

  • Awesome job!! I am soooooo proud of you!!!! We have come such a long way since week 1. I still have two weeks to go before officially completing c25k (due mainly to motivation issues early on!) but I feel privileged to have been on this journey with you. Many congrats on your first 5K, Mel! Here's hoping we have laid the…
  • Well said! I went this week from having the best run of my life to a horrible one yesterday where it was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other. In the past, I would have quit but I made myself go the 30 minutes as much as my head was swearing at my body the entire time. Torn between feeling extremely proud…
  • Am on cloud 9 ... Just ran two miles during my 22 minute run today! Feel like it's finally clicking for me. Felt good and my best pace ever. Huge accomplishment for the girl who couldn't run to the end of her street without wanting to vomit two months ago!!
  • Just checked in after a long hiatus from the board to see how everyone is doing. Sounds like we have some real runners on our hands -- congrats, everyone!! I was embarrassed that I slacked for couple weeks early on, but I was determined not to quit. So I regrouped, and I am proud to report that I just ran my last week with…
  • Great job, everyone!!
  • Am horrified to report that I took a week off -- some family issue to deal with last week, BUT I am proud to report that I have not quit. W3D2 completed today. Felt great, and my best pace. Am hoping to move on to Week 4 by Thursday . . . am trying not to be too hard on myself. Yes, I could have risen to the occasion and…
  • Good job everyone! Hope you feel better soon, Tracy!!
  • Week 3, Day 1, DONE! Again, I so didn't want to do it, but feel great now. Truth be told, I didn't love the three minute intervals, but I could do them. I am somewhat discouraged by the fact that my mileage dropped by about 1/3 of a mile today . . . partly due to the fact that my "run" was 28 min rather than 30-31, and…
  • Way to go!! That must feel great!! I was tempted to start week 3 today, but took the two day rest, and will stick to my regular Sunday-Tuesday-Thursday schedule. Part of me wishes I had forged ahead, and part of me was happy to have a lazy Saturday!!
  • Way to go, Melissa! I was just thinking last night that I tried this program several years ago, and I can't remember if I quit in the middle of week 2 or week 3 . . . I think it was 2!! I am so determined not to let that happen again, and you girls are keeping me going. Hope today goes well for everyone else as well!!
  • Good job everyone, and way to go for getting back out there Acria!! Maree -- week 5! You're an inspiration!
  • Acria - I agree -- don't give up!! Something made you join this group so even if you keep doing week 1 for a while (heck, forever!!), please keep going!! I have quit every workout plan and resolution that I have ever made, and I so want to do this for myself, my child, and my health this time around. We can do this, girl!!
  • Week 2 complete! Best distance, best pace! It's funny bc I don't want to do it, I don't particularly enjoy doing it, esp the first couple of jogging sessions, but I feel so great and energized when I'm done. Just walking doesn't give me that same lift ... I need to add the jogging. Am so grateful to have you all for…
  • Good job everyone! And poor Tracy ... Hope you are feeling better!!
  • Well, I remembered to take a change of clothes and my running shoes with me this morning, but forgot two things ... Gloves (cold!!) and more importantly, to charge my darn phone!! It died with 13 minutes left. On the upside, W2D2 felt great and I think I was on track to go my best distance so far. I finished by guessing…
  • Great job, everyone!! Need to remember a change of clothes and shoes tomorrow so I can do W2D2 over my lunch break!!
  • Aw, Kim, that makes me feel so good! Am having a trying day so thinking that I made any difference in your motivation today truly lifts my spirit! Oh, and awesome job -- week 2, we are well on our way!!
  • Congrats to everyone on finishing week 1!! I may be biased, but I think we rock!!!
  • I found the following list of FAQs that I found helpful as far as scheduling days, what to do if we miss days, etc, etc. It also gives some modification ideas for anyone struggling with week 1 running intervals.
  • Way to go, girl!! Starting is the hardest part!!
  • Way to go, pologirl! I am so glad we have this board to support each other! Y'all are great!!
  • Thanks, Tracy! Although I think babies could crawl faster than I was going, lol! But I'm waddling on!!! (And Acria -- just saw now!!)
  • Proud to report that week 1 is DONE!! I SO didn't want to do it today, but knowing that I planned to post my progress here, good or bad, got me going. I keep scouring the Internet for inspiration quotes and today's is "There's no shame in being slow, there's just shame in QUITTING!!" So with that in mind, I headed out with…
  • I would definitely listen to your body. Maybe the day of rest in between will be enough or maybe it will be better to pull back for a bit. My right shin ached a tad last night, which I want to keep an eye on as I have no intention of getting shin splints! I think it's better for us to go slow and repeat weeks then overdo…
  • Way to go! I just keep repeating to myself, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch!!"
  • I am doing T/Thur/Sat, to the extent possible, but will look forward to hearing everyone else's progress on my rest days!! Today was a rest day for me, and I decided to take it easy by just walking along the park during lunch . . . really enjoyed getting outdoors and taking in some fresh air. Since I typically would stay…
  • You can do it, girl!! Listen to your body and continue to walk more if you need to. Last time doing this, I quit during week 3 (for no good reason). This time, I am determined to keep going, repeating weeks as much as necessary! Heck, even if we kept repeating week 1, it's more than we've been doing, right?!
  • Good for you!! It takes SO much strength and determination to persevere like that. :-)
  • I took two days off after W1D1 and was terrified that I wouldn't get back out there so I went out over my lunch break along a beautiful park. Gorgeous weather post-snow, and it felt surprisingly great! May try to sneak Tuesday runs into my lunch hour since it's hard to get away with a child at home!
  • I'm Greta, age 42, and starting to feel my age for the first time. I have never been one for exercise and have been lucky enough to more or less maintain my weight through diet (would love to shed an extra ten pounds), but my sedentary lifestyle is starting to take its toll. I am tired, lethargic, easily out of breath!…