Dawntodusk Member


  • I did this ^^ too when at Disney World - 1/2 time. I was there 3 days, ate a lot, but walked so much that I didn't gain an ounce.
  • I usually don't force myself. The main reason is that most of the time I want to work out. I like working out. I think this is because I choose exercises that I truly enjoy. If I didn't, I might have to force myself. So, on days I don't feel like working out, I take a break knowing that I will feel it again very soon. My…
  • Losing weight in our society is like going to a loud concert and trying to meditate. You can do it, but it requires a lot of self-discipline. Someone might say, "Just ignore the music and concentrate. It's your own responsibility; take ownership of it!" But, seriously, it would be a lot easier to do it in a quiet forest…
  • Specialty tea stores and/or Asian stores (at least Japanese ones) sell empty tea bags. You fill up the bag with your loose leaf tea. They are a great way to make tea.
  • Apparently HRM's are not accurate. It's a myth that it is good to rely on them. The best indicator of effort is your own body. How do you feel when you run? Do you feel your heart pumping hard? Are you pushing yourself to a new level? Same with walking. Trust your body. Generally, you should be getting more out of running…
  • It could be either. See how you feel next time.
  • I drink both. But don't add sugar to your green tea. PLEASE!
  • Everyone should have this on their refrigerator. Thanks for sharing.
  • That's a tough one. I ate a lot of chips this time even though I hadn't touched them in months. I usually allow myself to indulge since I know it is temporary, but at the same time I make sure I eat my healthy food first, and I eat more protein in the morning and for lunch. That helps me crave less. Also, I keep moving -…
  • I think the confusion stems from your wording: "...help me wean him off sugar". Wean is used by mothers to get their kids to stop using bottles/breast. If you use it in the context of your bf, it sounds like you are trying to control what he eats. I think if you just started off by saying, "I cook for my boyfriend, and am…
  • I think that exercise may be the key. Keep moving. Not only will it keep you healthy, it'll help with anxiety and stress. Also it will give you some extra calories to use to nosh on for comfort. Get a pedometer and move as much as you can .... Like in hospital corridors or around the block or before or after eating. Best…
  • I am not a vegetarian, but I think it is better to be one if you can. And, I think that in the future there will be more vegetarians and vegans. It's a cleaner, greener lifestyle for the body, mind and planet.
  • Um... If my husband was going out after I went to bed I think I'd have a similar reaction. I think you might need to work on assuring her of your fidelity and devotion.
  • Maybe she is suspicious of your motives... Like you're going to or are already cheating on her.
  • Beans are cheap and healthy. Buy then dry and cook them in big batches.
  • My very thin teen daughter and her friends often say this. My reaction is, "I'll show you fat." And we laugh. But seriously it just goes to show how super models have made life difficult for everyone. Not sure why this would bother you. I don't think they mean anything by it except their own distorted perception.
  • I expected it to be difficult but I literally could walk afterwards. The drains look bad but only hurt when they take them out which takes 5 seconds. I was in bed 3 days but mostly due to nausea not pain. I had gall bladder surgery 10 yrs ago and that was horribly painful for weeks. And my c section was also much worse.…
  • I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. Recovery was a breeze. I went out dancing 3 weeks after my surgery. I love the results. I will probably get my back/butt done to match my front. I know many people who have done it and they all love it. In fact I did it after a friend encouraged me because I, too, was having doubts.
  • Many people get offended when you make any sort of reference to weight. Maybe they are afraid of offending you.
  • I had hit a plateau and not lost anything for 4 weeks. I have a thyroid condition that (currently) is lowering my metabolism (it fluctuates). A couple of weeks ago I started the leptin diet, and I finally broke through the plateau. Basically it's only eating 3 times a day and waiting 5-6 hrs between meals. The idea is that…
  • I'm 50 and hardly have any - about the same amount as my 25 years old daughter. The solution? Work your triceps. Do it regularly and religiously for the rest of your life! I've been doing it since I was 35, and have never had them.
  • duplicate erased
  • My weight started creeping up 4 years ago (I'm 50) but I found out I have a thyroid condition. So, I would suggest that you get that checked before you assume it's menopause. I was having hot flashes and muscle aches, too, but they have all disappeared due to the thyroid medication that I am taking, and I am now able to…
  • If you really knew me you would know that I am you and you are me and that these dark things are not any of us. We make them into our identity but our true self is love and our infinite ability to transcend these darknesses. So I won't post about my losses, abuses and difficulties because that's not me and it's not who I…
  • I allow myself to cheat whenever I want. Interestingly I never want to. I like my diet and am satisfied. On a recent vacation I had a bite or two of desserts but it really didn't do much for me. Maybe if I didn't allow myself to do this I would want to more. Reverse psychology on myself?
  • Everyone is different. I feel better without wheat altho sourdough is fine. But I can't eat a lot or it slows down my weight loss. But rice is fine. Experiment with it and see if it affects you. The important thing is to know your body and what works for you.
  • That's a good one. I'm going to use that line. :-)
  • Well, I don't know what's going on in his head. But, I can add this: When I asked him why, he said because he would worry about me if I were too thin. I think this is because in his culture being thin means being sick. As for men liking curves: My husband fell in love with me when I was several pounds lighter than I am…
  • Unless you're cooking yourself, you might have been underestimating calories. Restaurants add a lot of fat which adds up to calories really quickly. But, like others have said, what's done is done. Focus on the future. Hope you are enjoying your vacation!