PokernuttAR Member


  • I manage an office so I am sure to get up and walk around the office checking in with staff and seeing how the day is progressing. I also work on the 4th floor so I always take the stairs up and down. Instead of sending emails to others on different floors, I try to go to their office and talk in person. It makes for great…
  • I am a boxer and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in trying it out. Muay Thai has some of the same benefits and actually more due to the kicking and flexibility required. For me, I am not flexible enough and stuck to boxing. I lost weight as well and even won a sanctioned amateur boxing match. If I can do it,…
  • Don't confuse that "bulk" with muscle....if they're stomach sticks out further than their chest, its not muscle. lol Some guys like to flex their "bulky" arms, but they don't like to talk about their 46 inch waist.
  • You need the time off for recovery. If you don't let your body recover, you increase the possibility for injury and not letting your body reach its potential. With that said, I HATE rest days, so I know what you're going through. I just see tell myself that by taking a rest day, I'm actually working towards my goals. Hope…
  • I'm not sure what you mean about fat getting looser...but I assume you're losing weight and you're starting to have extra skin which could cause the appearance of sagging or fat getting looser. I would definitely work on strength training now and not wait. Building muscle will help you burn fat. You can do push-ups and use…
  • I'm cool with it...just don't do it in the squat rack. lol
  • Yes, I use BPI or Cellucor products. They work very well for me.
  • Base your goals and progress with the mirror, not the scale. Who cares how much you weigh if you look the way you want??? For example, if I told you that I weigh 185 pounds, would you say I look fit or overweight? What if I told you I weigh 250 pounds, would your opinion change? Probably not because the scale is just a…
  • I agree with this part of his message. ^^^ In addition the resistance training needs to get more progressively more difficult in order to cause muscle growth. I would suggest that you wait until your healthy and your doctor gives you the ok to begin a proven workout program. In the mean time, maybe you can concentrate on…
  • Somebody should tell this to every athlete in the world cause they must have been doing it wrong all this time.
  • If its close enough, go check out the course before the race so you know what to expect. My first race had a huge uphill towards the end and I wish I would have paced myself better for it and ran more hills leading up to race day. Also, try and do a race day simulation a few weeks before the race. Do everything you will do…
  • For me, what works is stretching, foam rolling, and taking glutamine post workout.
  • I like to do about 10 minutes on the elliptical. I like it because it warms up my entire body, unlike the treadmill or stationary bike. Then for each exercise I only need to do one warm-up set with about 50% weight for 15 repetitions.
  • Two young ladies got on treadmills right next to me when there were plenty to choose from and I didn't think anything of it. They started jogging and carrying on a casual conversation between themselves. After a few minutes, the one closest to me apologized if their talking was ruining my workout. I said, "absolutely not."…
  • HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training...basically it is repeating an exercise with full intensity for a given period, then taking a rest for a given period, then repeating that Interval. For example, I do HIIT on the elliptical. I go with 100% intensity for 15 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, then repeat. I do this for…
  • Back to the OP's initial question - It really depends on your goals. Many bodybuilders say more than 20 minutes of steady state cardio has a negative effect on muscle building. Personally I don't like jogging so I do HIIT on the elliptical which I find more enjoyable and is much shorter.
  • @BusyRaeNOTBusty THANK YOU for this article. I have preached this for years, but now I have an article that explains it. I will be sharing this link far and wide. Thank you! :)
  • This is definitely not HIIT. It sounds more like circuit training. These are great workouts too, but you don't get the same after benefits as HIIT.
  • As an amateur boxer myself, I agree with EHollander89 regarding the Title Boxing Club idea. Using boxing for fitness is great, and I would highly recommend these types of cardio based classes to learn some fundamentals about boxing first. A quality class will be cardio based, but they will correct your form as needed.…
  • It depends on your goals and what you will enjoy the most. Tryout both for a couple weeks and see which one you enjoy the most. If this is a real HIIT class, these are taxing and can be very difficult. Depending on your fitness level, you might not want to try this one first. True HIIT is usually recommended to be done 1-2…
  • Doing an exercise at 90-100% effort for 15-30 seconds, followed by a 15-30 second rest, then repeating the cycle for at least 5 minutes is my definition of HIIT. My favorite is doing 15 seconds on and off with the elliptical for 20 minutes.
  • I agree with the above post if you are squatting to improve your squat ability or if you're competing in powerlifting because you do need to use correct squat form. But it does depend on your goal. If you're using the smith machine for squats as a means to lose weight or strengthen your quads for example, then the smith…
  • It is mainly nutrition (1g of protein per pound of bodyweight), but I would go with the heavier weight/lower reps and try to increase the weight every 1-2 weeks (progressive overload). This is not easy on a cut, but this should be the goal.
  • I wouldn't change your diet due to a one-day change in your workout routine. If you think it will take more energy, just be sure you have carbs in your system to fuel your energy required. I don't think the number of sets per exercise in a deficit really matters. You could do 3-5. I calculate based on body part and do…
  • I would suggest looking at the Training section of Stronglifts is a great program, but you might find others that are interesting to you personally or more suitable based on time and equipment availability. There's tons of info on this site. Check it out!
  • If you put in gender, weight, and age, you should expect the machine to only give you an approximate amount of calories burned. The app doesn't take into consideration what machine you're using. Do they think all machines are made the same??? It also doesn't consider the incline/resistance level you set on the machine or…
  • There are many great programs out there, but for me, it depends on the instructor. I've attended the same class at the same gym, taught by different instructors, and it can make a huge difference. Many gyms have a free trial. I would ask to take a couple free classes with different instructors and see how you like it.