Any advice for sleep apnea? ):

I actually haven't been diagnosed because I can't afford health insurance, but I know that's what I have. About a year ago I had gone to a clinic and had a bunch of tests done and they said for as big as I am, I'm pretty healthy and suggested getting insurance and having a sleep study done.

I find myself completely exhausted. When I aim for eight hours of sleep it more or less feels like four hours. I am constantly tired and fatigued, and need 3 hour naps like every day, and even those don't help. I never feel rested, ever. Is there any advice someone can give me?

Also, it makes it incredibly hard to lose weight! I have only ever lost 12 pounds ever! I have dieted and exercised so much. I have changed my life around to fit my new way of living but after a certain number, I just stop losing weight. Naturally, this makes me un-motivated and question why I'm trying so hard when the weight isn't coming off.

Any suggestions? Someone help me!


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    You need to see a Dr. He can order a sleep study, and prescribe a CPAP machine for you.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I know, but I can't afford the health insurance. A lot of the ones I looked at too don't cover sleep studies :ohwell:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I had the same symptoms you do, I thought I had apnea too. My regular doc got me set up for a sleep study, but it was nearly 2 months before the appointment. I went to an ENT because my snoring was so bad I was keeping my boyfriend awake. She found some structural issues with my sinus as well as a deviated septum (after an MRI) that was blocking my airway. While we were clearing up a mild sinus infection I did the sleep study. No apnea, but I was breathing through my mouth and waking myself up from snoring. After the sinus infection was gone I had a couple surgical procedures to fix my septum and clean out some of the excess tissue that was blocking my airway and preventing sinus drainage. Now that I can actually breath, I am sleeping better, no more snoring, no more waking myself up, no more naps needed and I have energy. If you can swing it, a visit to a good ENT might give you a place to start.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Can you apply for medicaid or a community health service that works on reduced rates?
  • kathieh1
    kathieh1 Posts: 23 Member
    It's important to get apnea diagnosed and treated as it has many bad effects including weight gain and memory loss. I read something the other day saying the brain cell losses can even be permanent.. so find a way to get some help for that and good luck. I don't know of any self help therapies for it except for weight loss for some people.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    If you have sleep apnea, a CPAP/BiPAP will make a world of difference. I felt 100% better from the very first night. Now, after less than a year of use and losing nearly 30 pounds (still some to go), I am significantly better. In fact, I am on my first business trip in a year without my machine...I am sleeping pretty dang good. However, I'll continue with the therapy until I get closer to a healthy weight.

    Apnea makes it nearly impossible to lose weight. I was a zombie and could hardly take care of my daughter...nevermind take care fo myself. My study showed that I was getting less than 2 hours of restful sleep in an 8 hour sleep cycle...and that had been going on for years. I thought I wasn't sleeping because I had a 3 year old that still wasn't sleeping through the night. As it turns out, my SNORING was waking HER up! She slept 100% better from the first night too.

    My blood pressure was never bad, but is now even lower. I have more patience. I'm not crushed by PMS. I don't feel like I am headed for antidepressants. Lack of sleep is devastating for your physical and mental health.

    Visit a sleep clinic and find out what options that you have--they may have a doctor who will prescribe the study and work out payments with you. Apply for assistance if you qualify and get the help you need. If/when you get the CPAP...USE IT. Take the time you need to get used to it. Don't be embarassed by it...I know, this was the HARDEST conversation I had when my new boyfriend started spending the night.

    If all else can buy a basic CPAP online for less than $500. I don't know how much proof of prescription that they make you provide, but you can certainly get your hands on one. Keep it clean and look for tips online.

    Until you can get the treatment you a good, sturdy foam wedge and sleep in an inclined position and use a warm mist vaporizer to keep your room humidified. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol or sleeping pills.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's very bad. You need a diagnosis and treatment Not only does sleep apnea effect your weight, it also puts extra pressure on your heart. Look for a free clinic and see a doctor. There are no OTC remedies for sleep apnea if it is bad you may need a CPAP machine to help you continue to breathe during the night.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Unfortunately, my Husband and I make "too much" money to qualify for the counties medical insurance or "medi-cal." They always have restrictions like, I must be pregnant, or under 21 and in school. I'm 24 and I'm not pregnant. I can't afford health insurance, and the ones I have looked up don't pay for sleep studies. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I can't afford to pay out of pocket for these things. This is why I've always struggled with my weight. I will do fine and lose a few pounds and then the weight just stops coming off. I don't feel good after I've gone to the gym, I don't feel good after I've slept. I'm literally a freaking zombie all day. It affects my life. It's so terrible.

    I hope I can figure something out. I don't want to be fat forever ):
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    Options always has CPAP machines for sale.

    Look into ones in your area.... best of luck!!