healthiest way to spread out eating

any thoughts on the healthiest way to spread out your food throughout the day? If you get up and eat breakfast, how long should you wait before eating a snack/lunch/snack/dinner/etc? Also, I read different things everywhere about food and bedtime. Most things I read say two hours before you sleep you should stop eating. What does everyone here think?


  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    When I used to eat smaller meals, I'd eat every 2-3 hours..usually a 200-300 calorie snacks/meals. 9am, 11am..1pm...etc.

    It was easier at the time, cause I didn't really count calories, but I was aware of what I was actually eating. The same basic things day in and day out.

    That's what worked for me. i've also eatin my 5-6 meals at one sitting. Breakfast, lunch, supper, dessert. One meal a day. That works too. I would say for most people, 3 meals, with 3 snacks halfway between work better.

    If you skip a meal or snack, eat a bigger dinner. Ultimately I'd like to think your last meal would finish your day off, wether it be smaller, or larger. By then you should know how much you have cosumed, and how much you still can.

    Be ready for a 'meal frequency/timing doesnt matter' debate coming any minute...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    it's really personal preference, i don't believe there is an optimal meal frequency for health or weight loss. And you can eat right before you go to bed, it really doesn't matter, nor does having to eat breakfast everyday.

    So whatever you find the most convenient and satiating is how you should space out your meals.
  • Lauren_Whitney
    Lauren_Whitney Posts: 26 Member
    A calorie is a calorie, it doesn't matter when you eat it. I eat little meals and snacks all day instead of 3 large meals. Like I will have an English muffin at 9, some cereal at noon, some sliced turkey at 1, yogurt at 3, etc. I pretty much eat right up until I go to bed. After midnight I count the calories towards the next day's limit. My method is kind of weird, but it works for me. I feel queasy if I eat too much at once.