills you up so much and is really good for you. I like the suggestion of chewing gum and cleaning too - maybe at the same time (haha). Good luck!
  • sanddollar
    sanddollar Posts: 192 Member
    Thinking about or actually finding someone else to help will get me focused on something else besides myself and what is bothering me. This is how I do it: If I am restless, irritated, bored, etc., I stop and think for minute to decide why I think I deserve to eat.... happy, angry, resentful, afraid, selfish, etc.? (Probably a lot of how we are feeling could come from selfishness... someone didn't do want we wanted, we didn't get what we wanted, etc.) Then I ask God to remove it (anger, etc.) from me. I will try to talk to someone about it, or say I'm sorry if needed. Then I will go find someone else to help or think about how I can help someone in the near future. Focusing on helping someone else instead of obsessing over myself really does help - its like magic!