"I got the late night munchies..." How do I stop night cravi

I do great with my diet during the day but once 8:30 9:00 rolls around and Ive finally sat down on the couch to relax I get cravings. My late night binging is how i got fat in the first place. My evening routine of winding down at night and watching a few tv shows before bed turned into a period of mindless eating. So now when I watch tv at night its hard to sit there without a bags of Lays. I crave things like cookies and chips. What should I do to stop these cravings? Any suggestions?


  • jeanie✰
    jeanie✰ Posts: 127
    I have the saaaaame problem. I've been able to put up with it by eating a piece of fruit, then drinking lots and lots and lots of water! I get so full on water...where would I even fit chips?!
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    dont deprive yourself. Im the same way. If I get hungry I grab a handful of cereal like cheerios. It satisfies the crunch that I want but isn't packed with fat. =)
  • Lauren_Whitney
    Lauren_Whitney Posts: 26 Member
    You could snack on a lot of celery, cucumber, watermelon etc. (very minimal calories) and drink a lot of water or seltzer instead, that way you will make yourself full and not able to binge without getting nauseous from doing so. Putting a little bit of salt on the celery makes it better too.
  • ValerieSW
    Do something with your hands instead of putting them into a bag of chips. I make a lot of jewelery while I watch TV. It tends to take my mind off the food. In fact, I find on days when I am crafting I often forget to eat until I'm ravenously hungry.
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Don't bring junk into the house
    Change your bedtime routine, maybe relax in a different way to initiate a new mindset that won't make you want to eat junk food like you did before.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    gum? a cup of hot tea? chai's awesome; has lots of spices that will help stop cravings. lemon ginger would work well, too, i'd think.
  • CWood323
    CWood323 Posts: 20
    I brush my teeth, and save a couple cups of my daily water intake for night time. Yeah you gotta go a few times before you hit the sack but water fills me up pretty good.
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    I do my workout at night for this very reason! I do 20 - 30 min of cardio during the day and then my P90X aftr the kids go to bed. I am just not hungry afterward, Its great! Im a late night snacker for sure!
  • rhiannonlotton
    rhiannonlotton Posts: 9 Member
    Greek Yogurt! It's packed with protien so your belly will feel full - and you've only put in about 125 calories.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    Brush your teeth after dinner.... good way to combat the need for something with flavor.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I always hoard a few calories for the late night munchies, usually cereal and skim milk. Normally Cheerios, but if I have a sweet tooth it's Special K Red Berries. I have lost 48 lbs so far so guess it's working!!!
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    I tell myself ok, you can have (whatever snack that I probably shoudlnt have) after your workout..it gets me pumped for the workout and by the time its overwith I dont even want it andymore!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Do something with your hands....Im always on a laptop when I watch tv.....or getting up and do some jumpining jacks or sit ups or squats when you feel the "urge"
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I brush my teeth, and save a couple cups of my daily water intake for night time. Yeah you gotta go a few times before you hit the sack but water fills me up pretty good.

    Why are you "saving" water? You should have it any time all the time! The more the better!
  • LillysGranny
    Make sure your getting enough calories, protein, fiber, water during the day. Alternately, you could plan for an evening snack and save the calories necessary to cover it. If you're determined you don't want to eat at night, you might have to try doing something besides watching tv for a while -- maybe read a book or magazine in a different room -- to break the habit. Good luck!
  • AmyJo54915
    AmyJo54915 Posts: 103
    If you really feel you need to go for the chips, I suggest Special K cracker chips. They come in sea salt and sour cream and onion. :wink:
  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    A couple people have said it already, but brushing my teeth after dinner usually helps me with last night cravings.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    Carbonated water with a tiny splash of juice helps me. Also, reg water, an apple, diet soda(if the cravings ate really bad), dill pickles (for salt cravings), and hot tea.
    I stay out of the kitchen and go to my room when cravings hit or its too hard. :p
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I save up my calories for night haha probably not the best idea... but so far it has worked!
    Also I find if I have my laptop while I'm watching tv I don't eat.
    Ohh and keep yummy things like blueberries and cherries in the house for when you can't stop muching. Ohhh or if your a chips and salsa freak like me, eat hot salsa on melba toat. YUM! Lots of sodium but better than a bunch of fat and calories.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    If you don't keep junk in the house in the first place you won't be able to make a grab for it. If your home is only stocked with healthy foods, you'll have no choice but to much on something healthy when you search your pantry for something to feed the cravings.