I lost over 90lbs.. and then GOT KNOCKED UP! :(



  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    Oh honey! Be happy and enjoy your pregnancy. It's a wonderful miracle you're experiencing, don't miss it. You only have a few months... My advice to you is to keep your diet in check. Maintain a healthy diet but don't go overboard like many women do when they're pregnant. Pregnancy is not a license to eat whatever you want! Every person and every pregnancy is different, but if it is any consolation, I lost all my baby weight immediately. Throughout the pregnancy, I gained 32 pounds. But after delivery and my body release all the water it was holding onto (I was super swollen the entire time), I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 2 weeks. Love your pregnant body. To me, there's nothing more beautiful...
  • jillbarnes
    I actually just pulled up WhenMyBaby,com to see IF I am preg this month, when the due date would be (I do NOT want another Dec baby!). I was at 130 when I got preg with Abigail (April 2008), worked on my feet all day and did not exercise. We moved to ATL while I was 32wks preg but it was then too late to start exercising & the swelling in my legs was horrendous so I kept them up a lot. I ended up getting induced then having a C-Section on December 20th. Overall, I had gained FIFTY pounds and Abigail came out a whopping 6lbs 2oz. I did lose about 10lbs in the first few days from the water retention. I breastfed but ate TERRIBLY, which didn't help my weight loss. I was also scared to start any exercise routine after my C-Section and had serious mommy-guilt issues when I decided I wanted to start exercising.

    I think you're on the right track so far. You did lose 90lbs! and I'm sure you have been maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine since becoming preg. Yes, you have gained but that's what your body is supposed to do when pregnant. Keep up the good work, this will make labor, recovery & returning to losing weight so much easier.

    PS: I think God keeps reminding me HE is in control. When I wanted to get preg, we moved from Birmingham to Nashville. Then moved to Atlanta before delivering. I wanted to get preg by December so my kids would be 2 school years apart, nope. I wanted to be done having kids by 30 (turned 30 in Jan), nope. All last year I really struggled with wanting to be pregnant, being jealous of everyone else getting preg and being unhappy with my physical appearance. On Jan 30th, my SIL announced her 2nd preg and I was pissed. The next day I had a breakdown and went to my first cycling class. If I cannot be pregnant, then I'm going to be skinny - esp if my SIL will be FAT, I mean pregnant. *wink* The light switch finally flipped for me and I'll get peachy in God's timing not mine...and I'm finally at peace with this.

    This is such an exciting time for you and your hubby! I'm sure you'll be just as determined after you have the baby. :)
  • jb83
    jb83 Posts: 38
    same story... kinda :-)

    I was 16 years old and 250lbs when I got pregnant with my 1st child. At the end of my pregnancy I weighed 300lbs. My life story gets WAY more complicated; at 19 years old I had my 2nd child and my husband was battling cancer (he passed away a few years later). After our second child was born, I lost 100 lbs. It took me 2 years, but I did it!

    Then I meet my second husband in 2006. Guess what news we found out the following year??? I was pregnant :-) At this point I didn't think of my weight at all..... and I climbed the scale back to 300 lbs! She was born in April of 2008. June, when I went back to work, I joined weight watchers and did REALLY well.... got back down to 250lbs! BUTTTTTTT, guess what news we got in 2009??? YUP! Baby number 4!!! This is the pregnancy were I expirenced the feelings you described. I didn't want to be pregnant! Of course I was happy and excited about my soon-to-be child, BUT I couldn't stand the thought of losing control of my body... gaining back all the weight! Regardless of exercise and being careful of what I ate, I was 300 lbs again by the time she was born in April 2010. Immediatly I started trying to lose the weight. However, it wasn't coming off!!! I got to a point where I just gave into the role of being a women.... my body wasn't mine any more. It belonged to this child I was breastfeeding. I knew if I cut my calories too low, my milk supply would suffer.... and the time to exercise was not afforded to me. BUT the one thing I held on to was that this is only temporary!

    I knew if I could lose 100lbs once, I could do it again! I stopped breastfeeding in December of last year, and knew in no-time-at-all I'd start losing the weight again! I started exercising in January, but didn't start losing until I found this website in Feburary! It's been 2 months, and I'm already down almost 30 lbs!

    Having known that was my last pregnancy, my last childbirth, my last little blessing to learn to crawl/walking/talk.... I wish that I had been able to celebrate my pregnancy more..... cling to the NOW... and not worry too much about the future!

