

  • Serving size of chicken breast is 6oz raw, 4oz cooked. I also buy in bulk but I trim the chicken to fit my serving size, any small chucks left I use to make a chicken soup or I stirfry it with vegetables (still keeping in mind the serving portion). Some of those breast could equal as much as 2 portion size servings, so…
  • I also use sesame oil for some of my dishes.
  • The best choices are Extra Virgin Olive Oil a.k.a. (EVOO) or Canola oil. Instead of using cooking spray, get a bottle sprayer ( you can find it at the dollar store) fill it with either or buy 2 sprayers, put olive oil in one and canola in the other. When you need to cover to coat a pan or food, a couple of spritzes will do…
  • I wear 1lb weighted gloves when I do cardio such as my long distance walks and TurboFire. I also play tennis and that really tones my arms. I have a long way to go with my journey, but, I do see the difference in my arms. They have gone down 3 inches each from 18" down to 15". I still want to get rid of an additional 3 per…
  • No, only water counts as water. Suppose you wanted to replace all your water with coffee, imagine what that would do to you, crystals in the kidney, UI etc. Its because coffee does not do the job the water is meant to do. Coffee is entered with a meal or snack, water is entered as just water. Please do not try to convince…
  • When people want to join me, and then when its time to do it, they don't show up, waisting my time as if their time is more valuable. On top of which, they make a laundry list of excuses as to why they couldn't be there. I take a deep breathe whoo saahhh and calmly tell them, you are not ready to join me yet, when you are,…
  • Not only does sodium cause bloating but Coffee does as well. Even worse than sodium does. Cut back on anything containing too much caffine (coffee especially). If you drink coffee, try Half/Caf, Coffee instead. If you drink green tea, make sure it is decaffinated, many people don't realize that green tea has caffine. If…
  • Koa708 is correct, you need to atleast meet your daily goal. But the extra calories you earn from exercise can be eaten if you have any excess cravings. If not, you can bank the exercise calories toward your deficeit which are calories toward extra weight loss. Every extra 3500 cal you burn, a pound of fat loss. You burn…
  • I take Nature Made Multi plus calcium & D3 for Her, and B-12 promote extra energy and boost metabolism.
  • I would respond in a private message out of concern, being very clear and precise about my concerns. I do not get annoyed when people respond to something I am doing. This site is all about support, motivation etc. Even if someone comes off as a know it all, people assume what ever the heck the want to assume. What's…
  • Drinking plenty of water for me has kept away the salt cravings.
  • I have Kettleworx, and yes I love it. The work outs are not time consuming and intense. I just started but my husband has been doing it for a week and a half and I definately see some changes. My primary workout program is Turbofire. I incorporate Kettleworx when I can. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I will get there.
  • I have them, and you aren't really doing nothing for something. You have to walk in them for them to do the job. It is also helpful in easing your back pain. I wear mine when I am going to be out all day, might as well tone and be comfortable all at once. It was one of my mother's day gifts last year.
  • I did a lot of research before I started and getting in all the calories is tough, but with dedication we can do this. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  • I'm also new, this is day two for me. Hello!:smile: