astartig Member


  • trainers inside are ick. they are noisy, dirty, ect. everything on your bike gets on your floor. if you have pets or kids they can get into oily dirty parts or hurt on the chain. ect. just no ty.
  • I don't think the peloton bikes are worth the money. most good bikes come with a programmed menu for work outs. I'd think any of them would be just fine. I just purchased a lemond gforce bike for roughly the same cost as a peloton. no monthly fees and better quality in the bike imo. we're happy with it so far.
  • I'm terrified of any device that squeezes my arm in or out of the doctors office. lol. it makes it problematic. I keep crossing my fingers they'll come up wiht a laser device that tells pressure. I think the problem with table salt is the lack of other electrolytes. I've been doing lite salt which is half potassium more or…
  • I've always been sensitive to salt. like I gain ten pounds over night if I eat out at a chinese restaurant lol. and I'm unsure if I have high blood pressure. the docs seem somewhat concerned but haven't told me to do anything further at this point for it. I have white coat anxiety AND I'm terrified of blood pressure…
  • I doubt it's anything too serious with the magnesium. a packet has 15 percent of your daily req and a full serviing of mag has 425mg which is 106% and I haven't been doing three pills more like 2 so it's coming out about right I think (I wasn't doing it on purpose that way though lol. they are just big horsetabs I don't…
  • I log fruits and veggies that have an impact but not so strict on the ones that don't. If I have an ounce of onion I don't bother. If i have a potato I do.
  • are you drinking a ton of water as well during the day? it might be dehydration as well.
  • cottage cheese can be got fairly cheaply 4 or 5 ounces packs a huge punch nutritionally. calcium and protein wise and is quite filling. I like to add cucumber and onions to mine wiht garlic and pepper. there are all kinds of veggies that are great mixed in though. I find it keeps me full for hours and is a cheap meal.
  • sounds like maybe you are having carb cravings. maybe try cutting back on the sugary stuff and high glycemic index stuff and stick with high fiber, high protein and high fat foods. those are the food choices that will leave you more sated and not cause spikes in blood sugar leading to carb cravings.
  • I spent 20 years of my life doing this. eating with in reason and weighing regularly and when my pants started getting tight going on a diet and getting rid of that 10 pounds rinse and repeat.. it does work for a balance of lifestyle and reasonability. I stopped weighing in a time of stress and then broke my ankle and…
  • the up 5 pounds after adding carbs back in is water weight. your muscles store glucose and the glucose is stored with a certain amount of water. when we first go on a low carb diet the first 5-7 pounds lost is water from the body burning up the glucose stores. in the liver and muscles To the OP. I'm on low carb currently.…
  • It seems like his control of the tardis has always been dependent on if the tardis thinks he needs to be somewhere else at that exact moment. I think if the Tardis is in agreement or has no particular plans for him he's got complete control.
  • Destiny PS4. I like it. I like the multiplayer much more than the missions though. the missions just seem like a grind. they need to work on that.
  • if she is in ketoacidosis she's diabetic. it's not something that happens to people that aren't type 1 diabetic or extremely long standing uncontrolled type 2 diabetic. Dietary ketosis is ENTIRELY different from Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • well a quick way to find out for sure would be to get a ketosis test. there is a test that also tests glucose which will you tell you ifyou're in ketoacidosis or not. easy peasy definite way to figure it out for sure. but yeah.if you are even questioning if it's possible.. Get to a freaking emergency room! that's not…
  • some people go into ketosis in higher numbers of carbs a day as well. it doesn't have to be a super low amount.depends on the person but you can't see them in your pee. I know I register low on the ketone scale at 50 or 60 net carbs a day. It also takes a lot of protein before your body starts changing it to glucose. it's…
  • regularly, cheddar cheese, and onions if on hand spinach or zucchini or broccoli. none of that is unusual. if i have it around another lovely thing I've had a few times is spring peas and thinly sliced radishes sauted with the eggs. it's much lovelier than it sounds.
  • I broke two bones in my ankle about five years ago. It took a year before I was pretty much normal again. my hardware developed a bursa this year and I had to have the hardware out.. it's the first time in five years I feel pretty much pre break.. break your ankle is serious business. I broke mine golfing in late winter…
  • ^ this pretty much. Sometimes it's daily, sometimes it's a few times a week.. sometimes I won't weigh for weeks.. the logging is telling the story and I pretty much know where it's going..
  • lowest normal bmi is 18.5... you're not going to experience medical problems associated with low weight if you are in the normal range.
  • ^ this. diversion for the win. and it sounds like you are setting yourself up for failure by going to dd for your coffee. yeah sometimes you win but other times you give in. take out that factor. get your coffee elsewhere that doesn't foster those smells. the other thing I've done is ask myself WHY I want it. What would I…
  • I tried to diet and keep a few treaters in. I'm on such a low calorie allowance though doing that put me over enough each day where I basically ended up at maintenance and lost no weight at all. So I've cut out soda other than as a very rare treat (but that happened over a year ago) Just recently I gave up my daily small…
  • What she said! it's amazing how much *about and *exact can differ. it doesn't take *that* many underestimated calories to keep you at a stall.
  • I really don't think the study was tackling beer belly's that's the Fox interpretation.. I think they mean more love handles or not defined. I don't think most women would prefer a beer belly. to me though.. Beer belly is equal to super muscleman type in appeal. neither are attractive. a normal healthy range is infinitely…
  • it looks like they asked them to choose between zac efron or seth rogen. Seth Rogen does win that battle. Zac is an @@@hat. but seriously. I don't know about big belly or not for the general preference but I would believe a bit of softness is preferable to a guy who is completely ripped. I was going off the daily mail uk…
  • imho it's only a small part of it. the perception of personality based on a physical aspect that the person has chosen to enhance, IS indeed indicative of at least one personality trait. Narcissism. being in shape or being fit or caring about yourself is entirely different than the hours at the gym needed to achieve the…
  • Just because someone doesn't have a six pack or is massively ripped doesn't mean they're out of shape or have impaired mobility or any health problems.
  • dunno about a beer belly but I prefer a natural smooth look to the silly six pack look. I think sixpacks are more for men for other men. I've never been attracted to that. the implied vanity is also unattractive. yeah.. sixpacks meh. big meh.
  • you make a recipe, take each ingredient and reckon it in. There are some things where the protein is able to be weighed separately. I find i make the sauces pretty much identically each time. Once I enter a recipe it's there. If something significant is different I change it. I do weigh the portions and figure out the…