    YOU will be able to lose the weight after you have the baby!!!
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    im happy for everyones babies and everything... but it seriously baffles me when someone accidentally gets pregnant... especially more than once? birth control...??
  • marrtini
    marrtini Posts: 75
    First of all congratulations.
    The weight gain is normal, and the sad feelings are ok, but dont' let them ruin your enjoyment. The weight you gain(as long as you are eating healthy) will go away after the baby is born, most of it is baby and extra fluid weight. I didn't lose as much weight as you did, but I lost almost 50 and got pregnant(completely unplanned) I maintained my weight for a while, I gained about 20 lbs in my whole pregnancy, but lost it all and I am still doing it. Breastfeeding will help you maintain and lose more weight. Do your best to enjoy your body, enjoy your baby and enjoy your new family.
    Good luck :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I just had a baby( unplanned also ) two weeks ago. I watched what I ate for the most part gained22 lbs. As of this morning I am back at my pre pregnant weight! Because you are still exercising and eating healthy. The weight will come off quickly when baby comes. It may help to join the pregnancy board on this site. They are great ladies and very supportive. I'll find you the link.
    Here it is. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/206825-pregnancy-2011-april?page=9. It's a very active board and I think you'll love it!
  • Higglyjiggly64
    I will add my two cents. Congratulations! My son just had an unplanned pregnancy and his son is the best "mistake" he's ever made. Try to be positive, because you can make this work to your advantage.

    My first pregnancy I weighed 124, gained 28 pounds. I ate healthy and walked and did physical labor each day. When son was born, he was 9 pounds and I lost 18 pounds right then and there. By the time he was 8 months old, I was 115 pounds. Breast feeding and less time for myself caused that weight loss.

    Two years later I was 128 pounds when I became pregnant with my daughter. I didn't eat as healthy, didn't "exercise" much and didn't lose as much weight when she was born. See the moral of these two situations?

    On to later on....small children have much energy. Playing, chasing, cleaning up after them will work your heiny off. Also, until they can eat whole meals on their own, you will be splitting your meals with them. And the lifting you do with them builds strength. Bottom line little tykes are the best calorie control, cardio and strength training you can get!

    Little tip - If you lift your small children up on your feet so they can fly like superman and bend your knees so they go up and down, there's no better work out for your abs and legs and the kids love it!
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I gained 100 lbs with my son! But it was worth every pound. You are doing great ! At least you are still exercising and working out. Once you hold your baby for the first time, it will all make sense to you! <3
  • MaryS910
    MaryS910 Posts: 348 Member
    im happy for everyones babies and everything... but it seriously baffles me when someone accidentally gets pregnant... especially more than once? birth control...??

    I've never been pregnant and have wondered as well BUT, in the case of very heavy women, sometimes their bodies aren't working correctly until they lose weight and bam, it happens. Prior to that, they may have never felt the need for birth control.
  • kathieh1
    kathieh1 Posts: 23 Member
    It is easier to get pregnant for a lot of people once they lose some weight. I know that was true for me in the past and I had severe unexplained infertility but got pregnant after a substantial weight loss.. years ago.

    In my eventual successful pregnancy I only gained 17 pounds and the baby was 100% fine. I didn't diet, but I started out somewhat overweight and it just worked out that way. No rule says you have to gain or maintain a certain weight when you're pregnant.

    I understand it's frustrating to feel the loss of control when you were so close to your goal weight.. drat if ONLY things could be timed perfectly -- but seriously - they cannot always be timed. Having a child can be the most wonderful experience of your life, so just focus on that for now and on being healthy. Congratulations.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    you WILL reach 160. post baby. its just going to take a wee bit longer!

    this doesn't take away fromt eh amazing achievement of losing all that weight at all!! if anything its a good way to know that you are healthy, its much harder to conceive when you are overweight!

    Its great that you are still managing to excercise while pregnant!

    You amaze me! : )
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I guess I just wanted to encourage you. I was looking at your profile and it seemed like you did really want a baby, just maybe not now. I'm sorry this is a sad time for you. I struggled with that a lot with my second pregnancy, and its really hard to explain. I don't know what to say except hang in there, and know you've got all kinds of support here.
  • LisaMaciel5508
    I felt the same way when i found out i was pregnant with my second because my first i gained only 14 pounds and dropped 35 leaving the hospital with my second i stopped counting the gain after 25 pounds gained and so i started to diet after she was born i was up and down up and down and now ive lost 32 pounds so far and i feel great and want to lose more how ever its not coming off and i exercise and eat right but anyways if u do breast feed it does help u lose weight and u will do it again but for now take care of urself and the baby
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    When I got pregnant with my second, it was a total surprise. We were trying NOT to get pregnant, actually, and well sometimes you can't plan for everything.

