The most common mistake women make!



  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    lol and the fur flies again, there are people who are going to be pro statement and those anti statement for what I said to begin with, some will nit pick at it to read more into it than what was intended, I just get frustrated that its perpetuated without any idea as to how much damage they cause themselves. Kind of like smashing your head against a wall to "look pretty" idea.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i totally agree.

    other women are always telling me to eat less calories because they think 1500 calories is WAY too much to be eating in order to lose weight. i used 1200 as my goal once, and i lost a lot of weight, but it messed my body up really badly and i gained it all back plus more. when i tell other girls that i eat 6 times a day, they're like "REALLY?? and you're actually LOSING weight??" the guys get it for some reason. my dad and some guy friends are like, "don't starve yourself! you'll lose muscle!!"

    some people (not always women) just can't get it into their heads that eating less calories won't help you lose weight. sometimes i'm guilty of it too, sometimes the days before weight in's, but i try really hard not to do it very often.

    anyway, i don't think that this post was sexist or offending anyone. these message boards are just about people talking and expressing their opinion. if you don't like a post, just move on. don't take it personal :)
  • tmedic75
    tmedic75 Posts: 1 Member
    Great post and makes a lot of sense!! Thank you!!
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    Great post! Thanks for the info. and this is my problem, but I'm not hungry all the time I have been under 1200 Calories and 120 Carbs a day. However, I have not lost a pound. I work out at least 3x a week and do Zumba at least 2x a week. WTH very upsetting, my goal is to lose 20 lbs and I want to do it slow but I am getting discouraged without seeing any results!!! And yes I am a FEMALE, but your info was helpful. Danyelle
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Good info, poorly worded in my opinion.
    If you want to write posts based on stereotypes and assumptions, why write a post aimed at women using a car analogy?? Very odd. But, it is good info and if all the comments keep people coming to the post and readong the original message, then it has done it's job.
    From a women who eats around 1600 net and is happily and steadily losing kg and cm.
  • I'm sticking with the such loved 1200 mark. It puts me at 500 calorie deficit. I try to workout nearly every day and am getting increasingly toned. I always get right up to the 1200 mark and always eat back All my exercise calories easily, no matter if they are 200/300 or 800/900. I try to eat constantly throughout the day to keep my metabolism up. Getting a steady zig zag down is my next goal. And I do find it hard to take a post too seriously when it starts out with such a wide-sweeping title.
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    I'm definitely not offended - I think it is a great post that makes sense to me and helps to shift our focus away from what we want to get rid of, and on to what we want to become...I'll take an R8 Spyder if you're giving out cars :bigsmile:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Great post! Thanks for the info. and this is my problem, but I'm not hungry all the time I have been under 1200 Calories and 120 Carbs a day. However, I have not lost a pound. I work out at least 3x a week and do Zumba at least 2x a week. WTH very upsetting, my goal is to lose 20 lbs and I want to do it slow but I am getting discouraged without seeing any results!!! And yes I am a FEMALE, but your info was helpful. Danyelle
    I hear a lot of that danyelle, I would be more than happy to offer a fresh pair of eyes to help you with the diet side of things. Do not confuse hunger with proper nutrition, they are 2 different animals.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
  • hamp8891
    hamp8891 Posts: 15 Member
    Sweet! Loved the analogy! Thanks!

    Ignore the crazies on here. They probably have nothing better to do than to count wrongs and breed animosity! I'm a chick and took your advice as it was meant, for ANYONE it is applicable to. The "mistake women make" was enough to get my attention. I would have probably ignored it otherwise.

    So again, thanks!
  • I'm not offened at all. I really like this post.

    My question is what would be your advice to someoneke myself. I dont really get hungry ever. I can eat once a day and be fine. I get busy with life and kids. Maybe thats why I'm not hungry or it could be just forgetting to eat. Not really sure. For my height and age and weight and wanting to lose 2lbs per week. It put me at 1200. I try to eat that but no matter what I'm always under. I even try making myself eat. Any help would be great. Oh I should also let you know I'm a very picky eater. Just thought I would ask you because you understand it. Thanks in advance.
  • When i read some of your topics yesterday, i thought you sounded like you had some good advice , now i'm not so sure !

    YOU have just offended 90% of the female population on this site!

    For starts "The most common mistake women make" Just as many men, work out to hard and eat to little..

    secondly we are not GUYS!

    Your welcome to look at my diary , i don't starve myself..

    I go to body pump twice a week , i know i don't do cardio , but i think i should do some...

    Please if you are going to write post , for or about women , speak to some first!

