Eat Clean Diet

lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone recently tried the eat clean diet and had positive results? I am just starting it today and would like to hear about others experiences. I've lost 12lbs in the last six months just gradually changing some habits and using MFP. I'm looking foward to uping my game and getting to my goal weight by the end of the year.


  • I've done it before. Very expensive but you will have more energy than you've ever had before. I couldn't get enough excerise! :)
  • sf08003
    sf08003 Posts: 30
    I am a HUGE fan of the Eat Clean Diet. I try to eat as clean as I can. The only catch is that you have to decide that you are going to only eat what is recommended and not incorporate your favorite-can't-live-without-it foods. Try not to consider it a weight loss diet, consider it a way of life diet. Your skin, hair and nails will look wonderful, and you will have lots of energy! You truly are what you eat when you eat clean. I am drinking a shake right now as we speak! I printed out the whole diet including the shake recipes. FINALLY, finally there is a person out there who believes wholeheartedly that being good to yourself starts from the inside out. The only part of eating clean I do not do is I don't buy the supplements from the program because if you read the program carefully, you will see what you need to buy at the store for supplements. Whole Foods has everything you need to get started. (Of course) Good Luck!!!
  • lucian25
    lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
    What aspect of the diet did you find expensive?
  • Okay....I didn't know there was a diet called the 'eat clean' diet. I've been eating clean on and off for years. Eating clean meant no peservatives, colors, additives. It's expensive to eat like that....especially when I am cooking for 4 people every day.
    Well, I had so much energy and felt so good when I we ate clean but I just can't afford it all the time.
  • lucian25
    lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the reply. The Eat Clean Diet is basically as you described. I can understand how it does get expensive. Others have shared me with that it tends to require alot of planning ahead which is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    My BFF and her family just started this diet. They love it and when they can't eat healthy, they say that they feel the difference.
  • twinsmommy7
    twinsmommy7 Posts: 28 Member
    I found a link to this site. It looks like common sense info., which is great!
  • banjobaby
    banjobaby Posts: 46 Member
    i've got the diet book, cook book, and i subscribe to the magazine. i am doing my best to incorporate clean eating into my life - trying not to consider it a diet but a lifestyle change. i've only recently started getting more serious about it and can already tell a difference!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I did this for over a year and really liked it lost ~20lbs on it. Worked well and got me into the habit of making my own meals instead of buying stuff from boxes.

    Once you get into the habit of making your own meals, it's not too bad. Groceries cost more, but in the end it evens out by eating out less.

    I've since dropped it for a Paleo-style diet and much prefer that. It just makes much more sense to me and Eat Clean's aversion to fat just really turns me off now (though we still get the Eat Clean magazines).
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I have been doing for about six to eight weeks. Some days are definitely better than others and I do worse when a trip to the store is needed and I'm scrounging. But overall, I feel a lot better, I have more energy, I have lost six pounds, and I can also tell a difference with my exercise/strength training that I wasn't seeing before. The only drawback I have found so far is that I tend to get stuck in a rut because I'm not sure what else to eat (afraid I won't like it, etc) and it is a little difficult to buy enough fresh fruits and vegetables to last between grocery trips. I live in a very small town, so it isn't easy to just stop and get a few things on the way home. Good luck!
  • sawalter68
    sawalter68 Posts: 24 Member
    I love the Eat Clean Diet and have had success with the program. It is hard to give up some of those favorite foods so at times I fall off the wagon. But according to the book you should not deny yourself a treat every once in awhile - that is the key. I print recipes off the website. They are easy to make and taste great - they use a lot of different seasonings. My husband who is truly a meat and potatoes kind of guy likes the recipes. I also get the newsletter through email. I have been adding the recipes to my MFP recipe list. I didn't find the recipes to be any more expensive than WW recipes.
  • lucian25
    lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
    You seem to be losing about 1lb/week, that's where I'd like to get to. What's your exercise routine like. Right now I'm only doing yoga and walking and a bit scared to do more because of some health challenges.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I've never heard of diet specifically called "The eat clean diet," but I do eat clean for the most part (about 85-90% of the time). I eat 95% organic and cook from scratch. The only processed foods that I tend to gravitate towards are Amy's Organic and other Organic foods- really it's all about reading labels. If you can't pronounce the ingredients- you don't want to eat it. Additionally I receive all my fruits, veggies, and meats from a local organic co-op that delivers to my home once every 2 weeks. I preplan all my meals for the month by visiting and gleaning recipes from them (and buying my groceries according to what I will cook).

    It's a lifestyle... but WONDERFUL! Good luck!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I am currently doing Supreme 90. But, I was working out pretty hard before I started to eat clean, and didn't get a lot of results. Tosca Reno says in her book (which I got used from Amazon for around $10) something like it's 10% genetics, 10% exercise, and 80% from the kitchen. So I would think yoga and walking are great. And not to get too personal, but my belly feels 100% better since I started eating clean. If I do "fall off the wagon" and eat something that's too loaded in sugar or fat, I really don't feel well afterwards either, so that lessens the temptation.
  • I've been doing the Eat Clean Diet (which really is more a lifestyle, as mentioned by others above) for about five months. I've lost 30 pounds and I feel healthier than I have in a decade.

    It is more expensive to buy real food than junk, but I always look at it this way: Money I'm spending on healthy food is money I am not paying a doctor to fix health problems caused by a crappy diet. It's all a trade-off.

    One of the basic ideas of the diet is that health and fitness is 80% about diet (the rest: 10% exercise and 10% genetics). I believe that whole-heartedly. You can't outrun a bad diet. That's one of the things that MFP has let me see. If I eat badly, I have to work so much harder to compensate with exercise. MFP is essentially Fitness The VideoGame and trying to get the numbers to come out right when you eat ****ty food is just too hard. Way too hard.

    Set yourself up for success by eating good food. It's the best thing you'll ever do for yourself.
  • bailer1310
    bailer1310 Posts: 11
    The "eat clean" lifestyle has done wonders for my body and skin. I started Friday, July 8...since then I've lost 8 pounds. I'm down to 123lbs at 5'4.5. My stomach has shrinked!! I'm no longer bloated nor feel insecure about my stomach. I think the reason so many of us struggle with our weight is because of the food choices and creativity society has offered our bellies, which isnt good for us. The weight is literally falling off as well as the inches. I'm eating 1800/2000 calories a day of REAL FOOD. It's crazy, it's easy to reach 2000 calories of junk or processed food but when eating right, you begin feeling stuffed because it's an abundance of food..TRUELY! Good luck to you, its worth it.
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