worried friends

grrr my friend is worried that i'm not eating enough so keeps trying to feed me up

it's so annoying i've done really well and lost 20 lbs quite quickly but is slowing down now so she thinks i'm going anarexic.

i dont know what to say cause when she invites(demands) me over for dinner the portion sizes are to big i can barely eat a 1/4

i've spent so much hard work shriking my stomock so i'm not hungry ALL THE TIME. the last thing i want to do is stuff myself so full every few days that i have to go through weeks of feeling starving all over again


  • homemom3
    I'm dealing with this very thing with my husband. Of course he is still wishing I was the same person as last year that would go out to eat with him every night because he was bored. I don't want that lifestyle again and is why I changed. Now he's facing losing one of his jobs because of his weight but only seems to be getting mad at me because I am losing. Truth is he isn't eating right (eats mcdonald's every night) and never works out. I too would love advice on how to work around this. Tired of the constant fighting from this.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    well your friend is either trying to sabotage you or they are right - if you make your food diary public we could advise you better

    are you eating your calories everyday?
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hmmm, could it be jealousy????
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    I have had this happen to me before with weightloss. Or after the fact people would say dont loose as much weight as before, you were too skinny!! Anyways, I always think its funny how people will give you their opinion all day long about eating, and how you look ect... when your dieting. But nobody will say, hey you look like you need a little excercise and watch your diet! Nobody says anything when your heavier, but everybody says everything when your slimmer!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    grrr my friend is worried that i'm not eating enough so keeps trying to feed me up

    it's so annoying i've done really well and lost 20 lbs quite quickly but is slowing down now so she thinks i'm going anarexic.

    i dont know what to say cause when she invites(demands) me over for dinner the portion sizes are to big i can barely eat a 1/4

    i've spent so much hard work shriking my stomock so i'm not hungry ALL THE TIME. the last thing i want to do is stuff myself so full every few days that i have to go through weeks of feeling starving all over again

    Considering you only joined in Feb, a 20lbs loss is immense? Or had you lost some of this weight prior to joining??

    You cannot have lost 20lbs in a little over 2 weeks??? (eeek!)
  • VolatileChocolate
    There are people are there that will want to sabotage your health eating and weight loss. They'll say things like 'you looked better the size you were'. Just remember this is your choice and that you know you are doing this for yourself so that you feel better, look better and are far healthier.

    if you go round and eat - stick to only eating what you need and leave the rest. Is your friend overweight as well? If the potion sizes are big (huge) point it out to them - maybe its them that are not realising how much they're putting on a plate and how many cals it then adds up to.

    Good luck and you've done really great to lose 20lbs
  • LauraMcGanity
    Unless you are underweight, then these people are worrying unnecessarily.

    They may be jealous, and uncomfortable with your changes. Perhaps they feel guilty. You're losing weight and getting in shape while they're not.

    Tempting you to "fall off the fitness wagon" means you’re "normal" again, and they can feel good about the status quo.

    Or they don’t understand. They’ve never had a weight problem and just don’t realize how hard you’ve worked to get where you are. They think it’s "silly" for you to worry about what you eat.

    Most importantly, perhaps they miss the old you. Maybe you’re spending more time in the gym and have less free time for them. Maybe they’re afraid to lose you.

    Be an adult about this. Remember that what you put in your mouth is your responsibility. Your health is important to you. You’re in charge of your own life.
  • 1986kira
    i only joined today so the 20lbs lossed id from xmax onwards. i'm eating anywhere between 1100 to 1500 colories a day yesterday i ate 1150 but the reason i've lost so much is i started smoking again due to stress i know naughty but it speeds up your metabolism and i was eating nearly 2800 a day before and my body hasn't ajusted to it's new diet yet

    this site says i should eat about 1200 cals a day which is slightly less than i've been eating most days

    i don't know if she's jelous she's loosing weight too but no where near as obviously as i am. but why would she try to sabotage me when she wants the same for herself.
  • RVLMonavie
    I know how that goes. I got to my suggested body weight 128 lbs from nearly 200 lbs after my full program. And everyone was so critical on how fast the weight was off or how I din't eat or how they din't want to invite me out or over because I was on my diet. I stoped going to my sister in-law because she was so negative about the program I was using I heard nonstop stories on how everyone gains the weight back double or die because of a diet. I knew I looked pregnant and no friend family member or co worker ever told me how you could die from being fat. Shopping and eating with the fat girl was ok, but when I started the battle no one wanted to be fully suportive. Most people mean well I guess but never realize how hurtfull the can be. Weight loss seems to be a cult to them, you feel every opinion is against your success. Keep your goals, keep your spirit up. Talk about how you really feel to them when they say somenthing about your weight loss. Ask them to join you. I was just able to make new friends that lost weight with me and we kept intouch for a year now. I did regain 30lbs and now going at it again more knowlegable about how to do it las time it cost me about $400 month then now my budget is smaller and am trying to keep my progres slow. I look forward to hearring your success story. God Bless!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I'm dealing with this very thing with my husband. Of course he is still wishing I was the same person as last year that would go out to eat with him every night because he was bored. I don't want that lifestyle again and is why I changed. Now he's facing losing one of his jobs because of his weight but only seems to be getting mad at me because I am losing. Truth is he isn't eating right (eats mcdonald's every night) and never works out. I too would love advice on how to work around this. Tired of the constant fighting from this.

    Unfortunately, they have to want to do something about the weight themselves. You could try picking up a copy of the Abs Diet, which is written by one of the editors of Men's Health magazine. It talks about diet and exercise, mostly aimed at men and does a pretty good job. You could also pick up a couple of Men's Health magazines for that matter - each of those issues also talk a lot about diet and exercise for me. Read them yourself then leave them out where he can see them and maybe he'll pick them up. When/if he asks you about them (because they are geared toward men) just casually say that they have a lot of really good nutrition and exercise information in them. Maybe he'll be interested and maybe not - but it never hurts to try.