Has anybody here NEVER been an overeater?

I know it's a fairly stereotypical thing to say that most overweight people overeat or binge-eat, but I do often see that some indeed do and it's something extra for them to overcome and when they are successful, the success is that much sweeter.

However, what about those who are overweight but don't eat well enough! As in, a good and filling breakfast, good lunch, small portion at dinner, filling up on soft drink instead?

I have never been an overeater, binger, or snacker. Yet I am overweight, and yes, I used to fill up on soft drinks and sometimes, alcohol. Now that I am eating regularly, I'm feeling a lot better and eater smaller portions and feeling full more quickly. I used to "fill up" at dinner time as some days, it would be my only meal. But now that I am eating properly, I'm finding I can do smaller portions at dinner. The saying "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper" (or to that effect) comes to mind. My mother jokes that my stomach must have shrunk, haha. I do have to force myself to eat breakfast and not ONLY drink a shake (I use Vitaplan)... I do use the shake as a supplement before I exercise, then eat breakfast, so that it's good and filling. I do still have off mornings that I can't be bothered eating and settle for a shake, which isn't necessarily a good thing sometimes.

Anybody else like this? And also I don't mean to cause offense at what I said above about overweight people overeating, as I know it can be a serious issue and not something to poke fun at at all. If that makes sense.


  • cr00kednz
    cr00kednz Posts: 15
    Oh and no more soft drinks, haha. I dropped 3kg in the first week going cold turkey and the funny thing is, since I've been eating properly, I haven't craved Coke. Water all the way here. Mostly! lol
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I never binged. I only ate once/day. I'd been eating enough calories in one meal to sustain 235 lbs. which put me at 100 lbs. overweight. A combo of eating that many calories, rarely hydrating and having stalled my metabolism with my eating habits and awful nutrition were to blame. Plus, I'm totally sedentary. I'm 49 lbs. down since starting with 51 to go.

    Being here has really opened my eyes re: nutrition. I had no idea I was so far off the mark.

    Whadda ya mean pasta, cheese and butter aren't a balanced diet? :laugh:
  • sarahpittaway
    I loved my soft drinks. Would drink 2 to 4 litres a day . I was a late snacker . I would binge on pasta , chocolate and ice cream. I never touch breakfast. Now after changing my diet completely I have lost 82 IBS . No soft drinks , energy drinks and juices .I do still eat ice cream and chocolate but not after 6pm . No late snacking . It was my over eating. Which cause me to be 229 IBS ! Now 150 and aiming to lose that last ten . The last ten is the hardest but can be done.
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Hmmm, I guess I have always over eaten - I just never recognised it because I have always been healthy.

    I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so I have always eaten balanced, nutritious meals - with a good mix of lean meats, masses of salad and vegetables etc....

    My downfall was complete obliviousness (is that a word?) to portion size... you're supposed to have 75g of spaghetti right... I was regularly throwing in what ended up being around 180g and thinking that was a portion!!! :noway:

    MFP has made me much more aware of this...so thankfully I'm now at my goal weight and making sure I weigh everything before I cook with it!!
  • Genie8015
    Genie8015 Posts: 1
    Not here..I think my downfall is the fact I stay up late at night and thus feels like more food than I really need.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I've nevery really been an over-eater. I was eating the wrong foods for sure. Fried instead of baked, chips for a snack, candy, chocolate, POP.

    Since changing the foods I feel way better. Meals are still the same size, I really never ate big portions and probably never will, but i was a terrible snacker. I've been working on cutting that out.
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I have never overate apart from like the VERY rare binge of a candy bar or some ice cream. I just gained weight because i kept eating what i did when i worked out and then i just maintained it for a few years - now im back to working out more, its dropping off easily with little change to my old diet.

    i also rarely snack. i dont' feel the need to.

    (NB: Please note I was never actually over-weight though. Too much weight for my frame in my own opinion but always a healthy BMI and never what anyone would consider to weigh too much)
  • LSmela
    LSmela Posts: 30
    :grumble: I really had a hard time eating at the right times. I worked third shif tfor several years. Now I am not working and trying to get up early and eat breakfast. WOW it is hard to do somethig your not used to doing. I keep trudging along. I am sure after a while I will get conditioned to it. As of overeating yes I think I was. Not eating at the righjt times would eat during night time munching alnight to keep yourself awake at work was the problem, in my own eyes.