so far ,not so good

since starting my lifestyle change and joining mfp ive noticed some changes to my body which im not so happy with ive developed quite alot of spots especially on my chin and im always feeling cold , but mostly ive noticed when i have a proper meal around 5pm i always seem to put weight on so mostley i try to have a small dinner , but this leads me to go to bed hungry, although i do try to keep to my net cals and still not losing the weight x any suggestions welcome x


  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I once heard a saying: eat like a king for breakfast, eat like a prince for lunch and eat like a peasant for dinner. I haven't personally tried this approach, but it may work for you. I'm not sure how long you've been struggling with taking it off but sometimes it takes a while to see results, I went a week with out losing anything than suddenly 3lbs. Try to be patient if you can.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    how many calories are you trying to eat per day? I, too, have noticed that I am colder now that I am losing weight. Are you eating throughout the day?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm cold a lot too, but I blamed losing the weight (my fat was my buffer!). Personally I think that it's because I drink very cold water all day so my insides are hydrated with cold water.

    The spots on your chin will go away -- it's just the bad stuff leaving your system through your pores. My skin looked terrible when I just started for a couple of weeks and now it looks fantastic!
  • MaryDreamer
    Have you had your testosterone levels checked? Being cold is one of the symptoms of it being low.
  • shellyxxxxx
    how many calories are you trying to eat per day? I, too, have noticed that I am colder now that I am losing weight. Are you eating throughout the day?
    i have around 1200 net or close to but i tend to be more hungry at night x
  • shellyxxxxx
    Have you had your testosterone levels checked? Being cold is one of the symptoms of it being low.
    hinyes ive had all bloods done i was low on iron but now thats fine so i dont no what it could be ive been like this now since jan 1st x
  • shellyxxxxx
    I once heard a saying: eat like a king for breakfast, eat like a prince for lunch and eat like a peasant for dinner. I haven't personally tried this approach, but it may work for you. I'm not sure how long you've been struggling with taking it off but sometimes it takes a while to see results, I went a week with out losing anything than suddenly 3lbs. Try to be patient if you can.
    thanks i might try that for a week and see how it goes x
  • RVLMonavie
    I found that many others losing weight get cold, and this is because fat is a nice layer that keeps our body temperature high. Once we lose the fat it takes time for the body to adjust. I drink thermogenic tea to keep my body burning fat and not get cold. also I agree with scagneti toxins leave your body and your face its always expose to the worse. As far as you being hungry at night, well is most likely you are going detoxing and not drinking enough water. Try this for 3 days, in the morning before you do anything drink 20oz water keep a bottle by you bed so once you wake up you can drink, in the AM before your meal drink 1 cup hot water with lemon juice add tea if you dont like the taste but is better with out it. Every 90 minutes dring 10-16oz of water, put it on your smart phone as an alarm or use any other alarm to remind you. After Lunch drink a hot or cold cup of green tea and your day will end with a nice cup of water flavor with any artificial non caloric favorite drink mix but you must add 2tbs powder fiber. You can do this for 3,7, 14 or 21 days depending in your digestion and overweight composition. I hope you conquer this step, keep up the good work! God bless
  • shellyxxxxx
    thank you x
  • mariskip
    I dont know if it will help you, but I've learned if you eat your snacks with 1 oz of protein, it helps you dont feel hungry.. it works for me! And if you like soup, add it in your meals (lunch and dinner).. It is just vegetables, and the most of them are negative calories, it will help your body spend more energy to burn it and it makes you loose weights.
    fat free and low sodium chicken broth
    fresh mushroom
    green collard

    Boil everything and put the spices that you want.. You can have it as much you want, and after it eat your dinner.. you will feel so full that you wont eat any snack later!!:smooched:
  • shellyxxxxx
    thanks x
  • shellyxxxxx
    thanks x
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'd recommend upping your calories a bit. Acne can be a symptom of poor nutrition, either an imbalance in vitamins and minerals or a lack of adequate calories. If you are eating lots of different fruits and veggies, then the vitamins and minerals should balance themselves out. If not, you may want to look at what you are getting and what you are missing and supplement your vitamins. But the esthetician that I use says that inadequate intake is what is usually the cause of breakouts while dieting. She's so good that she can tell what nutrients are deficient based on skin condition. It's amazing.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Sorry....apparently MFP had a brainfart and posted twice! ;)