

  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. Recovery was a breeze. I went out dancing 3 weeks after my surgery. I love the results. I will probably get my back/butt done to match my front. I know many people who have done it and they all love it. In fact I did it after a friend encouraged me because I, too, was having doubts.

    I would check youtube vidoes....I wouldn't call it a beeze, all I can think about is the drains....*cringe*

    I expected it to be difficult but I literally could walk afterwards. The drains look bad but only hurt when they take them out which takes 5 seconds. I was in bed 3 days but mostly due to nausea not pain. I had gall bladder surgery 10 yrs ago and that was horribly painful for weeks. And my c section was also much worse. But a tummy tuck is just skin...all superficial and yes it was a breeze for me! :)
  • bethmiller3377
    bethmiller3377 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow. My first post!

    I'm going to have lots of "extra" skin as well once I get to my goal(ish) weight. I'm a BIG cat... at 6'2" and highest weight was 425 lbs, but have lost 86 lbs over the last 4 months. I know the damage is done to my skin and it will never be the same (no matter what some people claim). All those stretch marks are your body tearing to make extra skin, and unfortunately the body isn't going to just absorb them back... It's a one way street!

    I guess the point of my post is to say it's a personal decision and that individual has to weigh the risks involved. Money... who cares... you make it to spend it and can't take it with you.

    I have already decided against the surgery for myself. I'm losing for my kids and wife to make sure I'm around when they need me. A little extra skin never killed anyone, but an extra 200 lbs has. Death is a worst case scenario from the surgery. No matter how remote the chances are its still there. Will I be able to walk around the yard with my shirt off... no, but I will be able to walk my daughter down the aisle in 15+ yrs. Hell, if my wife loved me (and by default my body ;-)) at 425, a raisin waist on a 215 lbs frame I'm sure she will be more than happy with.. And she's the only one I have to impress!!!

    WOW! I really like this...You have def. given me alot to think about when you mention your children. The worst case is what scares me the most....:-( Thank you for being so honest!
  • bethmiller3377
    bethmiller3377 Posts: 27 Member
    Y'all are AWESOME! All of you! :-) Thank you SO much to each and every one of y'all for your PICS, your advice, your thoughts...I loved it....
    I think the waiting a year or so is wise...I'm not 100% sure I'll do it, but only because of one reason....I'm kind of in a "hurry" and the reason why is this... (without getting to personal)
    I am having to have another surgery done, for medical reasons. (did i already mention this? lol Sorry if I'm repeating myself)
    Anyway...the dr. told me that when that surgery is done, it would be easier to do the Tummy Tuck during that time, and it would cut down (not cover dang it) on the that's why i'm "rushing"... It's because this other surgery DOES have to be done I was hoping to get them both done together and get it over with, etc.
    Y'all have def. made me think though...especially about the kids, cause I do have 3 little boys...
    I have to say though, I HATE THIS stomach.
    It makes me MISERABLE. It's not just a vanity thing. For me, it pulls on my back, etc....and it's also just annoying. LOL
    I'm an aerobics instructor now and when I try to teach and do pushups, etc, there it is...Just a swinging in the breeze...LOL
    BUT, I appreciate ALL the comments and am SOOO loving MyFitnessPal for having folks that give really good advice. :-)
    I'll meet with the Dr. monday and go from there, I guess...
    Thanks everyone!!!!!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :happy: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    I'm going to say a few things:

    First- I have had a friend that went through with the tummy tuck and while she said it was incredibly painful, she's happy with the results.

    Second- Skin elasticity is genetic.. I know people that have had 3+ children and no signs of it at ALL... and others that have had 1 and struggle to lose the weight and tighten up the loose skin.

    Third- I agree that you should maintain your weight loss for a while before going through with the surgery, in that time I would suggest yoga and hot yoga as methods to help firm up your body and skin.

    Lastly- Do what feels right to you... talk to a doctor that is not biased (if you talk to the plastic surgeon they will definitely tell you to do it... talk to someone else). If you think it will improve your self esteem and body image, go for it, but realize the very real risks, and the pain involved in the procedure.

    Congrats on losing all that weight and keep us updated!!
  • Wow. My first post!

    I'm going to have lots of "extra" skin as well once I get to my goal(ish) weight. I'm a BIG cat... at 6'2" and highest weight was 425 lbs, but have lost 86 lbs over the last 4 months. I know the damage is done to my skin and it will never be the same (no matter what some people claim). All those stretch marks are your body tearing to make extra skin, and unfortunately the body isn't going to just absorb them back... It's a one way street!

