Difficulty Staying At 1200



  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    HereLieWe wrote: »

    - Please don't tell me that I don't need to be on the Atkins diet or drag on about CICO or moderation. I've heard enough about that and I don't need to hear it.

    Sssssooooo.... if you know the answer to your question (drop Atkins, eat ALL FOODS in moderation, since all you need is cico to lose weight at 0.5 lb/wk loss) why ask for help if ahead of time you're already denying the help? What would you like to hear? :huh: Keep doing what you're doing and keep suffering.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Drink gallons of water. 1200 is pretty unsustainable. Eat lots of your allowed vegetables. Seriously vegetables have stuff all cals.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    HereLieWe wrote: »
    I think you should drop Dr. Atkins.

    You don't need him at all.

    At. All.
    HereLieWe wrote: »
    I started the Atkins diet about 2 weeks ago and am having difficulty staying at 1200 calories on it. I'm down 4 pounds, but I find that I'm very hungry. I used to fill up on vegetables, but I can't on this diet. I am 5'2", 19 years old, and 137 lbs. Do you think I should raise my calorie limit?

    - Please don't tell me that I don't need to be on the Atkins diet or drag on about CICO or moderation. I've heard enough about that and I don't need to hear it.

    Then learn to enjoy being overweight. You've got your whole life ahead of you to get to like it, right?

    I appreciate your suggestion, but what makes you think I'll be overweight? Because I decided to try a low carb diet? I'm not so inept that I can't count calories, thank you.

    Because you're hungry, you're having difficulty, and you WILL binge ... while smiling smugly to yourself about how you don't want to hear anything about anything.

  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    HereLieWe - google ketosis and ketogenic diets. Look through the groups on here for keto groups, low carb group and the reddit keto group. There you will find people that grasp the concept of eating low carb. They will give you useful feedback about staying full on low carb. They will not criticize your diet choice and certainly won't suggest you'll be fat for life.
    It's ok to try something different than the normal low calorie, low fat eating. They're not you. They don't know what you've tried. Find some like-minded, supportive people in other groups.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I stay below 1200 calories a day and feel full almost all of the time. But breakfast consists of eight ounces of low-sodium V8 juice, lunch is frequently a rye bread and avocado (which is actually a fruit) sandwich, and dinner a salad with low-fat creamed spinach as a dressing. In between, I snack on pistachios, mandarin oranges, and carrots. Without veggies, I couldn't do it. Good luck to you.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    HereLieWe wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I know this is not what you want to hear, but why stay on a "diet" that does not let you eat vegetables? Do you plan on never eating them again in your life? Vegetables are actually really good for your health.
    I'm still eating some veggies on it, I just can't eat the pounds upon pounds of carrots, turnips, rhutabagas, etc. that I used to eat. I've been sticking with leafy greens.

    Eating more veggies like you used to would be my suggestion. If you're struggling with 1200 calories, eventually you will burn out and possibly fail anyway??
    I've tweaked many diets to suit me. You're not going to burn in hell by adding more filling veggies to your diet.
    Being miserable and hungry all the time is not something I'd be prepared to live with for the rest of my life
  • captivatedlife
    captivatedlife Posts: 60 Member
    I'm on Atkins right now. How much fat are you eating? I'm at 60% or so of fat and feel better at that rate. If you're just starting calorie restriction - and Atkins - give yourself a break. Also, check your TDEE. 1200 wasn't reasonable for me so I upped my calorie intake to 14-15 and am still losing weight at the same rate. Also, are you eating your 20'grams net carbs? You may find that you do better on the Atkins 40 plan than the 20.

    Honestly, I wouldn't recommend talking about it on the main groups. Check the groups section for helpful advice from low carb people.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day and totally happy. Feel free to look at my diary. I don't pay attention to how fast I'm losing. Or to daily cal counts. Only my last 7 days cals, and weight lost over time. Works for me. About 11 pounds in 8 weeks.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    One more thought- I used to do Atkins when I modeled, because it could lose weight quickly before a photoshoot. It wasn't sustainable or particularly healthy though. If you want to do Atkins that's great,but only do it if you think you can eat that way forever.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    edited March 2015
    Dr Atkins died. From heart attack. Brought on by congestive heart failure. And weighed like 260 lbs at death.

