I'm eating right and exercising, but I can't get rid of the bloating. Anyone have any remedies?!



  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Keep an eye on sodium (which can cause water retention) and make sure you are getting enough fiber and water (not tea or coffee).

    Has anything in your diet changed recently? Certainly if you were eating poorly then started eating more vegetables and beans and the like, your body may just be adjusting.
  • staceyk71
    Water...water...water. If I feel like that I get two 32oz waterbottle and drink both of them.. I also drink a cup of green tea with miralax and that flushes everything out....
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    If you make your diary public, it might be easier for us to pinpoint what might be making you bloated!
  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member

    Activia - Yogurt
    Peppermint tea
    Slow down when you eat
    Over the counter meds like Gas-X or Beano

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    Sodium could definitely be an issue. Another suggestion that helped me immensely is to cut WAY back on processed white flour. I have nearly eliminated it from my diet. I can't tell you what a difference that made (TMI, if you know what I mean) in a very short period of time.
  • MeolaCharles
    Not only does sodium cause bloating but Coffee does as well. Even worse than sodium does. Cut back on anything containing too much caffine (coffee especially). If you drink coffee, try Half/Caf, Coffee instead. If you drink green tea, make sure it is decaffinated, many people don't realize that green tea has caffine. If you take suppliments (ie. recovery formulas) check the label for caffine.

    An over-indulgence of water is also a cause for bloating. It's ok to drink between 96 - 128 ounces per day, but drinking more than a gallon per day is pushing it, especially if you are ideal weight or close to it. Its ok to drink more than the recommended amount if you work out more often and sweat. But if you over-indulge yourself with water, your body will retain excess water causing you to appear bloated.

    I read this in Health Magazine.
  • JustMichelleB
    I would not advise taking Miralax on a regular basis.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Steel cut oats (I have the 5 min quick cook version) and some prunes with your coffee? Seriously sometimes the high fiber creeps up on you! Probiotics in active yogurts or just pick up some and take them as supplements.
  • staceyk71
    Activa is amazing...the miralax I wouldn't take everyday...I only do because it is prescribed for other health issues.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    yes watch your sodium intake but I also heard from Dr Oz that taking Magnessium helps plus anti gas medications such as mylicon helps some. Aslo are you eating a lot of high fiber foods they can do it to.
  • Papa_Swearingen
    Papa_Swearingen Posts: 139 Member
    I admit that my diet is higher in salt. I find it very hard to eat foods that are low in calories and not high in salt, otherwise they really don't seem to have a taste! I take fiber powder everyday, but I have heard that can make you bloat too. I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day to flush the system, but I'm just not seeing improvement. Its SO uncomfortable. I'm not gassy (hehe and thank goodness!) just feel like I'm puffy or holding extra water. Ugh, dieting sucks.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Just do your best to cut back slightly on the sodium (especially if you eat out frequently, restaurants are terrible for salt).
    Here's one article with a few suggestions. More fruit, more potassium (helps counteract the sodium).