Triathletes - Experienced, Newbies and Wannabes



  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    I would love to but I have got to learn to swim first! :ohwell:

    Do you have a program at a local pool that teaches adult swimming?

    No they don't but I have some firends who gonna TRY and teach me this summer!!! So we will see!!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I am doing my first sprint on April 10. I have another one on May 1 and one on June 5. I have been training since December and have learned quite a bit so I'm willing to help in any way that I can. That being said, I am obviously still very much a rookie and would love to learn from the rest of you who are rookies (or experienced) too!

    Were you always a runner?

    Nope. Before I started training for my tri, I probably hadn't run more than one mile at one time (if that). I always told people "I only run if something's chasing me." That's not the case any more! :smile: Just start slow. Believe me - if I can do a tri, ANYONE can do one!!
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I would love to but I have got to learn to swim first! :ohwell:

    Do you have a program at a local pool that teaches adult swimming?

    No they don't but I have some firends who gonna TRY and teach me this summer!!! So we will see!!

    I would try to find some one on one coaching as I've heard open water swimming is much much different than in a pool.
    Also it would benefit you to not learn any "bad" habits that you will have to break later.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I swam for years through school and also taught for 10 years at various YMCAs. I know you want to let your friends help - but that is generally a bad idea. Local YMCA, pools. parks and rec usually have adult learn to swim classes. good luck!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I really have no experience or input.

    Just wanted to say my coworker is currently training for an Olympic distance triathlon this summer. He is the most fit/athletic person I've ever seen and he knows his stuff. He is currently waking up about 4:30 a.m. on Tuesdays/Thursday to take a swimming class before work. He said they have been doing various drill/interval workouts and today they worked on their endurance. Sounds grueling. He is starved all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays at work :)

    Good luck!

    HA!! I can totally relate to this. I joined a Masters swimming program this past fall and have been getting up at 4:30AM on Tues/ Thurs for swimming as well. And yes, it does make you hungry! :bigsmile:

    I got into triathlons 3 years ago and LOVE them! I started w/ a sprint, then Olympic, then intermediate, and did my first Half IronMan last year. Let me know if you have any questions!!! :wink:
  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    loving this thread

    i've done everything from try-a-tri ..
    which i recommend for total newbies who wanna "try" a triathlon and are worries about distance
    or maybe a duathlon... no swimming run, bike, run ( or maybe do a relay )
    up to an olympic distance with the goal of moving up to a half ironman
    sadly a car accident not only stopped all training, it set me back to less then zero

    training for tri's are great since you don't get bored just doing one activity
    and the women's only one i did was great experience with all sorts of positive reinforcement

    i've been dead last and middle of the pack, i've beaten by kids and seniors and handed 20 year old hard bodies their butts
    its a fantastic way to keep yourself motivated and have fun with friends
  • kaydee210
    kaydee210 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm loving this thread as well. Did 3 sprint tris last year. I'm ready to do some more this year. Ali, where do you live? Near Philly since you are considering SheRox? There are some good tris in the area. I like the D&Q ones, they are a little smaller and less intimidating than the larger ones like NJState Tri.
  • aschultz9
    aschultz9 Posts: 89
    Have been interested/intrigued..but I don't think I could do the swimming. I run, training for marathon now. I have a bike and don't see any problem there..just that darn swimming.
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    I would love to but I have got to learn to swim first! :ohwell:

    Do you have a program at a local pool that teaches adult swimming?

    No they don't but I have some firends who gonna TRY and teach me this summer!!! So we will see!!

    Excellent! good for you! You'll love the fitness you get from swimming.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Have been interested/intrigued..but I don't think I could do the swimming. I run, training for marathon now. I have a bike and don't see any problem there..just that darn swimming.

    You might be surprised what you can do. I got in the pool in December for the first time in about 10 years. I couldn't even go 50 meters without stopping to rest. Now, I can do 500-600m without stopping and my regular workouts are between 1200-1500m. All you have to do is jump in and start swimming. You'll build up quicker than you realize!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I was considering doing a triathlon this summer, but I don't have any experience and I'm not a good swimmer. I'm currently in the works for a 5K that I want to do in June. Maybe next year I could work toward a triathlon. Any tips?
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I was considering doing a triathlon this summer, but I don't have any experience and I'm not a good swimmer. I'm currently in the works for a 5K that I want to do in June. Maybe next year I could work toward a triathlon. Any tips?

