Louiselesley Member


  • My device hasn't arrived in the mail yet (I got a broken one first time off and am only getting around to replace it now) This is my profile though. https://www.fitbit.com/user/2RLWLB
  • Why don't you manually change how much you intake to make sure you keep a balance everyday that is more than what MFP lets you but don't go in the red
  • Walking or swimming in a local pool. There are no free pools near me but I am led to believe there are a lot other places!
  • I always feel better though when they put it all back again and I'm the one friend who keeps it off. Slowly but surely :D
  • Great Post! I can relate to the drugged-up look when you loose too much. The weight unfortunately moves from my face when I simply use diet so I am having to change a lot of things to attempt to loose it other places. We all have different healthy weights and we are all different in body types - no one rule!!
  • My diary is sometimes really awful but I'm nearly always under my calorie goal (tis private at the minute but tis normally public). I haven't the best of diets but it works for me and that is what important. I have some people call me on the amount of cereal I eat and how it's 'really quite awful' and I also have people…
  • A couple of months into trying to eat healthier i just listen to my body and if i eat something and afterwards i feel 'bleh' i wont eat it so much again or if i feel amazing after a meal, i try to repeat it. i don't really listen to anyones advice, just go with what my body tells me.
  • my body also seems to be very comfortable at 135-140 and refuses to loose another 10lbs too *sigh*
  • Yeah totally works when you warm it up. It actually is really good if you just like normal oatmeal because you get more oatmeal per liquid than you would if you where doing it normally. just add about 1/3 extra liquid, cook it for a few minutes in the microwave then leave overnight and all the liquid will be absorbed by…
  • Oh How I remember going of to school with my cucumber sandwhiches. WHY do British people think this is a good sandwhich idea? They stunk as a child... And me? I like cucumber dipped in hummus. mmm.
  • I used to use Endomondo but I've switched to dailyjog because it can post to daily mile. I also realised after using a HRM that it over-estimates your calories - LOADS! like VERY dramatically! it told me i'd burnt close to 300 and the HRM said 145. /:
  • Is this an American thing for milk? because I checked mine and it doesn't have nearly as much as you state? Or maybe it's a brand thing?
  • I will never believe that fruit should be limited. I have always been a huge fruit eater and it has never, ever been a problem for me. It actually helps me avoid other bad foods because my sweet tooth is filled in a healthy way. If I eat some pineapple, I won't crave the sweet cookie.
  • Ice Cream and Pasta. Probably two of my 'indulgences' although I never treated Pasta like an indulgence but so many people do. I accidentally gave up bread so Pasta is really my only carb heavy thing I eat. I haven't really given up anything.. just cut down. I've always been pretty good at only eat one piece of chocolate…
  • I can just sit and eat a carrot. I get lazy and literally peal it and chop of the top and then just sit and eat it. Weird looks all around.
  • I also went cold turkey from all sodas and just switched to plain water or squash (pink grapefruit and orange are my favourite) i also drink pure fruit juices cause i love them (and tough if anyone tries to convince me they are bad for you!) i got headaches and i felt pretty awful but now? NOW i feel sick if i even have a…
  • Your EX is BLIND! You look absolutely amazing!
  • I think it's definitely a habit you need to push yourself into. I am an early bird by nature but it's because I love the morning air and the way everything is so quiet. A good tip is that you put your alarm somewhere where you need to physically get up and move to put it out. Once your up - it's definitely easier to stay…
  • My Father turns 61 in about 2 months and the other day we had a very amusing push up competition. My Brother, a competitive cyclist who generally does upwards of 200miles a month could do about 10 before dying (which i don't really understand given his weight training but heh, it runs in the family apparently) My Mother a…
  • So many people have so many reasons but I really have no idea what mine was. I suppose I say ever year that I wanted to make a resolution and keep to it and this year was simply get fit and don't drink fizzy drinks. Once I'd spent about a month in bed from getting the flu and then a really bad cold a week after (could i be…
  • I have never overate apart from like the VERY rare binge of a candy bar or some ice cream. I just gained weight because i kept eating what i did when i worked out and then i just maintained it for a few years - now im back to working out more, its dropping off easily with little change to my old diet. i also rarely snack.…
  • welcome! it really stinks when something stops you from working out doesn't it?
  • I personally find the elliptical really really really....annoying? i don't even know the proper word. I just don't like it. I own a treadmill and I prefer that even if it doesn't burn as many calories. I agree with the poster above - I have REALLY short legs and I think that caused me so many problems. It just wasn't…
  • you can't remove your ticker from your MFP profile but you can make your profile completely private so no-one but friends see it?
  • once i add up yesterdays and todays i get around 1000~ i don't really have a huge burn cause i only try to do a little each day (and i rely on my treadmill not the over-estimated cals on here)
  • The girl on a running blog I follow recently had to take 9 weeks of from running (and she is a proper runner) from Shin Splints. Sorry to break it to you but literally you will make them worse to the point that you can't walk! She had to work on the bike and do other classes but definitely couldn't run. There is no way…
  • I definitely agree with the others. Especially since I started C25K recently after a huge gap in exercise/fitness/any type of movement from an injury last year and it's currently kicking my butt - it is a LOT harder training than you'd think but it's surprising how you make progress at first.
  • I suppose the MFP account could go two ways; Either she will come on to the forums and actually get educated or she'll ignore the advice and use it in a bad way. But I suppose you won't know until you do it. I went through a stage like this in my teenage years (give the fact i'm 22 this wasn't so long ago) and i simply…
  • *hands up* i'm totally guilty of this. i'll work out more if i know i need extra calories for the day and it inspires me to do more when i know ill still be under my goal and have a complete feast. but yes. always eat your exercise calories back (or at least a good amount of them if you struggle to eat them all if you burn…
  • as much as i appreciate that may work for some people. i nearly eat everything on the 'bad food' list and im loosing okay and toning up...