Lauren_Whitney Member


  • You'll be okay! Just keep on the right track and don't weigh yourself tomorrow or you might get discouraged. It will probably go up from water weight from the sodium, but that one meal won't hurt you.
  • I love coffee too, I have to have it every day! I use Blue Diamond Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, it has 40 calories a cup. The sweetened version has 60 calories a cup. It also tastes excellent in cereal, better than real milk in my opinion. You could also try soy milk, but I think almond milk is better.
  • I can't deal with the plain cottage cheese. I only eat the Breakstone's 100 calorie Cottage Doubles, they come with a fruit jam that you mix into it, it's actually pretty good, particularly the pineapple.
  • 1200 calories is arbitrary. To lose, I have to eat about 1000 as well. As long as you make good choices you will get the nutrients you need at 1000 calories.
  • I try to eat lightly for breakfast and lunch, and usually these events have fresh fruit and veggie platters so I eat a lot of that. Broccoli is very filling so I eat a lot of it Then, once I am close to full, I sample the other foods. Be careful of the dips that go with the fruit and veggies though!
  • If a person is obese or well on their way, I think the doctor should bring it up tactfully, and try their best not to embarrass the patient. I have been on the opposite end of this, where doctors have accused me of being bulimic (the dentist actually asked me this! WTH?) and they have expressed concern about my weight and…
  • The ellipticals at my gym have TV's mounted on them, and I don't have a TV in my room so that is the only time I watch it. I go to the gym planning on working out for 30 mins, but then a show I want to watch comes on and the next thing I know it's been an hour!
  • I have been using MFP on and off since February. HW: About 145 when I was 16 (I'm 24), when I was stuck eating my parent's unhealthy food. SW: 122 CW: 112 GW: 105 or 17% BF, whichever comes first. Height: 5'5", very small frame.
  • I picked a weight goal just for MFP purposes, but I don't really have a specific number in mind. I am going more by measurements (going for 22" waist, which is not far off for me) and appearance than by the scale.
  • I work out at home and at the gym. I have a mountain bike on a bike trainer in my room, as well as light weights and resistance bands hooked to the door. I just got Ripped in 20 as well. I try to get to the gym and run on the elliptical most days of the week. I only watch tv while I ride my bike, I have kind of conditioned…
  • Have you had your thyroid function checked out? hypothyroidism can cause weight gain/make it hard to lose weight etc.
  • A calorie is a calorie, it doesn't matter when you eat it. I eat little meals and snacks all day instead of 3 large meals. Like I will have an English muffin at 9, some cereal at noon, some sliced turkey at 1, yogurt at 3, etc. I pretty much eat right up until I go to bed. After midnight I count the calories towards the…
  • Yeah, my gym has Tootsie Rolls in a dish by the door and they serve pizza on the first Monday of the month. Why would you have a pizza buffet at a gym? I don't get it.
  • I used to be a couple of years ago. I was 34-27-37, but I lost weight and my shape changed. When I gain it all goes to my thighs.
  • I think that they are about equal in calories, but Chinese food uses more oil and probably has more sodium. Thai food will get you with coconut milk and peanut sauces. Anything with noodles is going to be high cal obviously. When I get Thai, I get Tom Yum soup to start and then usually a green curry even though it is made…
  • You should be fine. If you aren't hungry then don't force yourself to eat more than you are. I personally don't believe "starvation mode" is legit. Let's be honest...people starve to death. Has anyone watched Survivor? They drop weight like crazy in only a month. I call BS on starvation mode.
  • i eat around 1200 a day, and if i don't exercise I try to lower my calories a little more than usual to offset any gain, because I am smaller and I gain weight if I eat more than about 1500 a day.
  • I am 5'5" and 104, and my goal is at 1000. I usually eat about 1300-1400 but burn off 300-500, so my net is typically about 900 calories a day. I wouldn't recommend for you to go that low though. My daily caloric needs are low to begin with. The smaller you get the less calories you need.
  • You could snack on a lot of celery, cucumber, watermelon etc. (very minimal calories) and drink a lot of water or seltzer instead, that way you will make yourself full and not able to binge without getting nauseous from doing so. Putting a little bit of salt on the celery makes it better too.
  • I weight myself every morning, with no clothes on. I also weigh myself at night to see how much water weight I gained that day. Its usually a lot, but its gone by morning.
  • Haha what?! It says I'm a 28G. Does that size even exist anywhere? I thought I was a 32D, and that size is almost impossible to find!
  • Height: 5'5" Weight: 102 lbs Tops: XS/2 Bottoms: XS/2-4, Juniors 3
  • I go to my college's gym, and it is remarkable. I sit along the back wall of the gym on the Expresso bike, sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I just watch the screen on the bike. The same kids come in every single day, and it seems like no matter what time I go, they will be there. The cardio room I am in has a lot…
  • Oh, I know! I try to help my boyfriend watch what he eats and he just doesn't get how the calories add up! For lunch he will have two tortillas which are 210 calories each, with ham, turkey, and cheese, then a side of chips, and wash it down with about 16 ounces of milk! And he thinks that is a lean lunch. Are you kidding…