    I guess the point of my post is to say it's a personal decision and that individual has to weigh the risks involved. Money... who cares... you make it to spend it and can't take it with you.

    I have already decided against the surgery for myself. I'm losing for my kids and wife to make sure I'm around when they need me. A little extra skin never killed anyone, but an extra 200 lbs has. Death is a worst case scenario from the surgery. No matter how remote the chances are its still there. Will I be able to walk around the yard with my shirt off... no, but I will be able to walk my daughter down the aisle in 15+ yrs. Hell, if my wife loved me (and by default my body ;-)) at 425, a raisin waist on a 215 lbs frame I'm sure she will be more than happy with.. And she's the only one I have to impress!!!

    WOW! Excellent post and great attitude! And congrats on your weightloss :)
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. Recovery was a breeze. I went out dancing 3 weeks after my surgery. I love the results. I will probably get my back/butt done to match my front. I know many people who have done it and they all love it. In fact I did it after a friend encouraged me because I, too, was having doubts.

    i had a tummy tuck a year ago and like you said it was a breeze!!! lol i had 2 c-sections and those were paintful not the tumy tuck Aand i loved my results i guess every body its different and i will do it again if i had too !! (thats the good thing about havind a cousin thats a plastic
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I whole heartedly believe that you do need to decide if the pain, cost, and risk are worth it to you. For some it won't be. I saw my mom go through the surgery and yes it was extremely painful. I have seen her scars and nursed her through it and for me I would go through two times to get rid of what I have left.

    I am about to post a pic because as they say they are worth a thousand words I don't know how long my nerves will let me keep it up there...


    It makes me so angry when people say that given time the skin will repair itself. For some people there is no way that nature can repair the damage that is done. Yes I did do the damage to myself (with a little help from my three munchkins :o) ) I have maintained an 80+ lb weight loss for almost 5 years now. It has been almost 3 yrs since my last baby was born. I have had some some improvement over the years but what is left is going to be what I am left with and it is only going to get worse as I reach my ultimate goal. I won't gain back what I lost and even if I did my stomach will never stick out as far as it did with my pregnancies. That wrinkly raisin like appearance isn't something that any amount of strength training is going to fix. I will do all the work and get as far as I can with nature on my side with proper eating and exercise but there is an amount that is going to be left that nature just won't be able to help me resolve...

    Thank you for posting!! I might as well be looking at my own stomach!

    I AM having a tummy tuck done in December. The surgery is already scheduled for Dec. 12th. To me it is going to be completely worth the money. It bothers me that some people may say, just love your skin, don't waste your money, it will shrink back, etc. and try to make you feel like you are a bad person for wanting a tummy tuck in the first place. I don't think that anyone on this site in particular looks at a tummy tuck as a quick fix or a way to lose weight. We have worked our butts off to lose weight and there is NOTHING wrong with us for wanting surgery to fix what cannot be fixed with diet and exercise. It is wrong of others to make us feel like we are bad people for wanting surgery or that we are wasting our money or being selfish. Comments like "Just enjoy how you look in clothes" are not helpful to those of us that have negative feelings associated with the loose skin. Sure, I look really good in clothes now. I get compliments nearly every day, but all the compliments in the world about how nice I look in clothing cannot change how I feel about what is underneath. I have such negative feelings about my skin that I have not even let my husband see me without a shirt since I was pregnant with my son (he just turned 3!). Would my husband love me any less because of my loose, saggy But I cannot stand the look of it and it makes me so self conscious that I have NO desire to have someone that I am so intimate with see it or touch it. Having the surgery in December will give me the confidence that I have been missing for so long. I am looking forward to it and no one will make me feel bad for wanting/doing it. (Ok, i'm stepping of my soap box now.)

    Feel free to friend me if you want a supportive, pro-tummy tuck friend. :bigsmile:
  • Hi--
    I had a tummy tuck. Best decision! After 4 large babies my abs were 4" apart... he sewed them together, fixed the holes in the abdominal sheath... and yes, recovery was hard, but well worth it. This was in 2006 and I love my tummy and feel good about the surgery.
    Yes, it was expensive but our insurance covered a portion of it as I was having complications from the separation of muscles.