    Sign me up. :expressionless:
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Dr Atkins died. From heart attack. Brought on by congestive heart failure. And weighed like 260 lbs at death.

    Sign me up. :expressionless:

    yikes. I didn't know that :disappointed:

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    You're doing Atkins wrong then... the new version starts you at Keto-level, then brings you up. Eat your spinach and kale and cucumbers. The booklet even states that vegetables are going to be your main source of carbs, and it's not hard to get your fill of vegetables on low-carb diets.
  • kg319
    kg319 Posts: 2 Member
    Dr Atkins died. From heart attack. Brought on by congestive heart failure. And weighed like 260 lbs at death.

    Sign me up. :expressionless:

    This is not true. At age 72, he slipped on some ice, hit his head, and had bleeding around his brain. He died from the brain injury. He did have heart troubles during his life that were believed to have been caused by a virus, not his diet. But people like to spread rumors.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    kg319 wrote: »
    Dr Atkins died. From heart attack. Brought on by congestive heart failure. And weighed like 260 lbs at death.

    Sign me up. :expressionless:

    This is not true. At age 72, he slipped on some ice, hit his head, and had bleeding around his brain. He died from the brain injury. He did have heart troubles during his life that were believed to have been caused by a virus, not his diet. But people like to spread rumors.

    I see this now, and thanks for clearing that up.

    I still don't "believe" in Atkins (note I've been on many a fad diet in my history; I dont think I ever truly did Atkins, although I have, and will on occasion have one of their frozen meals or snack bars).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Why are you doing Atkins, as opposed to just a deficit? Sounds like you have your goal set too aggressively.
  • polkadont
    polkadont Posts: 12 Member
    Maybe try counting your calories weekly instead of daily. This way, if you go over your limit of 1200 on a couple days you can make up for it on other days.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If you are losing 2 lbs per week, you don't need to be at 1200. I'm 5'3, 125, and can lose on 1700.

    One thing you might not realize (MFP could be clearer) is that the calorie estimate you get does NOT take into account your exercise, but assumes you don't do any. As a result, if you exercise you should either ask for a lower weekly loss rate (like .5, and 1400 is a lot easier than 1200, IME, if that's what you get) or increase your activity rate (in fact, if you walk a reasonable amount you are probably lightly active, not sedentary) or use a different method like TDEE-20%. OR, do what MFP actually intends, which is to add back in some of your exercise calories. Under any of these you would still lose and not be expected to eat 1200, which is probably unnecessary.

    As for Atkins, as others have said it's only the first stage that's super low carb. Why not skip past that stage or just do some other version of low carb if you want to try it. I believe it's common to count net carbs too, which allows most non starchy vegetables in larger amounts.

    I don't have an interest in low carbing myself, so am no expert, but would recommend that you search for and check out the low carb groups here, where you can get advice from people experienced in doing it.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited March 2015
    What is your activity level like? Have you checked out the TDEE method of losing weight? If not, it might be worth it, cause you are young and should probably be eating more food.

    http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ (figure out your TDEE and take a 15% deficit). This would be how much you eat every single day. You would not "count" exercise calories as they are part of your TDEE.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    are you active? then eat some of those exercise calories back!

    Yep yep! The 1400 calories you got from 0.5 lbs per week is without exercise if you're doing the MFP method. When you add exercise, you get to eat more

    So your choices are: log your exercises and eat at least some of those calories back to get more food

    Do the TDEE method to try to find a number greater than 1400 calories to eat everyday, another poster has given some links

    You could also consider bigger meals and less eating frequency or vice versa. One of those options might work better for you as far as satiety over the course of the days

    If you do a search for past posts, there will be some where people are asking those with 1200 cal targets to share their open diaries. Those could give you some ideas, too

    I haven't plugged in the numbers to see where 138 is on the bmi scale for someone your height. Could you share why you want to lose weight? There may be some other options
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    edited March 2015