How can I,stop eating so many sweets



  • Keyra89
    Keyra89 Posts: 16 Member
    Mmm sounds yummy
  • goddessofmath
    goddessofmath Posts: 39 Member
    I try to find low calorie alternatives like others have said. I've been craving cheesecake, so I bought a Cheesecake flavored sugar-free Jello pudding mix, and I'll mix in a few mini chocolate chips with it. Tonight I baked a low fat apple pie ( because I was really wanting some apple pie. It was only 150 calories for one sixth of the pie! Someone mentioned Skinny Cow, and I love their ice cream desserts. Weight Watchers frozen desserts are great too. The chocolate chip cookie dough sundae totally hits the spot. The whole point in counting calories is learning to eat correct portions and do all in moderation. For your diet to work, it has to be something you can live with which means sometimes having sweets. :) Good luck!
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    I read a post on here when I first joined that lack of protein in your diet can cause you to crave sugar. I love sweets but I've found since I eat the recommended amount of protein daily I do not crave sweets as much.
    A great trick I've found is dark chocolate and fruit. I bought a bag of the morsels and they have lasted me a couple of months! I only use a few chips at a time and maybe do this once or twice twice a week to curb my sweet tooth.
    I take a tblspoon of chips and nuke them in the microwave for a few seconds (sometimes I add a dab of peanut butter it's so delicious!) Then I dip a few fresh strawberries in the chocolate or half of a frozen sliced banana. You really feel like your are being bad and because the fruit is already sweet even without the chocolate you don't really over indulge. Just a few pieces and you'll be satisfied. The choc/peanut butter mixture is also awesome drizzled over a small serving of frozen vanilla yogurt!
  • peytjalmom
    Google "sugar addiction." Whether it's truly an addiction or not is debated, but we sugar addicts usually have our blood sugar levels on a roller coaster ride which causes cravings. You will find in your internet search that timing meals and lo-cal snacks every few hours packed with protein helps break the strong cravings. Worked for me. Thought I was hopeless.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I have a major sweet tooth. I bought the skinny cow 100 calorie chocolate truffle bars and they are so good. I also bought vitamuffins (dark chocolate) which is also 100 calories. My other choices for sweets are the sugar free jello puddings, fruit with sugar free chocolate syrup. I am on a 1200 calorie diet, and still my "fix " in. :-)
  • antfefe6
    antfefe6 Posts: 32
    I have taken unflattering pictures of my face and when I think I want something like that....I look at the picture. It has stopped me 4 times so far.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    The only thing that works for me, is not eating them at all. One sweet leads to the next, and the next, and the next... Low fat or low cal sweets or chocolate doesn't work for me either, I'd just eat two bars, or three....or....

    It's hard, with kids in the house who obviously like a treat every now and then and I can't always stick to it, but trying to stay clear of it altogether works the best for me and the cravings definitely have lessened.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    When I feel like I am DONE eating for the day and don't need anything extra, I go ahead and brush my teeth for when I go to bed. Sometimes I brush my teeth hours in advance but it keeps me from eating. I also floss and use mouthwash... it lessens the chances that I will eat again because I HATE going through the brushing/flossing/rinsing process.

    If you are at the beginning of your lifestyle change, this is the time to figure out if when you are having those cravings you should indulge a little (maybe with some 100cal pack cookies or sugar free pudding) or if you should just cut out the sweets cold turkey. If you find that when you indulge with a cookie pack, but find yourself eating 2 packs, then 3... you should probably just cut sweets out completely. When you are having cravings, just drink water, brush your teeth :) chew gum, suck on mints, eat fruit
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    It's true--the more you have, the more you crave. Sugar substitutes and low-cal options also contribute to the sugar and carb cravings.

    I would suggest going cold turkey for 30-60 days, then reintegrating a small amount of sweets into your diet. You should target them as treats for once or twice per week, not every day.

    All that sounds beautiful, huh? A lot easier said than done! But, you can do it. Think of it as a long-term investment in overall healthy eating rather than a quick fix to a problem.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Think of the damage to your teeth. That put me off.
  • Keyra89
    Keyra89 Posts: 16 Member
    When I feel like I am DONE eating for the day and don't need anything extra, I go ahead and brush my teeth for when I go to bed. Sometimes I brush my teeth hours in advance but it keeps me from eating. I also floss and use mouthwash... it lessens the chances that I will eat again because I HATE going through the brushing/flossing/rinsing process.

    If you are at the beginning of your lifestyle change, this is the time to figure out if when you are having those cravings you should indulge a little (maybe with some 100cal pack cookies or sugar free pudding) or if you should just cut out the sweets cold turkey. If you find that when you indulge with a cookie pack, but find yourself eating 2 packs, then 3... you should probably just cut sweets out completely. When you are having cravings, just drink water, brush your teeth :) chew gum, suck on mints, eat fruit
    i have tried the 100 cal packs before n i tend to eat more then one i think i just have to TRY and stop cold turkey although i have bought a pack of gum n that been working out well :) so far
  • mia1221
    mia1221 Posts: 2 Member
    You can buy the gum anywhere! I buy mine at wal-mart and they also have a strawberry shortcake gum that is really good too for 5 calories.