

  • Congrats! You can do this next 60 days. WOW you look good follow the shakology program in the AM or at night so you skin stays fit along with your muscle. Keep up the good work!
  • I found that many others losing weight get cold, and this is because fat is a nice layer that keeps our body temperature high. Once we lose the fat it takes time for the body to adjust. I drink thermogenic tea to keep my body burning fat and not get cold. also I agree with scagneti toxins leave your body and your face its…
  • I say don't. The extra money you have ends up on lunch dates and bigger cothing, I should know I stoped dieting all together after closing my Hebalife Nutrition Club on April. Now I put on over 20 lbs its not easy to go back on your old routine. Do not stop just go or find another gym maybe you are just bore of the routine…
  • Nachos with salsa
  • Keep the meat and skip 1/2 the tortillas, it you can take the heat have the pico de gallo or salsa and guacamole hot it helps the body heat and burn some calories, order fajitas but no pork or tamales. Enjoy you meal, have the lemon handy and freely pour it over your meat it cuts the fat.
  • You look so nice and glowing a whole deferent person and that was only 16 lbs?! Keep up the good work.
  • Nice!! You rock!! Thanks for posting your pics
  • I try to get my fiber by suplements, its hard to keep up with the count. Plus I need the regularity or my weight goes up 1-3 bls. I was told by a doctor friend of mine Dr James Evans that most obese people have issues due to the irregularity of their bow movements. I also saw a video on You tube about colon cleansen and…
  • I know how that goes. I got to my suggested body weight 128 lbs from nearly 200 lbs after my full program. And everyone was so critical on how fast the weight was off or how I din't eat or how they din't want to invite me out or over because I was on my diet. I stoped going to my sister in-law because she was so negative…
  • Thanks for posting this, I ignore the sites words of encoragement to eat 1200cal. But I am glad to read your post. Some time back I was able to drink Shakes Tea and supplements for 3 days just to get my body detox and that was noway near 1200cal. I moved to 2 shakes a day and one meal, that was still not 1200cals I lost…
  • ME!! I cant wait to lose 20 lbs I am really trying to keep the food journal so i can track the calories, but I do the Shake in the mornings, because I can't see my self eating less if I go out to eat or grab something on my way. I don't exercise but should. I look forward to our success
  • Sugar is not the enemy, is mostly carbs that become sugar and get stored in your body that becomes a problem. I preffer water for my shake maybe you can do 1/2 milk 1/2 water. Shakes are easy and have full serving of all nutrients and Vitamins the body needs for a meal. I combine the shake with a glass of water before the…
  • I am at 150 and love the shakes for the nutrition they pack, I have to make sure it has more than just protein. A meal replacement shake works for me. If none available were i am at then I try to take on the go vitamins fruit plus non meal protein shake. I just started back on the shakes, but did have great success doing…
  • I have though about, but the more I look at what I should get the more I want to change. As for weight loss I think my daughter will have to get the lap band if she can't have the weight lost she needs by her doctors request under control. Has anyone done the lap band? For now surgery is only a though
  • I think this is a great idea. 14lb sounds like a win, count me in.