Runners - what do you do during your run?



  • naomiprioleau
    naomiprioleau Posts: 38 Member
    I measure my runs through songs too! It helps so much! Often I'll underestimate and then be surprised when my run is done with a fewer amount of songs than I expected. Love it lol However, I'm usually daydreaming or in another land when I'm running with my music.
    MADDIESMOMMY6611 Posts: 140 Member
    I am so happy I posted this because I am loving all the feedback! I just read through all the answers and either laughed at some (racing people in your mind) or thought you guys had some creative answers. For those who think running with distractions is bad, try having a brain like mine! If it takes away from my workout, so be it. At least I'm losing weight. Some people need to have something going on, otherwise we wouldn't stick to running. And I don't run on trails so I'm not worried about falling over my surroundings. I only run on a treadmill because I live in NJ and we've either had snow or ice on the ground since December. When I first did the c25k program 2 years ago, I used to run to Jerry Springer episodes and whenever they got to the fight scenes, I found myself wanting to run faster. Maybe a should start running to UFC fights. ;-P

    Now that it's getting warm out, I'm definitely going to download that Zombie App. Thank you all for sharing and keep em' coming.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I run. Duh!
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I run outside and I enjoy just taking in the sights and sounds.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think and talk to my dog.
  • bnsnwldwmn
    I'm only running on a treadmill right now, and I usually watch a television show. I have several on DVD, and I'll go for about an hour to get a whole episode in. I don't have cable or Internet to stream shows, so this is pretty much my only "TV time" which makes it a good motivator sometimes.

    Oh, and I don't really *run* for an hour yet. I'm using the Run Your Butt Off program, which is similar to a C25K, and I'm in week 4 or 5, so I'm walking 3 min.-running 3 min.

    When the weather warms up (and I get better conditioned) I plan to move outside, and then it will probably be music. I feel ok once I get "in the zone", but having a slight distraction helps until I get there. Otherwise, I'm too busy thinking "OMG this is hard . . . I hate this . . . why am I doing this again? . . . etc."

    If inquiring minds want to know, I'm watching Quantum Leap right now. :)
    MADDIESMOMMY6611 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm only running on a treadmill right now, and I usually watch a television show. I have several on DVD, and I'll go for about an hour to get a whole episode in. I don't have cable or Internet to stream shows, so this is pretty much my only "TV time" which makes it a good motivator sometimes.

    Oh, and I don't really *run* for an hour yet. I'm using the Run Your Butt Off program, which is similar to a C25K, and I'm in week 4 or 5, so I'm walking 3 min.-running 3 min.

    When the weather warms up (and I get better conditioned) I plan to move outside, and then it will probably be music. I feel ok once I get "in the zone", but having a slight distraction helps until I get there. Otherwise, I'm too busy thinking "OMG this is hard . . . I hate this . . . why am I doing this again? . . . etc."

    If inquiring minds want to know, I'm watching Quantum Leap right now. :)

    I feel like I could have typed your response myself! I am doing the C25K too, and there are times where a commercial will come on and I'll have to concentrate on the running and think "omg this is too hard, I should stop". I watched the movie Gravity the other day, and had one of my best workouts because the movie was so good.

    I'll probably start running outside now that it's lighter later and getting warmer. Music will definitely need to keep me distracted.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Race day: Music. I have a play list I like.
    Treadmill: Music, podcasts, watch TV (which ever I fancy at that moment)
    Outdoor running: Music if I'm by myself. otherwise I run with a group and we talk.

    Whatever will get me through my workout. Podcasts are great because they can travel from the treadmill to the weight room when I'm done.
  • teanerhig21
    teanerhig21 Posts: 8 Member
    I've found that I get kind of bored with the treadmil/tv setup, although it has been nice during cold weather!

    I like to use the Zombies, Run! app because it mixes my music into a fun storyline.
    HA!! Thanks so much for this!!! Downloading it right now. So tired of my Nike+ app and cant wait to be chased by zombies. Plus, I'm needing to get some interval training in and I'm such a creature of habit that I need zombies to help me do it.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Inside: Watch something on the TV or listen to music. I have a treadmill set up at home with a TV and loud stereo in the room.

    Outside: Try not to get hit by a car. Contemplate life.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Not really, it's definitely this:

    "Ok...breathe, there's a rock, ok...breathe, my ponytail is falling out, I breathing?, I think I know her, is this another hill?, ok...breathe...."

    Pretty much this, minus the ponytail problem.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member


    Not really, it's definitely this:

    "Ok...breathe, there's a rock, ok...breathe, my ponytail is falling out, I breathing?, I think I know her, is this another hill?, ok...breathe...."

    Yep this all the way.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    First track of the Conan the Barbarian score on repeat.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    Just focus on something and go.