incognitopotato Member


  • Hi everyone! I'm 25 and back in school for a grad degree. Sitting around all day makes it hard to stay fit and eat healthy, and I want to try to ditch a few bad habits now. I'm looking for more MFP friends to motivate each other. Anyone please feel free to add me!
  • I was 20 when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, but I had been having symptoms for years. No weight gain, but I was constantly exhausted, sleeping all the time, and craved sweets when I crashed in the afternoons. Turns out my TSH was 12 and anti-TPO antibodies were crazy high. Funny enough, I was taking a class on…
  • I've seen it mentioned a few times, but can anyone provide me with a reference for the AACE guidelines suggesting keeping TSH under 3.0 for patients on levothyroxine? All I can find on the AACE website ( is this: "RECOMMENDATION 17: In patients with hypothyroidism…
  • Feel free to add me, everyone! I'm trying to get motivated to exercise regularly again, and having friends to cheer on is very encouraging.
  • First year med student, and was a master's student last year. Feel free to add me, I'm trying to be consistent about logging here on MFP and I need friends! I've started keeping almonds, dried fruit, and tea in my locker at school so that I can snack on those instead of buying candy and soda out of vending machines. This…
  • Hey, I'm in the same boat--trying to get the college weight off. It's definitely not easy! Feel free to add me, I'm trying to get back on the wagon and log my food every day again.
  • Don't feel bad---I think that the important message is that weight is less important than how we feel! Weight depends on so many things, not only fat but muscle and bone density (it's definitely a good thing to have strong bones). I do feel you on the weight-obsessed friend, though. It can be hard, but try not to get…
  • Face and arms, definitely. But I haven't lost a ton of weight so it really took looking at pictures side by side to notice the difference!
  • Hi and welcome, Jackie! Like BeeSunny said, don't be so hard on yourself--it's very hard to eat healthy in today's world when there are so many tempting junk foods that have actually been designed to be as addictive as possible. However, just being here and making an effort means that you are off to a great start! What…
  • Congrats on the engagement! Feel free to add me, I'm just starting up again and looking for new friends to motivate!
  • Big congrats on your new baby! I'm starting up again with MFP, too. Feel free to add me so we can keep each other on track!
  • I work as a clinical research coordinator so although I'm not a nurse I work with patients quite a bit and have pretty long workdays as well. It's difficult to keep from snacking when you're tired from working so long, but I'm trying to head that off by packing healthy snacks ahead of time and getting plenty of sleep. I…
  • I'm a clinical research coordinator, so while I'm not a nurse myself I work with a lot of them and know how busy you are :) What has helped me a lot is packing my lunch and snacks in advance so that I don't just grab a quick but unhealthy lunch on the run. It's much cheaper than buying lunch in the cafeteria every day as…
  • Personally, I think you should enter the whole 30 minutes. I wear a HRM while lifting and find that MFP is pretty conservative with estimating strength training calories.
  • Looks yummy. Marking for later!
  • Just make sure you listen to your body and pay close attention to how quickly you're able to bounce back after each run. It's easy to get caught up in your enthusiasm to get back into running and accidentally overdo it. I'm sure you'll surprise yourself with how quickly you recover. Good luck! :)
  • Thanks everyone! Nice to meet so many of you. I'm a very slow runner, like a lot of you, but you know what they say: you have to walk before you run :)
  • I started out with a Timex heart rate monitor from (about $30) that measured current heart rate, workout duration, avg and max heart rate, and total calories burned. If you are just beginning that would probably cover most everything you want. I can't remember the model but a quick search around should turn it…
  • Sipping my 8th glass of water as I type :) I was good with my calorie count today, too!
  • Today's weight: 142 3/14 goal: under 140 Not a big difference but I'm looking more to lose slowly and eat healthier overall. I have also been putting on some muscle from running and weight training so even though I've been losing inches the pounds are slow to come off :) Question though, and sorry if someone's asked…
  • Just joined MFP today... this sounds like a fun way to jump start my fitness plan and maybe even make some new MFP friends ;) See you all tomorrow!
  • Hi Jennie, feel free to add me :) I've just joined today and I'm also looking for positive support to keep me on track!
  • If your measurements are getting smaller but your weight is staying the same, that usually means that you are losing fat and replacing some of it with muscle. That's a good thing! Sounds like you are doing great :)