goddessofmath Member


  • Your body is shifting. Things are rearranging. I have had a few times where I felt like my stomach was BIGGER than ever for a few weeks at a time while I was losing weight, losing clothing sizes, and working my rear off, and it finally flattened (well didn't poke out as much). Just give it time. Keep doing what you're…
  • I want to know this too. I eat a lot of fruit instead of starches and 100 calorie packs. :)
  • I *love* the Baked Tostitos Scoops! I made up my own dip of fat free refried beans (look out for the sodium though!), 2% cheese, light sour cream, and salsa. Put that warm on top of the Tostitos with PLENTY of shredded lettuce, and it's sooooo yummy! :) Not quite nachos as much as a taco salad, but it's a standby of mine.…
  • Any chance you're wearing your hair in a ponytail more because you're working out? I've noticed I shed a lot when I wear ponytails a lot. Sometimes the warmer weather makes me shed more than usual too.
  • I agree on many counts. Don't give up! Remember all the reasons you wanted to lose weight & stick with it. Also, you need to be logging your food every day. It looks like you're not fully keeping track of your intake, and without that we all tend to underestimate the calories in what we're eating. Log every single bite. I…
  • Please go to your settings and make your diary public so we can help you. :)
  • I just finished it. I lost inches, not weight, but I am so much stronger! People have majorly noticed a difference in my size lately, and I have started feeling a lot better about myself. You definitely get results. I agree that it can be hard on the knees. I did all 30 days in a row (and working through the pain is…
  • I have been, but I just about have stopped now bc when people congratulate me for losing 2 pounds (or whatever I lose) when it's the same 2 pounds I've been losing and gaining for 2-3 weeks, it makes me feel bad. Like they're congratulating me for something I've already done and am "fixing" yet again.
  • Thanks for all the info. :) I think at one point i knew my BMR was if I laid in bed all day, and then I lost my mind somewhere along the way. ;-)
  • Wait, my BMR is 1683, so to take off 500 a day would be below 1200 (as would 1000 per day to lose 2 per week), and I am plenty overweight, so how in the world does MFP use that to calculate what I should eat? *confused*
  • Been lurking here. Her diary just changed big time today and the exercise changed as well. I think she's going back and fixing some things after reading what y'all are suggesting. Not sure though. I think she's having major issues with logging things correctly. Hopefully she can get some help on that or else trying MFP is…
  • You mean people netting (eating) in the triple digits? I totally agree. That's not enough fuel.
  • Mine tends to be around 200-400 leftover. I get nervous eating right up to 0 calories left for some reason. :)
  • Monday is my official weigh in day (where I post results on Twitter), but I weigh every day. This week I've been recording it on MFP every day just to watch how it fluctuates and feel good to see it going down generally. :)
  • I gained 1.2 overnight (the day before my weigh in of course) because I ate out the night before. Tacos and chips are so high in sodium. It was ALL water weight. Be sure to drink a lot the next few days, and some, if not all, of it will come off. :) Good luck!
  • It happens. :) Work out a bit longer at the gym tonight or run after the kiddos a bit more, and you'll be ok. :) I've done that too, and wow it's a pain! My apartment complex has fresh baked cookies all the time. They were small so I ate two a few weeks back. BIG mistake. Otis Spunkmeyer does NOT do low calorie! HAha!
  • When I lost 36 pounds last year (before I gained it all back *whoops* that's another post altogether), I was obsessed with my collarbones when they "showed up". I would be sitting at my computer tapping them. They make a neat little thumping noise when you tap them right, and it was so NEAT to have bones I could see like…
  • I started with 3 lb per weight, and I'm pretty happy there. Feeling the burn but able to do most of the exercises without my arms falling off. One of my friends is using 5 lbs per weight and likes it. It just depends on what you're used to working out with. There's a set of weights at WalMart branded for the 30DS at a…
  • Wow! Kudos to y'all for being able to get up early and work out! I don't get to work out until 8 every night. I am glad that after pushing it through 3 days of soreness, I'm not as sore today as I was. :) My buddies and I count reps after Jillian says "just a couple more" or "just a few more". We sooooo want to explain to…
  • You tend to weigh the lowest in the morning before eating and after going to the bathroom. Just makes the number you see smaller. As long as you weigh the same time every day, you'll see your weight loss and be fine . :)
  • I had read people saying to keep going even when it hurts. I worked through the pain yesterday, and it was honestly easier than the previous day. I'm hoping there's really something to be said for not taking a break... Keep trying... you'll be fine. :D
  • Wow! Thanks for all the success stories! I honestly thought this thread would die fairly fast. It's GREAT to hear how you've all lost inches and to hear about everyone's weight loss too. :) I'm not doing extra cardio right now because my body hates me (and Jillian hahaha!), but maybe I'll add some later. Post Day 2 and I…
  • Thank you all for the advice! I'll try some of them tonight. :)
  • Yeah I've been having protein too and dairy, but I've been pulling back in the carbs a lot. :) Thanks for being willing to share!
  • Awesome! Thanks. I think Jillian Michaels telling me to not wuss out during push ups took away my brain power to figure that fix out. hehe. :D I'll try that tonight.
  • Wanna friend each other to help keep track? :) I'd be happy to share results.
  • The not gaining is helpful. :) I've been dieting & working out since 2/14, but I've moved to a pretty strict diet of mostly veggies and fruits for a week and a half now. Do you mind me asking about your food intake while you did the 30DS?
  • Maybe add in some dairy? I find a cup of skim milk really helps with my hunger sometimes. Also, are you eating a TON of veggies and fruits? They're a good way to bulk up without going overboard on calories. Today I had a huge amount of veggies, and I was never hungry. Good luck on your last 5 pounds!
  • I try to find low calorie alternatives like others have said. I've been craving cheesecake, so I bought a Cheesecake flavored sugar-free Jello pudding mix, and I'll mix in a few mini chocolate chips with it. Tonight I baked a low fat apple pie (http://lowfatcooking.about.com/od/dessert/r/applepie.htm) because I was really…
  • Thanks all! I really appreciate the support! Here's a few things in response to what I've been reading (not arguing just answering questions brought up.) :) My foot injury is a bone spur on the top of my foot. The treadmill/running aggravates it, but the bike does not. I am awful about entering my water consumption. It's…