Roaringgael Member


  • Thanks timeyn, I really enjoyed your info. I am much better since coming to MFP - about 2 years ago. Its practicing what's good for me that has helped in the long run I feel better about food over all and this didn't happen overnight. However, where I am at right now, I don't over eat/binge eat at all. I do occasionally…
  • I used food to manage my feelings to stephaniavg88, I had a similar childhood experience to you, so I do understand. Your English is much much better than my Spanish (non-existent ha ha)
  • I thought this article had some interesting ideas. I am not supporting the actual programme at all just thought there was some food for thought.
  • Its important for me to get support from others who understand. I can't fix anyones problems but I can say, yes I've felt that way. Yes things can change. Its important not to under-estimate our hormones when considering the way we eat either. Most women struggle with self-image and looking back from where I am now at 56 I…
  • Felt the desire to over eat - I work night shift, when I got up from sleeping this afternoon. Instead I prepared a chicken sandwich and sat down and ate it and that was all. No more food necessary. Once again my original thinking was incorrect, I only needed a normal amount of food. Can't trust my own thinking sometimes!!!!
  • Thanks for posting!!!
  • Fantastic! Every day gives us confidence.
  • Change, permanent change is extremely difficult. I've spent a life time yo yo ing in body size. What i see looking back was. When younger I didn't need to lose weight at all, I just wanted to look thinner. Then I did gain and got heavy. Had a child, all through my late 30s and 40s felt bad about being heavy - lost and…
  • I like OA because it gives me that focus on my emotional needs. If "pulling myself" together had been an option I wouldn't have got to where I ended up. I have a friend who has the same story as loribethrice, her grandmother is over 90 and still obsessed with physical appearance. Sad to think she went all her life…
  • Hi guys, I've had a life long uncomfortable relationship with food. I am now 56 and can say that for the last 20 months I feel I have done some real changing. I have always used food to soothe my emotional state. I did choose the food really. I wanted to eat more than I wanted to be thin. In 2013 my health showed me I…
  • I too attend Overeaters Anonymous. Changing a lifetime of behaviour needs all the help we can get. I find counting my calories is okay for me - that is I am aware of what I am eating and am not lying about whats going in my mouth. I have maintained my new eating for 20 months now. I exercise regularly - this requires a…
  • Want you all to know that we are not alone, we all have similar stories. Our relationship with food is emotional. Its just like people who drink too much, take drugs too much or over exercise. I find its a struggle, I can't use food like that anymore, because it doesn't work. Changing isn't impossible but if you are like…
  • Hi lauralou66, I call in here now and then and then I forget. I am a compulsive over eater who is mainly in recovery these days. If you'd like to be MFP friends just send me a request.
  • You felt under stress and you turned to food to relieve that stress. Its learnt behaviour, I have been like that. You can change it requires learning to do something else or just feel those feelings, write them down. It isn't easy, but nothing in life is easy really.
  • I deliberately binged yesterday evening. I usually keep some cals for the evening. Yeterday was just a binge, not nibbling many cals too many. Anyway it wasn't worth it. To comment on above: New behaviours have to start with us saying no to old behaviours. It does get better. Practice.
  • Drink gallons of water. 1200 is pretty unsustainable. Eat lots of your allowed vegetables. Seriously vegetables have stuff all cals.
  • Arch supports are essential. Good shoes all the time whilst its painful. Pain management until it settles. Avoid distances without support. I have no idea whether you can run again for exercise. My plantar fascitis went away with the above and weightloss. Currently a couple of years since I had it. I swim. Its caused by…
  • My worst times are in the evening. I don't even realise I'm 'discontent' or stressed. I just start looking for food to eat. I resist as I'm watching what I eat but hey, the thoughts are still there!
  • Weight gain is a side effect of some drugs however, the food actually has to go in to your mouth and get eaten. You can exert some control over the process ie follow a eating plan that you like - me I count calories and the macros as well. I avoid processed food becasue they encourage fluid retention and sluggishness. Try…
  • You look fab!!!! Almost a different person!!!!!!
  • Make a new start. Make mistakes temporary. Soda - sugar is such empty calories. - Reflect on your goals. Negetive thinking is often a sign of poor self image ie underneath do we think we deserve success? - I have to check my mental state regularly, sometimes my own thinking justs wants me to give up and stop - that lazy…
  • I mostly weigh once a week. but 38kgs (85lbs) weight loss later I am more into if it doesn't look right - ie I feel that there should be some weight loss I will weigh myself a day or two later and it often then reflects the loss. Dehydration and constipation and poor food choices can influence the numbers. Trendy down is…
  • I find a period of not eating processed carbs is helpful. Clean eating I guess, for me its not just straight sugar but processed carbs - the combination of white flour products, cooking fats and sugar which set up a desire to over eat them. Staying away from them for awhile helps. I also find eating homemade fruit salad…
  • Sounds about right to me. I use a snorkel as well.
  • I was swimming 60 laps/3kms but was finding the time it was taking was interfering in my daily life (2 hours go to woe - to the pool, swimming,out of the pool home) and had started to avoid going. - Made up my mind to drop the number down to 40 laps and this is working well. It seems easy and quick in comparison. So the…
  • I count sets. If I swim 40 laps its 4 sets of ten cause its easy to remember up to ten. I look at the clock after each set and that reminds me how many sets I've done - ie you get to know how long a set takes roughly. I often forget my number if I am day dreaming a lot but often can recall by just thinking back over the…
  • I've eaten at 1200 cals, it can be done however I decided to eat more when I stopped losing - I ate more and started losing again. I am older and need less. If I was young I would eat at a higher cal level. I am MFP friends with a person who has lost 70kgs and has eaten above 1600 cals the whole time.
  • Comfort eating. I used to associate it with reward/ comfort. Habits are hard to break. There is a lot more information that only you have. The amount and type of food you eat. What has already been suggested. Use MFP and record everything you eat without trying to change it and see what it says. Self awareness is very…
  • It takes awhile to really show, almost like time delay. It will show. Measure yourself. Other people didn't really notice until I had lost over 40 lbs, but I have a lot to lose. It takes time to show. Put the photos side by side, it becomes more noticeable. I stood in a similar place in the same clothes or something…
  • What she says! Its empty junk food that is our biggest problem. They are of course made of highly refined carbs (sugars) and some useless trans fats. They don't really satisfy. If you remove take out/ take away and processed packaged foods from your diet and eat nutritionally this will work.