    I had just gotten back into an exercise routine. My oldest was about 9 months old, I had 12 lbs to lose to be back to pre-pregnancy weight. I lost it all in about 3 months. I was feeling really great about myself, I was eating right, I was GOING TO DO IT this time. Then in June of 2009, just after my daughter's first birthday, I found out I was pregnant again. I was finally at 229. I was on a roll. And then it all stopped. When I delivered Ellie I weighed over 260lbs. It was miserable. I was SO mad at the world when I realized I was going to be fat during pregnancy AGAIN, when I realized it was going to be another year before I could start getting back into shape. It sucked. But then I got into being pregnant and kind of forgot about it all for a while. After she was born, we went through a really stressful time in our lives and my weight loss was back burner until about October of last year. Then I started MFP and well the rest is history.

    Bottom line is that this is not going to put you that far off course. You have to remember how much of the weight you are gaining is baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, breast tissue, increased blood volume, and how much of it is actual fat. If you stay under 30lbs (that was your goal, right?) it will come off faster than you think. Especially since you are keeping up with healthy eating and activity all during the pregnancy, it will be easier on your body to labor and deliver, and to recover afterwards. 6 weeks after baby is here, you will be back in the gym sweating it off.

    You are doing a great thing for yourself and your baby by taking care of yourself physically, but take care of yourself emotionally too. Don't beat yourself up, don't allow yourself to feel guilty about eating or gaining weight, don't let this time go by without enjoying it. These are the last months it will just be you and the hubs, the last months you can do whatever you want without having to find a sitter and plan, the last months your house and life won't be chaotic 24/7, the last months of good sleep and free time. :happy: I"m not trying to scare you about parenting, I'm just telling you to let the weight fall to the back of your focus for a while and make sure to enjoy this time.
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    im happy for everyones babies and everything... but it seriously baffles me when someone accidentally gets pregnant... especially more than once? birth control...??

    I'd like to know how in the world this comment of yours is doing anything to encourage this young lady who has openly posted this for Support?!?!

    ....Hang in there! The emotions you feel are real & raw right now. As hard as it is, look at yourself in the mirror & note that your changing body (and the subsequent weight gain) is nothing more than a beautiful miracle. You will get back to your weight loss goal eventually; for now though, relax & try to enjoy being pregnant. Each kick & movement should remind you that BECAUSE you lost the weight prior to getting pregnant, you are now carrying a HEALTHY & ACTIVE baby inside you. He/She will be your biggest cheerleader in the months and years to come! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! :heart:
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Don't stress to much about it chica! I gained 100lbs with my first baby and only 9lbs with my second, it differs for everyone and if you are still staying active and get back at it once your Dr. clears you for vigorous excercise again you will be fine! Enjoy your pregnancy and don't worry about it. You haven't gained that 90lbs back so it's not like you will be starting from square one again. :)
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    if you make your mind up to loose it.... you will!! i did and will do it again when # 3 (hopefully) comes along. and i hope you enjoy having kids as much as me :0) keep ur head up and if symptoms of depression are knocking at the door, tell ur ob/gyn now!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I've been there. I have a 13 month old who happened at a time when I was trying to lose weight. I had hit my (then heaviest) of about 200lbs. I was sick of being fat and decided to do something about it. I'd started walking and changing my eating habits. I was down 20lbs and doing great when I stopped losing weight. I kept exercising and eating right but the weight stayed the same. After talking with a friend of mine about her monthly not showing, I then realized that it had been about a month since I'd seen mine. I went and got a pregnancy test and sure enough, it was positive. Granted, 20lbs doesn't sound like much, but it was a huge step for me to finally get up and start eating well and exercising. I was mad as hell when I found out I was pregnant. I just couldn't believe it. I went through the pregnancy thinking nothing but how to stay as small as possible while pregnant. I tried my hardest to watch what I ate and tried to exercise. I gained roughly 20lbs during my pregnancy and after I had her, I was down to my pre pregnancy weight in 3 weeks. I was ecstatic! Sad to say that during her first year, I managed to gain back those 20lbs and then (if you can believe it) gained another 20lbs! Which put me at my all time high of 220lbs. So I started my MFP weight loss journey when my daughter was 10 months old (in March) and have lost 38lbs so far. I got an IUD so I no longer have to worry about getting preggo while trying to reach my weight loss goal of 130-135lbs. lol