kathieh1 Member


  • I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery on June 5th - so two weeks ago yesterday. I took about a year to make the decision from when I first saw the doctor and started on a manditory managed weight loss program. I got through that but then chickened out initially, then gained the weight back and finally went back to the doctor four…
  • great pictures - and you already look wonderful. I'm in sort of the same pattern. I just made it to 200 (-50 pounds) and have about 55 more to go.. the second half seems harder, but I know we can do it.
  • Go to a specialty lingerie store if you are larger than size DD... which you may not even know if you don't go to one. Bra's are a bit more expensive than at department stores, but they do fit better. Oh - you can also take a tuck in your current bras to make them smaller. The lingerie store lady told me about that.. just…
  • I love PB2 in chocolate shakes (diet type shakes) with lots of crushed ice. I also like it in sugar free pudding. It's pretty much great on anything. How you use would depend on the recipe.. if the recipe uses Peanut Butter for liquid than add some to it, otherwise - just sprinkle it in. Yum.
  • Wow thanks for all the support messages. Years ago - when I was about 30 - I worked myself up to being able to run 3 miles. I think if the culture had been to do 5K's and things I would have been doing that. RIght now I'm being hesitant on running since I worry that I'll get an injury or strain my knees or something - but…
  • Very good. Can really tell you feel more confident too.
  • Changing your environment is a sure fire cure. If you're watching TV or working .. go to a different room or floor. Take a walk around the block, etc. Pretty soon you will have forgotten your craving.
  • OK it's still Monday for me so I'm in. I'll start posting results tomorrow.
  • Congrats! Very good. Keep it up and be sure to focus on maintaining too.
  • It's important to get apnea diagnosed and treated as it has many bad effects including weight gain and memory loss. I read something the other day saying the brain cell losses can even be permanent.. so find a way to get some help for that and good luck. I don't know of any self help therapies for it except for weight loss…
  • I believe I also have food addiction. What has worked for me is to eat small (100 calorie) meals every 2-3 hours.. and I'm using meal replacements (Medifast) which keep my sugar levels balanced so I don't get cravings or feel too hungry. It completely changed what I was eating so that food was no longer a choice exactly..…
  • I think it completely depends on the ingredients. They aren't bad or good per se - they ARE food.. it's just whether they have the right calorie balance for what you're trying to do. For me, high protein bars are OK, but the high carb ones are not. I think if you have the right kind one a day is ok if it's around 100…
  • I vote for a flow chart too... with illustrations. Have you seen those posters they do for towns with the little cartoon pictures? I could imagine a flow chart (think game board) with all these phases and really great illustrations for each one. Thanks for sharing. I'm in the phase where you keep blinders on and just keep…
  • Seems like good advice. I'm just planning to start some strength training so can use the inspiration.
  • You didn't give a lot of details on how big a change this is for you.. how long you've been trying and what you mean by not losing any weight. Do you mean zero or just slow? Even a half pound is a loss. Weight loss can be slow depending on what kind of plan you're on and some people don't lose weight on 1300 calories. If…
  • Thanks for the encouragement.. I used to do yoga many years ago, and I know it would be hard.. but not familiar with these types of classes.. I do have low blood pressure, and I've read (here in another thread) that that can be an issue with yoga.. but it seems like it would be interesting to try it and we do have a center…
  • I'm still quite a bit overweight.. is it possible to do Bikram Yoga when you're overweight to start? Like 70 or 80 pounds overweight and fairly out of shape? I love the idea of the stretching.. but I would feel weird walking in there and having them kick me out.
  • It is easier to get pregnant for a lot of people once they lose some weight. I know that was true for me in the past and I had severe unexplained infertility but got pregnant after a substantial weight loss.. years ago. In my eventual successful pregnancy I only gained 17 pounds and the baby was 100% fine. I didn't diet,…
  • Well I applaud you for doing something that is good for yourself. Computer relationships can be great or toxic and it takes self control to detach from something that is not supporting you. Everyone has different reactions. I'm on FB, but I NEVER do status updates. I primarily joined so I can be friends with my daughter…
  • I don't feel like it's necessary to eat more calories just because you exercise.. for example if you're eating 1200 for weight loss goals.. and then add 250 calories worth of exercise, you don't have to increase the food.. That's just my opinion, but I'm curious what others think. I don't change my eating at all due to…
    in Stuck Comment by kathieh1 March 2011
  • Hi - I'm new here, and only two weeks on Medifast this time but I feel I've got some perspective as I lost 45 pounds on it a few years ago. That time I didn't use the personal coach aspect (Take Shape for Life) but just used the Medifast website and their support boards which are plentiful. I'm convinced it's a very…