

  • The best thing you can do is listen to your body, sometimes more than your mind! The mind will tell you that you need to workout even when your body is spent, and the mind will tell you that you can't go further when your body is still ready to kick butt. But make your choice consciously and don't fret afterward, because…
  • Sorry...I prematurely posted :) First, kudos to you for deciding to do something you haven't done before and having the courage to find out more about it!!! The bike...I did my first sprint last year and like it so much I signed up for 3 more! I did them all on a mountain bike; fat tires, flat pedals, suspensions...the…
  • Thanks everyone! Have a fabulous day
    in Bump Comment by sftb April 2011
  • I think this is a fantastic method for your first 1/2, and very sound advice listed here! When I ran my second 1/2, I ran the first 10 km like a rock star, and then fought IT band issues through the last 11km! You definitely don't want to wait until you are too tired to run to start the walk segments, because you may…
    in 1/2 Marathon Comment by sftb April 2011
  • The wonder product is Foot Butter, by Rocky Mountain Soap Company. I believe they have stores in BC?
  • well said!
  • I agree with hopeitworks - knees are very particular and thus need a professional to help guide you. I have osteoarthritis in my knee, from an old basketball injury, and have ran 3 half marathons. It's flaring up right now, so I may end up walking my June half marathon...we'll see. Anyhow, I have a link below, in response…
  • Oh my, you are too young to have my knee!!! So....how did it go??? I hope what the therapist told you is helpful. Good luck with the rehab :happy:
  • Unfortunately, I consider myself somewhat of an expert on dealing with osteo knees :( My left knee has osteoarthritis from a basketball injury 27 years ago; lateral cartilage shattered and removed, chondromalacia patella. I continued living a very active life and recently it has decided to flare up. It turns out my…
  • We have a bunch of runners and triathletes connected together. Friend me if you are interested in connecting up with us. Cheers, Sloan
  • Sounds wonderful! I say...champagne is the new water! Have to indulge every now and then :smile:
  • I'm definitely not offended - I think it is a great post that makes sense to me and helps to shift our focus away from what we want to get rid of, and on to what we want to become...I'll take an R8 Spyder if you're giving out cars :bigsmile:
  • I echo that thought! LOL! I, too, feel sheepish adding my alcohol into my daily nutrition consumption, but...it is a reality. Ever since the family to a vacation to Europe in 2009, I got used to enjoying a daily glass of "grape therapy" at the end of the day (darn European life...I LOVE it!). Now I'm down to nothing on…
  • It may be worth breaking up those 12 minutes and see if that helps. Do not frett, you will be surprised at what you are able to do. You will make that 5k and feel proud for what you have achieved!
  • I wish I knew how to link you to a post I made a few days ago, as I had the same feelings when I started. I say go for it and soon you will be the intimidator :devil: Here is that post, in cut and paste format: For those of you on your first journey into the world of triathlon (or something else that's completely new and…
  • I'm no expert, but what worked for me was to gradually increase my distance. Start with what you can do without feeling these issues (and make sure you have the right shoes! A good running store should be able to "fit" you). We have a fantastic store called the Running Room. As you start to increase your time, you may want…
  • Thanks for your success story!!! Awesome!
  • Great success story! Maybe one day I'll take a full iron....
  • Go for you to get into running. 1.5 months is probably too soon to claim that it is not working, so don't give up! You may also want to consider some toning/balancing/core exercises that will help to tone your legs as you burn off excess from running. It will also help to prevent running injuries like IT band pain :wink:…
  • Thank-you - very helpful!
  • Half Iron - wow! It's funny how our goals escalate, though. I did sprints last year, will do sprints and an olympic this year and am targetting a half iron next year. What I once thought was crazy, I am now rethinking as "maybe...."!
  • Now that's fascinating...about the iron. Since logging on MFP, I've noticed that my iron is always too low....like way too low. I am ALWAYS cold, too. I wonder....
  • Excellent! good for you! You'll love the fitness you get from swimming.
  • Do you have a program at a local pool that teaches adult swimming?
  • That is a fantastic site! I wished I knew of this last summer when I started. I also bought "Triathlon for Dummies" to get some basic guidance on training plans.
  • The sprints are a great distance because they aren't that bad; 30 lengths (pool swim), 20km bike, 5 km run. As long as you can make it out of the pool alive, I think you would be surprised what you can achieve. Of course, I am assuming that you have no injuries that make this dangerous for you. Google some sprints in your…
  • Ah, the dreaded swim....how far are you able to swim right now? And it doesn't matter what stroke it is...I did a sprint tri this summer where there was one guy who was doing the strangest back stroke (nowhere near recognizable as anything I was taught in Red Cross as a kid! LOL!), the whole way, but...he did it!
  • I used to have that problem, but I had to "train" myself to take in water. I did 2 things to help, and neither involved any additives...first, I drink room temperature water. Each body is different, but my body seems to reject water that is either colder or warmer than room temperature. Second, I keep a water bottle with…
  • I like how this is explained. I think it would be helpful to keep in mind that this is a simplified tool intended to help people manage their nutrition and calorie balance in a generalized way. The tool, in my view, is fantastic for that and has already aided me in making nutritional decisions I otherwise would have…