    What she said!!! :smile:
  • When i read some of your topics yesterday, i thought you sounded like you had some good advice , now i'm not so sure !

    YOU have just offended 90% of the female population on this site!

    For starts "The most common mistake women make" Just as many men, work out to hard and eat to little..

    secondly we are not GUYS!

    Your welcome to look at my diary , i don't starve myself..

    I go to body pump twice a week , i know i don't do cardio , but i think i should do some...

    Please if you are going to write post , for or about women , speak to some first!

    Where did he call us ( women/people) guys?
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Definitely want to take the time to read this. I'm a small girl who works out hard twice a day but I eat allll my calories. I take in anywhere from 1850- over 2000 on some days. Sure it can be tough for a few reasons but I do it to feed my body and fuel my work outs =]
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    I know that this has dragged on way too long, probably. But I 'am itching to reply. I am just flabbergasted at how anyone can continue to take offense. When I first read it, I thought......that's me! I had been wondering why my weight has stalled. Thanks for the reminder. I didn't even notice whether you were male or female until the offended began posting. Then I just kinda went "HuH?" I don't see the offense anywhere or the "unsolicited advice". This is a forum aimed at support and advice, so how is it unsolicited? The fact that it is called "community" means that we are in this together to offer words of wisdom and encouragement.

    This makes me think of the people who correct everyone's grammer on forums. The point (which was a valid one) gets lost. I feel like I should be very careful of what I post for fear of offending anyone now....and that's a very sad thing. I probably pissed a few people off with this post.

    Had the OP used words like "A shout out to all the Hoes in the house starving themselves!".....well, that might be offensive.
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    Well said - not offended at all - Most days I go under my calorie limit, but it is usually only under by about 6 Calories as I need to eat the 1200 or I would be starving!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Ok people I decided to write this one for the women as they seem to make this mistake all to often as well as some men, but more so the women.
    1) When they join regardless of how much they weigh or their stats they instantly go for that golden 1200 cal/day minimum.
    2) They workout as much as possible and eat as little as possible.
    3) They totally starve the body for fuel and nutrition this way and either have 0 weight loss or have a great start until the body adapts and then stops them dead in their tracks.

    1) Wrong
    2) Wrong
    3) Went with MFP guided cals, who knew I shouldn't be eating below my BMR and starving myself.

    OP You can check my diary to see how much I eat. Just add me.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I know that this has dragged on way too long, probably. But I 'am itching to reply. I am just flabbergasted at how anyone can continue to take offense. When I first read it, I thought......that's me! I had been wondering why my weight has stalled. Thanks for the reminder. I didn't even notice whether you were male or female until the offended began posting. Then I just kinda went "HuH?" I don't see the offense anywhere or the "unsolicited advice". This is a forum aimed at support and advice, so how is it unsolicited? The fact that it is called "community" means that we are in this together to offer words of wisdom and encouragement.

    This makes me think of the people who correct everyone's grammer on forums. The point (which was a valid one) gets lost. I feel like I should be very careful of what I post for fear of offending anyone now....and that's a very sad thing. I probably pissed a few people off with this post.

    Had the OP used words like "A shout out to all the Hoes in the house starving themselves!".....well, that might be offensive.

  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    Ok people I decided to write this one for the women as they seem to make this mistake all to often as well as some men, but more so the women.
    1) When they join regardless of how much they weigh or their stats they instantly go for that golden 1200 cal/day minimum.
    2) They workout as much as possible and eat as little as possible.
    3) They totally starve the body for fuel and nutrition this way and either have 0 weight loss or have a great start until the body adapts and then stops them dead in their tracks.

    1) Wrong
    2) Wrong
    3) Went with MFP guided cals, who knew I shouldn't be eating below my BMR and starving myself.

    OP You can check my diary to see how much I eat. Just add me.

    Good for're on track and successful on your weight loss journey, which means the post probably didn't apply to you. It did apply to me, however, and I realized that staying at or below 1200 for too long was stalling my progress. He wasn't wrong, this particular advice just didn't apply to you and some of the other posters who are having success at 1200 calories. I, too can have success at that calorie range, but only for awhile. Then I have to up the caloric intake to sort of "reset" my metabolism. Congratulations on your success, but remember this advice when you hit a wall. I've read over and over again in many health magazines and sites that we need to "cheat" every once and awhile and not stay at a low caloric intake for too long in order to continue our weight loss. I kinda like the idea of being able to eat a little more every now and helps me to feel less deprived. like where your head is now! Mine's finally outta that dark place too!! ♥
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Exactly it didn't apply to me nor many of the other woman he lumped together with his statement.
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