I lost over 90lbs.. and then GOT KNOCKED UP! :(

WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
So in January of 2010, I decided to finally lose the weight. I was 275lbs.

By December 2010, I was down to 195 - and then found out that I was pregnant a few weeks later.

I was upset/mad/nervous more than anything. My husband and I had no planned it at ALL, and I was only 25lbs away from my all-time low goal weight of 160lbs. I felt so angry, I can't even explain to you the feeling.

Now that I am almost halfway done with my pregnancy, my very first, it has been a horrible experience.
I am over being mad/sad/upset and more onto feeling nervous/scared/anxious.

So far I have gained about 13lbs solid, and as the scale climbs I get more and more sad. I know this is supposed to be a happy time in my life, and as horrible as it sounds to say it or type it out loud - half my mind thinks about this baby, and how wonderful this will be, but then the other half can't stop thinking, "Why couldn't I just make it to my goal? Is this a joke from God?"

Has anyone else ever gone through this with losing weight/gaining weight during pregnancy?
I am SO afraid that I will not be able to lose the weight and finally get to my goal :(

Also - I've still kept exercising just at a much lighter pace, and I also still watch what I eat for the most part also.


  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    Pregnancy is crazy... and you'll probably gain ALOT more :)... I gained the most in the last month... but my little baby was incredibly healthy... You just wait until that baby is here and you will just die that you ever even thought all this.

    There's no race to the finish--- you will eventually be at your goal weight... promise.
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    First of all CONGRATULATIONS! On losing the weight AND on your future baby!
    Enjoy this time, be healthy during your pregnancy...eating for 2 is a myth. AND breastfeeding melts of at least 500 calories....so between that and chasing the little one around you will melt off what you gain during pregnancy and then some.

    Congratulations!!!!!:flowerforyou: Don't be sad.
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    when you are pregnant the weight you gain is from all sorts of stuff like the baby and water and all that......13 pounds isn't bad and after you have the baby you will lose some of it pretty quickly. As long as you eat healthy and take care of yourself you will lose all the weight and get down to your goal after you have the baby. Stop stressing about your weight you can do that after the baby is out but for now you need to take care of yourself and that baby.......
  • If you eat healthy while your pregnant you will be fine. Most of that weight is water weight anyways. I gained 45 pounds when i was pregnant with my son and i am now in the process of losing it. I was terrified of not being able to loose the weight but I am actually down to my pre-baby weight now but I want to loose more and tone my body. Another good suggestion is take good care of your skin and drink lots of water while pregnant. I had HORRIBLE stretch marks when i was pregnant and was so freaked out that they wouldnt go away. I put lotion on 3 times a day and drank tons of water and now you can barely see them :) Cheer up and dont be nervous it was the greatest experience in my whole life and I wish I could relive the day I had my little man over and over
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    First of all CONGRATULATIONS! On losing the weight AND on your future baby!
    Enjoy this time, be healthy during your pregnancy...eating for 2 is a myth. AND breastfeeding melts of at least 500 calories....so between that and chasing the little one around you will melt off what you gain during pregnancy and then some.

    Congratulations!!!!!:flowerforyou: Don't be sad.

    Breast-feeding is incredible for some ladies--- I highly recommend it. However, I was one of those "unlucky" ones... breast-fed for 15 months and didn't start losing weight until she had weaned. It made me really hungry and I just wanted to sit, and eat and--- gaze at my baby :))))))
  • oh I forgot breastfeeding helps a ton to loose the weight and get your body back to normal too :)
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Congrats on becoming parents, its awesome. Weight gain does not have to get you down. Talk to your doctor about how much exercise you can do and same for dieting. Prob. just some modifications from what you were doing. I was quite heavy when I had each of my kids and I only gained 12 with my first who weight over 8lbs and only 20 with my second.

    Depression and saddness can really be a cause of weight gain, try to focus more on being healtly and having a healthy baby and all the joys it brings!

  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    While I was not in the same situation as you were weight-wise before pregnancy, I gained 50 lbs. with all 4 of my pregnancies. I had 4 children in 4 1/2 yrs.. After my first two I was able to lose all of the weight w/in the year. After my second child I lost it all and then some. The last two were a different story but for a lot of reasons.

