What martial art is the best for fitness?

Okay, I personally train in Muay Thai and have been for about a year 5 months, I have lost a lot of weight, increased my overall fitness and as a bonus have joined the fight team!

But the main reason for this thread is what do you think the best martial art is for fitness and why? For those who don't train, why not give it a go?


  • PokernuttAR
    PokernuttAR Posts: 74 Member
    I am a boxer and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in trying it out. Muay Thai has some of the same benefits and actually more due to the kicking and flexibility required. For me, I am not flexible enough and stuck to boxing. I lost weight as well and even won a sanctioned amateur boxing match. If I can do it, so can others. #45YearsOld
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    IMO, BJJ. It's a total body workout and IMO, probably the best martial art for self defense.

    My oldest does it and my youngest will be starting soon...I did it for a bit, but class times were hard to be consistent with and I was having to drop other things that were important to me.