

  • That is basically the logic behind the Paleo Diet. I get really sick if I eat grains or dairy, but that doesn't mean I think the Paleo Diet is the answer for everyone. I don't find the diet to be "meat-centered" at all. I find the vast majority of what I eat is vegetables. Just saying.
  • Paleo isn't just about losing weight, though that is a nice side effect ;o) A lot of which has to due with so many processed foods not fitting into the plan. It's based on the idea that the agricultural revolution drastically changed how and what we eat. Our bodies, theoretically, are designed to thrive on a…
  • I've been doing the Eat Clean Diet (which really is more a lifestyle, as mentioned by others above) for about five months. I've lost 30 pounds and I feel healthier than I have in a decade. It is more expensive to buy real food than junk, but I always look at it this way: Money I'm spending on healthy food is money I am not…
  • You're looking great, fella. Keep it up!
  • You look amazing, healthy and so very happy! Congratulations!
  • I'm 5'11" and my next tallest friend is 5'2". I know exactly how you feel. Plus, I have orange hair, so I really stand out. One of these things is not like the others...
  • Hooray for "Team Moderation"! I also root for Team Common Sense. I'm a vegetarian (for the most part at least, I do take a fish oil supplement and eat fish occasionally) and I get just as annoyed with people who try to preach the gospel of vegetarianism. Anyone who tries to bully you into adopting their specific lifestyle…
  • I like to freeze bottles of water. You can roll your foot over them and it stretches, massages and ices your foot all in once go. I do it while I'm sitting down at the computer or watching a movie. I also put HTP (heal that pain) inserts in my shoes. I buy them from Amazon for $25/pair. My first set lasted an entire year.…
  • I hate being told I can carry more weight because I'm tall. Ugh! I'm 5'11" and currently weigh 240 pounds. I started MFP at 252. I'm a size 18. I have big bone structure (massive man-wrists and just a heavy frame in general) and I play a lot of sports, so I'm very muscular. I have gained more than 100 pounds in the past…
  • I would recommend getting a heart rate monitor so you can track your progress (and your calories burned). I have burned more than a thousand calories in less than half an hour with Kettlebells. That's intense!
  • Very true. I find that between Kettlebells and running, I get all the workout I need. Kettlebells provide a very dense workout because they work on your flexibility, cardio and strenth-training all at once.
  • I watch them.... but you are the one who introduced me to them. I need to watch the third Twilight one, the first two were hilarious!
  • They're a Russian thing. Basically, a cannonball with a handle.
  • Kettlebells are amazing. Kettlebell swings are an amazing way to do muscle-building and cardio at the same time. I've noticed that my shoulders are way stronger and better defined than when I was lifting weights at the gym. Now, I sculpt upper-body using nothing but kettlebells. Proper form is important to get good results.
  • I have the Polar F11 and love it. The chest strap is really comfy and I honestly forget it's there.
  • I second the idea of in the morning after peeing. Whatever time you decide to do it, be consistent and always do it at that time of day.
  • It's also available through Netflix. I haven't tried it yet, but it's in my queue.
  • Thanks for the info!
  • I have the Polar F11, which I love. The orange one (my favorite color anyway) is $109 on Amazon. I think there's a lot of price variation between colors though. Mine is cute enough that I wear it as a watch on a daily basis. I find the chest strap very comfortable. I wasn't sure I'd be okay with wearing one while…
  • I tend to work out with kettlebells (I use dvds by Pavel Tsatsouline). I'm looking to find some new dvds to switch things up. I just discovered today that a lot of Jillian Michaels stuff is available through NetFlix (as are some of the Biggest Loser workouts). So if you have NetFlix, that might be a good way to try some…
  • conjugated linoleic acid. It's an amino acid I think. I've read about it and have been taking it as a supplement, but only 2,000mg per day. I have not been taking it very long or in anywhere near the dose as the original poster. Nothing to write home about yet.
  • I have the F11, but wanted to weigh in on the whole logging past workouts and uploading them to a computer. My model allows me to do both, but honestly... I have never looked up how to use that feature. I log my calories and time in the exercise section of MFP and therefore, have never felt the need to upload that same…
  • I slather myself with cocoa butter when I get out of the shower. It's supposed to help them fade, but I"m also hoping it will help keep my skin more elastic as I lose weight (to avoid excess skin). I'm hoping that since I'm losing weight gradually, the cocoa butter will help. Just my thoughts. No science or hard evidence…
  • 12kg (~25 lb) kettlebell CamelBak waterbottle (goes with me absolutely everywhere)
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP! The support you can find here is wonderful. And just keeping track of all your food and exercise can really show you what areas you can improve on. I love this site! I eat six small meals per day, about three hours apart. I make sure I have lean protein and some form of complex carbs at every meal. And…
  • I'm biased though. Kettlebells are the Russian answer to almost anything.
  • Kettlebell swings (look it up on you tube if you want to know what I mean) were a godsend when I dislocated my ankle. It let me do cardio and work my lowerbody without overdoing the range-of-motion of my gimp ankle. You do flex your knees, but you are standing in place the entire time so there's little impact. I don't have…
  • Ugh! So true! Not to mention that there's a lot of variation between brands. You have to know which size in which brand. It makes me hate shopping.... or I just get lazy and stick to the same brands so I don't have to try on a zillion things. Mostly, I've decided to say F*** it! I'm living in pyjama pants and sweats until…