    Bottom line, don't sweat it. It will come back off. If possible, breastfeeding is the best way to lose the weight and fastest. Remember to keep as active as possible during tho. Best of luck and congratulations!
  • valucarelli
    valucarelli Posts: 15 Member
    You are so dedicated, there's no way that you won't reach your goal after the baby is born. During this process of losing weight, you probably weighed yourself about once a week, right? Well, wait until you come home from the hospital, each day you can/will get on the scale and just see lbs after lbs shedding off, daily!! It will be wonderful and that will motivate you to keep it going, even after you lose the baby weight, until you reach your goal weight! If ever there were a speed bump in the weight loss process, I would say a baby would have to be the best one!! Congrats to you!
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. Back in May of 2009 I began my weight loss. By September 2009 I had lost 75lbs. I was still FAR away from any goals. Then I found out I was pregnant. I gained nearly all the weight I had lost back. But it's ok. My baby was born in May of 2010. I have now lost a total of 95 lbs. Just focus on a healthly, happy pregnancy. You lost the weight once and you can do it again. Hang in there and if you need a friend just send me a request.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    With BOTH of my kids I got pregnang after I had lost 30-40 pounds! I know it seems sad and difficult, but I PROMISE you that it will be worth it when he/she is here. And you have the tools and knowledge of how to do it again when you are ready. 13 lbs in 20 weeks is really good as far as weight gain. It is true you gain more at the end, but you can still make sure you eat as healthy as you can. My OB always told me that "eating for two' is a myth & you only really need to up your diet 200-300 calories & make them healthy ones.
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    CONGRATS !!!

    The other ladies are right, 13 pounds is really good. And you will lose it fast, too, I am sure ! I lost all my pregnancy weight in
    4 months by breastfeeding, eating healthy and then I started working out, when my daughter was about 5 months old. If you
    could do so good before your pregnancy there is ZERO reason why you won't be able to do it after she's born. You'll just have
    to add one more reason on your list to be healthy : to be the best role model possible to your daughter.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I started my weighloss journey July 08. I had 67 pounds to lose. I lost 25 pounds in 5 months and was on a roll!!! But...like you, I found out I was pregnant. Unlike you though, my husband and I were planning it...just not for a few more months. So it came a little early, but we were happy. Since then I have had TWO babies! :) My youngest is not quite 8 months old yet and I weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with my first (I have lost 44 pounds since she was born)! It is frustrating to have your weightloss journey put on hold, but just know how much it will motivate you to get back on that path when your precious baby is born!! You can do it. I vowed to myself that I would stay on MFP while I was pregnant and try to maintain (plus 300 extra calories for being preg) so that I wouldn’t gain too much...but I didn’t do it. I was happy with what I gained, but I know I could have done better. I gained 32 with my first and lost 29 before I got pregnant again. I gained another 38 with the second and have now (like I said) lost 44 pounds. You can do it!! It is doable!! I am, once again, on a roll and have been able to pick up where I left off before I got pregnant! Good luck!

    And CONGRATULATIONS!! Be happy! Babies are SOOOO fun! Maybe you’ll breastfeed and earn those 500 extra exercise calories daily 
  • niki30
    niki30 Posts: 40
    They say having childbirth is the quickest weightloss program, lol. I lost about alot of the weight I put on with my last one in the hospital, about 18lbs. Just remember, most of the weight is not you, its your little baby, and some extra fluid and stuff that he/she needs to grow. Cheer up! :D you know what to do, you lost all that weight before, you can do it again! Just eat healthy, and stay away from too much junk food....I ate junk with my first baby and gained 90lbs lol, but don't worry, I don't think you will gain that much. I just didn't control what I but in my body. With my second I gained 30lbs. Still working that off and the other one lol...and that was 9 years ago!

    You will do great! Keep your head up and start focusing on that little blessing :flowerforyou:
  • OK first of all sorry to say this and I don't want to upset you but please be really happy about this baby.
    I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years and am losing weight so that I will be able to have IVF - I would give my right arm to be in your shoes and pregnant !!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    OMG...EMBRACE your pregnant state to the fullest!!!!!!!! PLEASE be/get excited about your future child!!!!!!!

