fitfoutch Member


  • I had high blood pressure when I was pregnant with my 1st, (21 yrs old) that just never went away, regardless of pregnant or not. I was miserable being on medication that made me very tired. While going through a divorce, I decided I needed to get off meds and have enough energy to be a single mom. I was never overweight…
  • Close! Due with #3 Dec 30th! Oldest is 6 1/2, middle is 5 in a few months. We started trying at the end of March and it only took 2 weeks! We were anticipating a few months of trying! Congrats!
  • I glanced at your diary, girl you need some PROTEIN and VEGGIES asap!!!!!! The protein will help you not feel so starving, and vegetables offer the most nutrient dense calories. 20 lbs in 14 weeks is not what the doctor ordered! I know most people will say "just eat" but what they don't realize is that your baby needs…
  • Same thing my 5'11 lifting partner does. lift
  • Ma'am, I never stated that processed food is healthy. I said it is food. Because it is. All foods are just foods, some more nutritionally dense, others are less dense in nutrients. That doesn't make one "good" or "bad". A diet of properly set up macro and micro nutrients can include a wide variety of types of food. Both…
  • Sorry but I'm not one to take the "Huffington Post" as a source of quality information. I stick to peer reviewed medical journals.
  • Lift heavy weights, do HIIT cardio, and keep your macros in check. If you get your macros properly configured, you eat a flexible diet that works for your life. Processed foods aren't evil, they are just foods.
  • I think your macros are spot on! Great job joining the IIFYM team! I used to feel the same way you do, struggling to get all the protein in, while keeping the C and F down. Now one of my favorite lunches is a roasted veggie (like Brussels sprouts) with a big grilled chicken breast marinated in lime juice and franks red…
  • Notice I said MILLING about the mall. Mall walkers, and true walking is exercise. But milling about, stopping and looking, shopping ect. is just not something I consider exercise. All movement is good, certainly. Do you also consider grocery shopping exercise?
  • Don't mess up a child's innate ability to regulate their eating. They don't have the emotions tied to food the way we do. They only know hungry vs. not hungry. Educate yourself on what age appropriate servings are for their ages. Don't make a child clean their plate. Don't make food a reward or punishment. It's just food.…
  • Look at that as a blessing. Milling about the mall is not exercise.
  • All of this is nonsense
  • Bring a travel size bottle of windex or bleach and spray everything before you eat it.
  • Walking at an incline will burn more calories than flat ground, about 12% more calories per mile walked for a 150 lb person. A moderate pace and incline is a great way to build endurance and prepare for speed increases. The thing you need to be aware of is hanging onto the handle bars. I see women on the treadmill all the…
  • Sorry, I should have been a little more thoughtful on what I wrote. I was concerned that the OP would get scared off by a super strict diet, ie, "clean eating" because he has had trouble in the past going "off" a diet when the contest ended. Macro fitting has no end, and can be way more accommodating.
  • I was wondering the same thing. I'm forever in the weight room, and never once has anybody stared at me, or even given me a second glance, other than time my toddler was shouting HI MOMMY!!! a million times from the play structure overlooking the weight room. I think they just wanted me to tell him to hush though.... I…
  • It is possible to build muscle while losing fat! I'm glad I'm not the only person here that realizes this. However, you don't "need to stick to a very strict diet". That type of thinking may set you up for failure, as you mentioned you have struggled with gaining weight in the past, when competitions are over. Eating to…
  • What is your current fitness level? Do you have a desk job, or a physical one? Have you lifted weights in the past? How many times per week are you exercising right now? Have you had a chance to properly set up your caloric needs for weight loss? is a great tool for this, as it offers a few options to…
  • If you are true beginner, you can add muscle mass on a calorie deficit, because you excess body fat to use as fuel. This won't last for long however. I can say without a doubt, to start lifting weights now. Lift HEAVY (safely of course). Use cardio a supplemental activity to lose weight. The more lean muscle mass you have,…
  • You need a new trainer, but not before you educate yourself. Check out Dr. Layne Norton on youtube. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in training, bad trainers, metabolic damage, nutrition and how to sort fact from fiction. 1200 calories a day is the standard "online trainer" diet, all very clean, with no…
  • Why not make room in your diet for the things you crave? Unless you are unable to control yourself, I see no reason why you couldn't incorporate the things you really love.
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far! Your macros are on point, I got the same numbers when I input your info. Start with using the macros given and see what happens. I would try it faithfully for no less than 10 days, ideally 2 weeks and adjust as needed from there. You don't need to fiddle with them weekly or anything,…