    Honestly, just sign up and commit to it. I had never done one before I signed up in December for the one I am doing in April. But, I went ahead and signed up, then told EVERYONE I knew so I couldn't back out. That forced me to make sure I was getting in the gym. Now, three months later, I KNOW I can do it. I don't know what my time will be and honestly, I don't really care that much. I'll worry about my time in my next tri. Finishing will be a good enough accomplishment for me this time out!! Of course, if I can finish in under 1:25, I'll be even happier. :wink:
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    For my first race, my expectations were really high - my goal was to finish and not die. ;). Tehehe all of you can do this. There a a ton of local program - YMCA, try to tri, tri it for life, etc. If you feel lost, go to your local running store and they can connect you with a group. You'll be surprised by what is out there for training if you look hard enough...
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    I really have no experience or input.

    Just wanted to say my coworker is currently training for an Olympic distance triathlon this summer. He is the most fit/athletic person I've ever seen and he knows his stuff. He is currently waking up about 4:30 a.m. on Tuesdays/Thursday to take a swimming class before work. He said they have been doing various drill/interval workouts and today they worked on their endurance. Sounds grueling. He is starved all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays at work :)

    Good luck!

    HA!! I can totally relate to this. I joined a Masters swimming program this past fall and have been getting up at 4:30AM on Tues/ Thurs for swimming as well. And yes, it does make you hungry! :bigsmile:

    I got into triathlons 3 years ago and LOVE them! I started w/ a sprint, then Olympic, then intermediate, and did my first Half IronMan last year. Let me know if you have any questions!!! :wink:

    Half Iron - wow! It's funny how our goals escalate, though. I did sprints last year, will do sprints and an olympic this year and am targetting a half iron next year. What I once thought was crazy, I am now rethinking as "maybe...."!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I couldn't actually swim before I entered to do Ironman Switzerland in 2009.

    I did a couple of TI weekend workshops and went from not being able to do 4 lengths in a standard 25m pool to being able to swim two and a half miles in little over 6 months.

    Google "Total Immersion". There are also loads of TI links on You Tube to watch.

    If you're a rubbish swimmer there is absolutely no point in trying to build swim endurance with dreadful technique!!

    Swimming is all about technique! Do an hour swim with dreadful technique and you'll feel destroyed getting onto the bike. Do an hour swim with good technique and you'll feel fine.

    ps: Practice your transitions. Do your brick training. It's the 4th disclipline.
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    Great success story! Maybe one day I'll take a full iron....
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Hey guys need advice.......

    two things...... I find myself hitting a wall with my running at times that I feel I can't run no more......what do I do?

    Another thing the inside arches of my feet hurt after running is that the shoe or something else?

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    I'm no expert, but what worked for me was to gradually increase my distance. Start with what you can do without feeling these issues (and make sure you have the right shoes! A good running store should be able to "fit" you). We have a fantastic store called the Running Room.

    As you start to increase your time, you may want to consider a jog 10 min/walk 1 min pattern. If 10 minutes is too much, then go to 5/1. Make the increase each week gradual...don't go from 1 km to 3 km - increase by about 10 - 20% (go from 1 km to 1.2 km, etc.).

    I hope this helps. It helped me to go from not running to doing a half marathon!

  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you so much. I found a running store which will fit me and I am going today.

    As far as the running I can go 12 minutes without stopping then after that I tend to struggle, it's always when I slow to do the 1 minute walk i can't seem to get groove back.

    I am scared my first 5K is in a little over 3 weeks away!
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    Thank you so much. I found a running store which will fit me and I am going today.

    As far as the running I can go 12 minutes without stopping then after that I tend to struggle, it's always when I slow to do the 1 minute walk i can't seem to get groove back.

    I am scared my first 5K is in a little over 3 weeks away!

    It may be worth breaking up those 12 minutes and see if that helps. Do not frett, you will be surprised at what you are able to do. You will make that 5k and feel proud for what you have achieved!