

  • I kind of have trouble with both. A lot of times when I'm craving something salty, after I eat it I want something sweet, and vice versa. I like Cheez-its or other crackers for my salty fix usually, and sweets are almost always snack cakes - if I have them in the house.
  • What they said. Invest in professionally fitted shoes, and start slow. There are lots of programs, books, etc. available for non-runners to slowly, safely transition.
  • Only if you're never gonna give him up.
  • As long as I get an invitation by owl, I'm in.
  • Turkey sausage patty and a smoothie with powdered oatmeal, unsweetened almond milk, greek yogurt, frozen peaches, frozen mixed berries, and spinach. It was my first time trying this recipe; I'll be adding some sweetener next time! :wink:
  • I don't know if this will be of any help or consolation to you, but when I'm restricting my refined sugar intake, I lose weight much more quickly as well, especially at the beginning. Maybe don't be too concerned unless it continues at this pace?
  • I have two Jack Russell mixes, but I don't run with them. They like to walk, but I'm afraid of exhausting them if we run, or tripping over them, honestly!
  • A couple of times I've ordered something out that I normally like but just wasn't prepared well that day. I've actually said out loud, "What a waste of calories." If I'm going to eat something special like that, it better be good!
  • I make it up based on what I've got in the house, and I don't measure anything. Also, I use a small personal blender, so it just takes a handful of most of the ingredients. Lately I've been mixing: 1 banana small handful frozen mango, sliced peaches, and mixed berries handful of baby spinach splash of almond milk I've even…
  • I quit drinking milk and have been avoiding other dairy products (kind of) because it irritated my acne-prone skin. I LOVED drinking milk, and I haven't found anything that replaces that, but I've had success using almond or soy milk as a general replacement for milk with cereal or in recipes. As for cheese, you can…
  • I know what you mean. I went through a time where I thought that too. The guys who were interested in me were perfectly nice, but fit that extremely nerdy, awkward description. Some of them I was friends with already but just not attracted to AT ALL romantically, which made it even more awkward, because then I was caught…
  • I'm only running on a treadmill right now, and I usually watch a television show. I have several on DVD, and I'll go for about an hour to get a whole episode in. I don't have cable or Internet to stream shows, so this is pretty much my only "TV time" which makes it a good motivator sometimes. Oh, and I don't really *run*…
  • Someone may have already posted this, but "negative calorie foods"
  • These days, pretty much anything goes. Use your friends and the nature of the event as your cues. The last bachelorette party I went to was organized via Facebook and word of mouth.
  • Others are probably more knowledgeable to me, but a generally accepted idea is to have a proportion of 80/20 "good" foods to "cheat" foods. How you divvy that up - whether it's allowing yourself a small "cheat" everyday or having one or two "cheat" meals a week - is up to you. Personally, I don't like to think of it as…
  • You can also use the Run Your Butt Off program.
  • Me! I'm using the Run Your Butt Off method, and I'm on week 2, which is a cycle of 4 minutes walking, 1 minute walking. I'm looking forward to entering my first race in the early summer. I'm going to try the Poke Salat 5k in Arab, Alabama!
  • I think you may just have to change SOMETHING, anything. It may be switching to less processed foods, as some have said, or it may be being a little more conservative with your input for calories burned (I use a HRM too, and I'm still skeptical sometimes), or trying a new type of exercise, or it could even be restricting…
  • MIne are still up, but only outside. :/ I'm a wimp about the weather, and with it being so cold, I didn't feel up to it. I'm hoping to take everything down this weekend.
  • I forgot to mention that one thing I do to keep the overall cost down is buy whole fruits and veggies and prep and cut them myself. I usually do it all the day I go grocery shopping or just any time I can set aside a chunk of time to do it all at once, that way it's grab-and-go during the week.
  • I pack lunches regularly for my job as well, and I'm on a very tight budget myself. I typically cycle through the same things over and over, and I often eat the same thing for lunch for about a week because it means I have to buy less groceries. I like half sandwiches with veggies and a low-cal dip, like hummus or veggie…
  • It could be worse. You could be a teacher regularly mistaken for a student. At your own school.
  • Aw, yay! :) I wonder if there's anyone else . . .
  • The Night Tourist, by Katherine Marsh (YA or maybe even children's fiction) What's the first thing you do when you get in the shower?
  • I'm from the South, and we boil most of our vegetables to death! Personally, I love just about all veggies, but I've learned that you can kick up their flavor considerably with some basic ingredients. My favorite seasonings to add to carrots/green beans/etc are minced garlic or garlic powder, Mrs. Dash Table Blend, chicken…
  • Count me in! The big day is October 4, 2014, and I have about 25 pounds to lose. My fiance says he still thinks I'm sexy (this is how I know he's a keeper), but I'd like to get back to where I was when we met. I've been "trying" the last couple months, but I'm really knuckling down now, and I would love some support as…
  • This. Why has no one commented on this. Genius. Hilarious.
  • I'm a comfort eater too. Stress is my biggest trigger. I'm a new teacher - young, struggling to manage the kids, struggling to teach my content, struggling to pay my bills -, I'm planning a wedding, and I'm living in a city 6 hours from my family where my only friend is my fiance. Over the last 2 1/2 - 3 years, as the…
  • As long as you don't add any butter or oil to your water, plain pasta should have the same calories cooked or uncooked.
  • Not a designated low-calorie site, but lots of delicious, reliable recipes - most with nutrition facts and diabetic exchange information.