    This is an amazing time!!!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    it happened to me too...back in 2006 i had lost 40 lbs and was 20 away from my goal and then got pregnant, completely unexpectedly and then followed that with having 2 more (3 in 3 yrs) i gained a total of 60 pounds and i am finally in the process of taking it all off. but i didnt eat healthy at all, i figured i was pregnant and going to get "fat" anyway and let myself go. my youngest is about to be 2 and just this year i decided to stop using the "i just had a baby" excuse for being so overweight. it will come off just as quick (if not quicker) than it goes on if you eat right, exercise, even lightly, and take care of yourself. i know it is scary but once he/she is born it will be amazing! enjoy it and congratulations! :smile:
  • pandairwin
    pandairwin Posts: 8 Member
    I don't have much to add, breastfeeding is the way to go!!! I am still nursing my 9M old and lost all that baby weight plus the rest of my baby weight from the other two kids. I agree with the post above that said it makes you more hungry. But once i started counting my calories and eating really healthy, the cravings i had before (sweets 24/7) went away. It's sad that I am eating much better now than when I was pregnant with my kids.

    Two labor and del nurses told me that nursing can burn up to 2000 calories a day. I am guessing that is at the beginning when all the baby does is eat!!

    Good luck and congrats on your weight loss and baby!!
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    congratulations on losing over 90 lbs! That's amazing!

    and congrats on the baby! you're bring a baby into this world so much healthier because of your efforts to lose weight and be healthier. you've lost 90 lbs before, and you will continue to improve your health throughout the rest of your pregnancy and after your baby arrives.

    i got pregnant at my highest weight of 236, also my starting weight when i joined mfp. when pregnant, i weighed up to 251 the day before i gave birth to my most wonderful daughter, about to turn 1 year old in 2 weeks. i lost all the baby weight within 2 weeks after having my daughter, then lost an extra 10 in the next 6 weeks. only to gain and lose and gain and re-lose those same 10 lbs for the next 8 months. then i found mfp. I've lost 18.4 lbs since joining the last week of january.

    my goal is to get below 160, my goal range is 150-159. but my husband and i also recently decided that at the end of the summer, we should think about trying to have another child. so my new short term goal is to get below 200 before the end of summer and improve my body composition (lower body fat %age) before getting pregnant again. sure, it may push back my ultimate goal for awhile, but i will be so much healthier this next pregnancy. i'm doing something wonderful by raising my daughter and planning to create another life. and i will be able to exercise during pregnancy next time since i've been doing already-- meaning healthier pregnancy, easier birth, and it'll be easier recover and heal post-birth and get right back to losing the weight again!

    don't discount all the hard work and effort you have put forth and reaped the benefits of. it's not just about the number on the scale, but what's inside that amazing body of yours and the little one you are growing. keep working-- you are doing amazing things for yourself and your family.

    feel free to friend me!
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    please also talk to the dr if you feel very depressed about this. I got pregnant at a bad time for me ( not weight related - was supposed to have shoulder surgery and was in severe pain at the time) and I had the worst time with depression during pregnancy. I was also very angry at being pregnant as the surgery was to have been the month after I found out and then we were going to try again. The dr's I had were specifically told about it as I was suicidal at one point early on... but they ignored me. By the end of the pregnancy I had made plans to leave the baby with my husband and move cross country with just my dog and lose myself out there somewhere. The dr's still brushed me off. It was the most horrible experience because everyone talks about post partum... but there is a depression while pregnant that is every bit as disabling.

    obviously I never followed thru with my plans and I have a wonderful 4 year old... however the depression was horrid and should have been watched over better by my dr's.

    However I still have moments where I think back on all the thoughts and plans I had and it upsets me that I didn't get help when I needed it. I had a textbook boring pregnancy physically... but have guilt over the thoughts from the depression...I'd hate to see anyone else go thru what I did. The anger would trigger the depression because I knew it wasn't the baby's fault... and it made me feel like a failure of a mom before I was one.
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