    Be prepared. (?) has alot of great info. Have a recovery plan and know in advance it will be hard. However, I would do it again in a heartbeat! If you send a private message I can post a very appropriate picture of how the scar looks after 5 years....
  • MTtobeHOT
    MTtobeHOT Posts: 7 Member
    I haven't had a need for the surgrery, but I am a nurse and took care of patients who had the surgery so have
    been able to follow their progress. I saw patients with good outcomes, and some with complications too.
    Its not something to be taken lightly, as it is a major surgery, and with all surgeries, there are risks.
    Do your homework and research the surgeons in your area very well. Get recommendations if possible.
    The more experienced the surgeon, the better. There are ways of checking their track records so you feel secure
    with your doctor.
    Prepare yourself for a recovery that takes some time. You'll need to have some patience for good healing.
    Follow all post operative instructions completely. :grumble:
    Patients who didn't follow the treatment plan have more complications than those who do, and those were the ones
    I ended up taking care of the most.
    Many people will tell you that it is well worth the time, effort and pain. Its strictly a personal decision.
    Its a surgery that is not usually covered by insurance, but its worth persuing with your doctor. Sometimes underlying issues
    may get you some partial payment, so its always worth exploring, especially if the extra skin has caused rashes or other skin
    problems that have required treatment and visits to a doctor.
    Hopes this helps in your decision-making process. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    I understand the desire to get rid of the skin. I have 4 kids and after my last pregnancy ( twins ) there was so mch skin! I hate the idea of surgery, but the skin bothers me a lot. If I get the nerve up (and the money!!) I could see myself getting serious about a tummy tuck!
  • AutumnisBSB
    AutumnisBSB Posts: 131 Member

    Thank you for posting!! I might as well be looking at my own stomach!

    I AM having a tummy tuck done in December. The surgery is already scheduled for Dec. 12th. To me it is going to be completely worth the money. It bothers me that some people may say, just love your skin, don't waste your money, it will shrink back, etc. and try to make you feel like you are a bad person for wanting a tummy tuck in the first place. I don't think that anyone on this site in particular looks at a tummy tuck as a quick fix or a way to lose weight. We have worked our butts off to lose weight and there is NOTHING wrong with us for wanting surgery to fix what cannot be fixed with diet and exercise. It is wrong of others to make us feel like we are bad people for wanting surgery or that we are wasting our money or being selfish. Comments like "Just enjoy how you look in clothes" are not helpful to those of us that have negative feelings associated with the loose skin. Sure, I look really good in clothes now. I get compliments nearly every day, but all the compliments in the world about how nice I look in clothing cannot change how I feel about what is underneath. I have such negative feelings about my skin that I have not even let my husband see me without a shirt since I was pregnant with my son (he just turned 3!). Would my husband love me any less because of my loose, saggy But I cannot stand the look of it and it makes me so self conscious that I have NO desire to have someone that I am so intimate with see it or touch it. Having the surgery in December will give me the confidence that I have been missing for so long. I am looking forward to it and no one will make me feel bad for wanting/doing it. (Ok, i'm stepping of my soap box now.)

    Feel free to friend me if you want a supportive, pro-tummy tuck friend. :bigsmile:

    TOTALLY AGREE! If I am not mistaken the OP didn't ask for advice if she should or shouldn't do it. I have noticed a lot of posters like to give unwanted advice but not answer the actual question. Until someone walks in your shoes and has your feelings then they do not know what is best for you. Good luck with your surgery!!
  • I am 55 years old and have carried almost 80 extra pounds since having my children 30 - 35 years ago!!! I have lost 46 pounds and have managed to begin toning my skin thru S W I M M I N G at least 3 to 4 times a week for an hour each session...!!! When I began back in early March, I couldn't swim or stay afloat without a waist float from Swimmer's outlet...but I kept on...and am so happy I did.. I have been able to work up to 30 min of water aerobics and an hour of straight out swimming (free-style, back stroke, breast stroke etc).... It is working wonders and only cost me less than $200. for a year of unlimited swimming at our local Holiday Inn... I would suggest giving this a try as it seems to work all my body equally... I still have a ways to go...but I KNOW it will be worth it...cuz it seems my skin is beginning to 'remember' and go back (be it slowly...but surely) to where it should be... Just my two cents worth... Blessings and Good Luck in whatever decision you arrive at....
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