Milk Alternatives

4bugsmama Posts: 2,871 Member
I have just come to the very sad realization that I cannot have any milk products (I've figured this out by the terrible tummy reaction I have when I have any). Are there any other lactose intolerant people who can help me out? What alternatives have you found to cheese, yogurt, ice cream...those things that are so tasty. I have been using lactose free milk in my cereal for awhile now, but just need to make other changes. Thanks in advance :drinker:


  • brittsway
    brittsway Posts: 12
    My son has a dairy allergy. There is a brand called SO delicious that makes tasty yogurt and ice cream. They yogurt we have a to find at a natural foods store but the ice cream can be found at any grocery store. These are completely dairy free options.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Almond milk, of course! And only 30 calories per cup! YUM!

    Not sure about the cheese, yogurt, or ice cream, though.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    I love almond milk!!!

    Cheese - I use Daiya when I opt for cheese. It melts the best.

    Ice cream - go for coconut brands. Do NOT do rice ice creams

    Yogurt, ditto on coconut, but I prefer to just go without.

    I avoid soy, and find the coconut tastes better anyways.
  • bnsnwldwmn
    I quit drinking milk and have been avoiding other dairy products (kind of) because it irritated my acne-prone skin. I LOVED drinking milk, and I haven't found anything that replaces that, but I've had success using almond or soy milk as a general replacement for milk with cereal or in recipes. As for cheese, you can sometimes find vegan cheese in the grocery store. At mine, it's usually in the produce section with other vegan/vegetarian/organic type products. I don't have any suggestions for yogurt, but I have tried some ice cream products made from coconut milk which were pretty good, but I can't remember the brand right now. :(

    Also, my roommate in college was lactose-intolerant and she took a pill to help her digest dairy products. I've seen them at drugstores over-the-counter and are simply taken before you eat the meal. Might be an option?
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    There are quite a few soy based cheeses out there, I like Tofutti. It doesn't melt well though. There is a brand named Daiya that is made from tapioca that comes in cheddar and mozzarella style shreds. I use it things like Mac and cheese and quiche where you want it to melt. We use a non dairy creamer called Mocha Mix for substitutes where you want something thicker. It doesn't bake well though. for baked goods, I feel that Rice Dream comes out the lightest. You can find soy yogurt in both traditional and Greek styles. If you're near a trader joes they carry several flavors. There are quite a number of great ice cream choices. I have found various ones made from soy, rice milk and even coconut milk. If you are near a Sprouts, Whole Foods, or Trader Joes I think you'll be amazed at what you can find. Even our basic Ralph's (Kroger) is carrying more and more. Good luck!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I used to be vegan, so...

    The best milk alternative is almond milk, hands down, if all you're going to be doing with it is drinking it. As far as recipes go, some are better suited to coconut milk and some are better suited to almond milk.

    The best ice cream's are coconut-based, and So Delicious is the best brand I've found so far (also sugar free.)

    There are really no good cheese substitutes in my opinion. I'm sorry. Some people like soy substitutes, but... ick.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I have found that coconut milk tastes more like real milk than almond milk does.
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    Best nutritional milk alternative? Almond. Best taste? Rice. By far rice.

    As for cheese: Daiya cheese. It has a lot of calories but it comes the closest to tasting like cheese when you put it on stuff.

    Ice cream...that one is tough. too tough.

    Yogurt: Trader Joes makes a fairly tasty coconut one.

    Good luck!
  • LaLa_Ventura
    LaLa_Ventura Posts: 94 Member
    I have found that coconut milk tastes more like real milk than almond milk does.

    Almond Breeze has a Almond - Coconut milk. It has both. 45 calories per cup. I love it!
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    I have found that coconut milk tastes more like real milk than almond milk does.

    Almond Breeze has a Almond - Coconut milk. It has both. 45 calories per cup. I love it!

    Yes! Chocolate Almond Breeze is great for a treat too!
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I don't like to drink milk but needed to make sure I got my calcium so I put 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk in my oatmeal every morning.
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with most of the other posters..Almond Milk is by far my favorite alternative. My favorite brand has always been Almond Breeze. I am lactose I can still have SOME dairy. If you're really jonesing for dairy, you may try greek yogurt or hard cheeses (like parmesan)..those have the least amount of lactose and may not bother your stomach the way straight up milk does.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    +1 on the almond milk.

    I actually switched to it from dairy milk because I like the taste better, not for dieting reasons. In fact, the difference between the normal and unsweetened one is only 30 calories per cup, so unless you're worried about sugar it won't make a big difference.
  • 4bugsmama
    4bugsmama Posts: 2,871 Member
    Thanks so much for all of the ideas! I knew there was a great group of experts here. Off to the store I go today to get some of these things and get my tummy feeling better. I've also made an appointment with a gastroenterologist. My mom has had tummy issues for many years so I'm hoping I can get ahead of these issues myself and be happy with the changes in my diet :bigsmile:
    Have a great day everyone!!!